Magic Spirit Seed Company Mexican Melon, Bodhi Black Triangle and Lucky Dog Chem Fuego

Dude, the devil in bug form. I think you’re right on imo. I don’t order ladybugs, but they seem to show up when aphid populations get high. Lacewings are awesome predators and I have had good success with them spreading from one greenhouse to the other. Other great predators are the parasitoids - aphidius colemani and aphidius ervi. They can be a little pricey, but I have seen them mummify a lot of aphids and keep the populations in check during the flowering cycle.

In veg, I have used suffoil-x and it worked ok, but I would have to spray so often to keep up with the rapid reproduction that I ended up with phytotoxicity issues before they were eradicated. Neem oil didn’t seem to do much to them in my experience, but pyrethrin will absolutely devastate them. My caveat here is pyrethrin sticks around in tissue for a while, so I wouldn’t spray it in flower.

This is a parasitoid wasp:

Lacewing egg:

Lacewing larvae



I resemble that remark! Have a great day.




i really loved the look and all of the lacewings and their life cycle, crazy eggs laid at the end of a fiber, little voracious alligators, gossamer wings and all that, until one of the larger larvae ive seen bit my arm and left an itchy welt for weeks… it actually hurt when it bit me so i slapped whatever it was and then was devastated to have smooshed one of my little friends who had drastically misidentified my arm somehow


Are you suggesting just trashing everything? I… I’m not sure I can do that haha. I mean, the plants are, for the most part, done. They’d be getting chopped today anyway, with the exception of the two Mexican Melons. I’m gonna wash all the plants before hanging, shouldn’t that be enough to save them? And then bleaching the fuck out of the tent, the room, everything. Throwing away everything that was in the tent (fans, timer etc).

I mean, I’m usually of the mindset of just,”Kill it. Kill it all.” But I’ve been pretty down the past year or so; I’m afraid just trashing this entire grow would send me over the edge hahaha!!!


Sorry, no. I mean if you are going to keep living plants that have cannabis aphids (after harvest), I would suggest a more thorough protocol. I would be very careful where you dispose of your leaves, where you dry your buds, etc. Not saying what you have are cannabis aphids, but if they are they should not be underestimated.


Okay, yeah. Once these plants are chopped, there won’t be any living cannabis plants in the house. And we don’t even have any living houseplants inside, only fake ones, specifically to avoid any kind of pest issues. And then I just figure, you know, I won’t start another grow until October or maybe even November. Which sucks, because I was supposed to plant those Bandaid Haze beans and the Soars and Skycuddlers yesterday. But I don’t wanna risk anything.

So chop, scrub, don’t grow anything for a while, should be all good, yeah? I just looked in the tent, I noticed that there’s shiny shit (which I guess is actually, literally shit; fucking gross) on pretty much every plant. There was a bunch on one of the Melons, that wasn’t even there yesterday. Gawddamn, man, this is such a bummer….


Not my monkey fan! Surely it can be disinfected. Really??



Really, @oleskool830? Really? That’s what you’re concerned about? The fucking fans??? Haha… I was planning on throwing them out anyway. One of them doesn’t even oscillate anymore. And the other just sounds all janky, you can tell it’s gonna break down any day now.


I agree with @oleskool830 I don’t think there is any reason to throw away equipment. The shit is gross. It will clean easy enough though. I think you would be ok to start your seeds too. Just clean everything real well, and make sure you do regular scouting in the veg cycle on the next grow. At the first sign of aphids, whip out some pyrethren and problem solved. It’ll be alright, get your stuff cleaned and yell if I can help with anything. :v:


It’s the only one out of 3 that still oscillates! You think I need to take my hps hoods and cool tubes out and toss them or sanitize them? A rub down with 97% alcohol should be sufficient. Don’t throw the bulb out with the bath water! Vac and bleach tent interior and Bomb the shit out of the shed!





Excellent! I might steal that from you bro! It’s all love.




Oh, dude, no. I’m not throwing out my lights haha. There’s like $3500-worth of LED’s in there. No, I’m definitely not throwing those out. Shit, sorry I was unclear. I just meant all the little cheap bullshit. Those garbage China-made tower fans that crap-out every other grow and stuff. Those have gotta go regardless; I really had already made up my mind that I was gonna replace most of the easily-replaceable shit, even before the aphids disaster. I just wanted to start fresh with the fans and stuff next grow. The lights, though, are absolutely NOT getting thrown out haha. I fucking love my lights.

I may not even replace the timer. That thing is a beast. When I first started growing, I went through like three real quick, within a year or so, maybe less. But the one I have now has been with me for five years or so, at least. Can’t get rid of her…

Yeah, maybe. I don’t wanna chance it, though. I mean, it’s not like there’s some reason that I HAVE to start the next grow ASAP, other than I just love growing and wanna check out the beans I was planning on putting in the dirt yesterday (and every other seed in the fridge, too). It’s fine. I think me and my girl are gonna go on a road trip sometime in the next few weeks. We haven’t been able to take a vacation in a long-ass time, just because I’m always like,”But the grow…” Maybe this is just a sign, like,”Dude, go get a cabin in Big Sur for a week…” or something. I honestly think I could really use a little road trip. Been feeling pretty fucked-up and outta my head lately.

Anyway, yeah, it’s fine. I’m gonna trash what I think I need to trash (definitely NOT my lights, though, @oleskool830 haha), get these bitches trimmed and washed (been doing that for the last few hours; it sucks haha), hung, trimmed again once they’re dried and then get them into jars and we’ll be outta here for a little bit. Road trip to Big Sur, then maybe back down to Palm Springs or something. And when we get back, those Bandaid Hazes are getting put right-the-fuck in the dirt. Can’t wait to get those going.


Man Big Sur sounds great! What do you plan to replace those tower fans with?




i agree with @PlantShepherd… i dream of the day when i could have a week or a month with literally zero plants to deal with… but that wont be anytime soon. Once all the plants are out, for real, bake the room… i would do it anyways before dealing with aphids just to kill and mold/mildew spores… and since it works great, even with living soil and cover crops, i just bake the room between rounds to like 120 or more for half the day. Was amazing in the middle of winter, id go smoke a joint and take a nap in the “sauna”… Have even invited friends over for “Sauna day”.


Every monkey fan I’ve purchased has crapped out inside of a year. The oscillating one was the worst. I was lucky enough to be watering my plants when I smelled melting plastic…I was probably just a short time away from a fire in the tent.

The non-oscillating fan just stopped working one day–just wouldn’t turn on anymore.


Whoa man. That scared the shit out of me just hearing about it. I don’t know if the tower fans are any better. None of them last a year. I spend too much money. I haven’t found a decent fan for inside the tent. Still looking. Removing monkey fan today!





I use these and they have been holding up well.


I dunno what a monkey fan is, but yeah, I go through fans all the time. I have to replace them at least once a year. Part of it is because I have the tower fans right in front of the tent and then the humidifiers behind them. You can see all kinds of mineral buildup from the humidifiers on them after about six months. Replacing the fans is just a thing I know I’m gonna have to deal with once a year (at least).


I’ve tried a couple different brands of those clip-on fans before, but they just slide down the tent poles. I haven’t tried “Vornado” yet, though. Maybe I’ll check them out.