Magic Spirit Seed Company Mexican Melon, Bodhi Black Triangle and Lucky Dog Chem Fuego

Yup will work just be ready sooner by a couple three days just watch it close bud densities vary.
Don’t want you to end up with sawdust .

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think he means the aphid’s actual feces left on the leaves :yum:
I’d definitely wanna wash them… I had a buddy with thrips that he didn’t wash aaaand after lookin at the buds through the scope… lets just say no way in hell would I smoke or cook with that…

The temp should be fine if you can maintain the humidity, shouldn’t rot at all. Just have airflow and humidity in check :+1:


Sorry to see those bugs in your space, keep your head up.
Positive vibes… can’t wait to see your next selections!!
Grace and Peace, Bro


Any pics of that thrip aftermath?

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Sadly/Not sadly, no. Would’ve burnt those with fire too :joy:


Oh, Jesus Christ. Feces?!? Is that what that is? We were looking at everything a second ago and trying to figure out what it all is. There’s definitely two different types of bugs on the plants. Or maybe larvae and adults? And there were, like, little black spots that we were like,”What the fuck is that?” And then we saw one of them move haha. So I don’t know. The plants are just riddled with pests, though. Gawd, what a nightmare. I don’t know how I missed this!

But feces? No. I don’t do that. I don’t even fuck girls in the ass, unless they ask me to. And even then, I’m like,”Did you give yourself an enema before you came over?”

I guess it’s a rite of passage, though, yeah? Every grower’s had to deal with this at some point. I think? I really have just been cruising along for the last six years, like,”Lah-di-dah…” I’m just trying to get motivated to go get the necessary things to wash them (a shit-ton of baking soda and lemon juice, I guess, right?) and some big plastic trash cans and maybe a ton of distilled water, too. I don’t think I wanna use hose water. And then I have to trim everything, dunk it, dry it, hang it… God, what a pain in the ass…

Today really has not turned out how I planned at all hahaha!!! Thought I was just gonna put some seeds in some soil and maybe chop and hang a couple plants… Fuck.


As in you can wash any aphid shit off with water.


:rofl: Not even gonna quote that :rofl::rofl::+1:

Yeah I hear ya bro :tired_face: Think we all been there in some way shape or form at least once.

Sending clean-room vibes your way! hope you get it taken care of without too much crazy hassle ^^


Yeah, man, sorry, I totally misunderstood. Obviously haha.


this made me laugh!

Well on a brighter note, when you do throw those soar in the ground. I’ll sprout some the same time and we can see a larger number on the go. I decided not to do two HP crosses at the same time.


Yeah, I’ve gone from the whole “denial/grief” stage thing to the,”Let’s make jokes about feces and fucking women in the ass…” stage.

I was actually just saying to my girl that this might turn out to be a great thing, with the washing and all. Since we moved into the new house, I’ve had to run way more humidifiers than I used to. And I’ve noticed that the flowers have been smoking a little dirtier than they did in the old house. I used to get joints that had pure white ash; the last couple years, the ash has been kinda dark grey/black. The only thing that’s changed has been the five humidifiers running all the time. I’m certain it’s mineral buildup from the humidifiers. So we’ll see how these washed buds smoke. I’m gonna trim everything today and then do the wash tomorrow morning, just because if I do it all today, shit won’t get washed and hung until later tonight. I wanna be awake and very present for the first twelve hours or so after washing the plants. No mold. No mold, ever.

I’m also thinking I’ll document it all, right here, take photos of plants being dipped in water, getting hung etc, just in case anybody who comes across this thread is ever curious about washing their plants. Let’s make this a positive thing, ya know?

All is not lost haha. I hope…


Nice, best way to look at it. Plus end of harvest and you don’t have to reinvent the wheel just borrow some outside technique. I always am a bit too much of a pessimist during a disaster, usually my wife reminding me to not be too negative. Maybe you could be really industrious and turn the aphid dung into a new cannabis super fertilizer 1000$ a gram haha I can see the marketing bullshit now.

Documenting it would be good. I suspect if you’re careful it shouldn’t diminish it too much. They have to get the birdshit off great outdoor somehow.

Only thing I think of is to not use really cold water as the cold makes the resin glands harder and more brittle. So room temp maybe best.


Those are aphids, their exoskeletons, and the shiny stuff on the leaves is their shit. It is sweet like others have said and it will attract other bugs like bees, ants and whatnot. My only concern is I hope they are not Phorodon Cannabis aphids. You can rinse the plant while it is still alive and get a lot of shit (pun intended) washed off.


Yeah, I’m gonna buy a ton of distilled water tomorrow morning and just fill up the three buckets with that. They’ll be coming off the grocery store shelves, shouldn’t be too cold.

So can I haha. There’s always some marketing bullshit…

Dude, yes. I’ve been noticing the last week or so that fan leaves that’re waaaayyyyy too far from the buds have been getting kinda “greasy”-looking. I was like,”Wow, I guess these Black Triangles are just that resinous,” even though I KNEW it wasn’t possible. I’m not sure exactly when it was, but a week or two ago, I started getting a bad feeling about this grow (despite my enthusiastic updates). I just kept thinking,”Something’s not right here…” Now I know what it was.

Why? What are those? I really don’t want to look at any more pictures of aphids or any type of cannabis pest, really. Been doing that for hours and I feel sick haha. Are those some kind of unbeatable aphid or something? Everything’s getting chopped and washed tomorrow, tent’s gonna get scrubbed, the room’s gonna get swept and mopped… I’m even throwing out all of my fans and just getting rid of anything that was in the tent, really. New timer, all that shit. That should take care of it, right?


from here it looks like phorodon to me aside from the fact that they seem to be unusually high in populations on the upper side of the leaves

@PlantShepherd have you had experiences with other species of aphids on cannabis? I know identifying is a little tough given the number of species, but i was under the impression that the phorodon are species specific; unaware if there are other generalist species that cross over to cannabis from other plants.


I’m going to preface this with, I haven’t had my coffee yet. Aphids often have a preferred host (they can still cross over to other crops, but one is prefered over the other). Ie. Aphis gosypii are also know as cotton/melon aphids because cotton and melons are their preferred hosts. As you can guess Phorodon Cannabis aka the cannabis aphid prefers a cannabis host. They are born pregnant and can have something staggering like 56 generations a year. One characterstic of the cannabis aphid is they like to stack up and down the stems. They are not unbeatable, but they are very difficult. If you clean your room thoroughly and are not keeping any plant material from the last round, I think you should be totally fine. Growing in large greenhouses made it much more difficult.

@LunarMOG Yes, I have dealt with Aphis Gosypii and Phorodon Cannabis. As you said, there are thousands of types of aphids and they are very difficult to identify. I was lucky enough to access to a good usb scope and an entomologist. This is a winged cannabis aphid:

This is the abdomen of a cannabis aphid. The red dots are the eyes of the unborn.


I had a mite problem on and off for a while. Damn goji og always got them.

Just wash them when you chop, half will fall off and the other half will all crawl to the top of your hanging plant… trying to life off the little life that’s left in the stem from you chopped. Some people spray to kill them here, I used up vacuum them up to not get anything on the hanging/drying plant.

As far as the wash, sounds crazy but it works and I still do it cause I grow in a basement. Friends always say I have the best tasting weed around. I’m not a great grower so I know the wash has helped.

Good luck. :+1:t2:


I should say I just do a two bucket when I’m lazy. Tap water, straight out the mop sink.

1 bucket with cold water and lemon juice. Other with just plain water. Water isn’t cold enough to hurt trichs… think of how people need to use ice to make hash. Cold water doesn’t hurt them at all… or very very minimal.

Document away! And I’m curious to see if you notice a difference in the final bud and smoke.


awful little creatures, thanks for the info. Huge populations of ladybugs attracted by other flower species planted throughout the plants and frequent lacewing releases have been my greatest successes in controlling populations during flowering. In vegetative state is a bit easier to use various ipm to kill their populations (dilute isopropyl, suffoilx, neem/karanja, spinosad, bassiana beauvaria, etc), but i find like you say, once they start colonizing on the stems they rapidly multiply, thusly having the predators in high numbers going into and throughout flowering has really been my saving grace. Also since minitiger is about to harvest, i suggested raising temperatures in the room to get them to migrate down the stem and then just squish em by the dozens. Vacuuming them off is actually something that hadnt occurred to me and seems like a good practical and clean method.


Sucks to read this. Those flowers still look gorgeous. I myself just sprayed last night after not spraying anything last round.

Ive used soaps, Pyrethrin, spinosad and BT all at the end of flower. It’s up to you what your willing to smoke. like you said I’ve ingested some worse shit. Ive also never bud washed my outdoor stuff.