Magic Spirit Seed Company Mexican Melon, Bodhi Black Triangle and Lucky Dog Chem Fuego

Okay, so here’s the Mexican Melon #2 smoke report.

In case anybody’s forgotten, the Melon #2 was the plant that grew really randomly, with branches kind of growing out all over the place. This one:

I chopped her on day 64 or maybe day 63, when I chopped everything else, but she should’ve flowered for another two weeks, at least. Maybe even three more weeks. Having said that, she turned out really, really good. I’m super-impressed and actually a little,“Damn, how much better would she be if she finished properly…?” haha.

Anyway. Looks:

I could see the “Regular Joe” dickheads looking at this weed and being like,“Uh, yeah, do you have any Zkittles?” but anybody who knows anything about cannabis would probably look at it and be like,“Okay, yes, I’m very interested in blazing that nug…” haha. It looks like some serious Sativa shit, for sure. Not as crystal-y as usual, but again, I think raising the temps in the grow room and then washing it might’ve had something to do with that. Plus, it was chopped way too early, so there’s that.

Smell: Fucking UNREAL. Straight-up spicy/wintergreen/peppermint/spearmint. I’ve grown some weed that has a little “wintergreen” or “spearmint” thing going on, but nothing like this. I’ve sniffed around here and there for hints of anything else, but there isn’t. The Mexican Melon #1 has some “earthy/peat moss” shit going on (I’ll post that review later), but the Melon #2 is just full-on peppery, minty, unique, one-of-a-kind sorta smell. Very good and interesting.

I’ve mentioned this to a few people in DM’s, but if you’ve never read this before, you should:
DJ Short’s description of the Mexican strains in that article, specifically the Guerrero and Michoacan, reeaalllyyyy reminds me of the Melon #2.

Flavor: same as the smell. And it really lingers. After smoking it, I feel like I just brushed my teeth haha. It’s just a peppermint/wintergreen/spearmint/“fresh breath” sorta thing that I still taste hours and hours after blazing it. Again, unique.

Effect: Just what I was hoping for, really. I smoked this for the first time on Friday afternoon, after not having smoked any weed at all for a couple weeks. But I’ve smoked it multiple times after that and the effects have been the same. Very giggly, very happy, very positive. Verrryyyyy stony. Very smile-y. I hate it when reviews of strains say,“Relaxing, but not sleepy,” but that’s exactly how the Mexican Melon #2 smokes. So far, I’ve hit joints of it three, four and five times. Seems like the more you smoke, the higher you get. When I hit the joint only three times, it actually made me a little sleepy and I ended up taking a nap. But when I hit the j four and five times, I was up up up. But it wasn’t racy. I hit a j four times and then ate a turkey sandwich the first time I smoked it. Usually after I eat a turkey sandwich, I crash-the-fuck-out an hour later, but I was wide awake this time. And laughing my ass off the whole time.

Having said that, it’s not “racy” or “speedy” or whatever. It’s spacy, a little bit, I’ve definitely zoned the fuck out and gotten in my head some while my girl and I are watching tv or whatever, but it’s not… I dunno. I wouldn’t call it “introspective,” either. Its just good-ass weed. Kind of exactly what I was hoping for with this cross, actually. Makes me feel like I’m in eighth grade again, smoking weed for the first time. Almost.

It’s also an extremely long-lasting high. I rolled a j of this one for my friend Natalie just a couple days after I got the #2 in jars, about a month ago. I didn’t partake myself, but she smoked it, we hung out for a few hours and then she went home. Texted me later and was like,“Man, I’m still pretty high,” like six hours after she smoked. I was a little skeptical, especially because the only time she blazes is when she comes over to our house. But yeah, she was right, the high definitely lingers. It’s a good, solid two hour stone, followed by another two hour slooowwwwwww comedown. I still feel this weed four or five hours after blazing. Not baked the whole time, of course, but I feel it for a long time. Again, very impressive for a plant that was chopped way early.

Overall: 10+++. Or AAA+++. Whatever. This is goddamn good weed. I’m SUPER-fucking impressed with it. Looking forward to growing it again. I kinda wish I had planted some more seeds of it for the current run, just so I had a bunch for next summer. That’s what kind of weed it is. Good-time weed, for sure. I don’t think anybody could have a bad experience blazing this one. Very nice job, @Doc.D.


That Mex Melon sounds like great Summer smoke for sure, BBQ in the park type weed.

Reminds me of the original SSH cut I ran about 15 years ago. I was selling at the time and half the customer loved it but the idica loving gamers weren’t impressed, they don’t like being motivated haha.

I like the big window, natural lighting is key… can’t stand dark homes. Also the huge sink, I do all the dishes at mine in a kid sized sink and it’s drives me nuts… I’ve got big hands haha




Sounds dope! Despite your struggles with the aphids and hermie on this run, this one one stood out and rose above. The flavors and smells definitely sound unique, and the high even better. Looking forward to exploring Mexican Death Sativa to see what’s there, to see if I can find any similarities. Thanks for your detailed report, keep 'em coming!


I just had a feeling that was gonna be a heavy hitting cross. I’ve smoked some excellent Mexican weed in my days. Love it!



Sucks you had the issue, and glad you found a course of action. Impressed with the outcome…

I grew out an HSO Chemdawg a few years back, into June which is later than i used to run before adding AC etc. It was a huge plant, filled a 4x4 tent. One day i noticed webbing and grabbed a scope… spider mites. I grabbed a large trash bag and bagged it… then tossed into firepit and lit it. Pissed off for days… bleach and water, turn the heaters up for 2 weeks into July. Cleaned again when i started back up in Sept. I;m anal these days when inspecting plants…

I was looking forward to your impressions of the Chem Fuego.

Also a fan of that fucking kitchen… very nice!


Yeah, it’s really good weed for sure. Glad I have like two-and-a-half packs left. I’m not one to keep mothers around, but this might be a strain to make an exception for. Maybe do a larger run in a couple grows and find a real keeper. Both the #1 and #2 are “keepers” in my book.

Yeah, I’ve been considering giving some of this to my “Indica fan” friends and seeing what they thought of it. I wouldn’t say that the Melon #2 is “motivating,” though. It’s a pretty laid-back high. Like I said, relaxing but not sleepy. Makes me wanna just chill outside and talk and laugh and stuff.

Yeah, both sides of our house are like that, with the windows at the top. The kitchen window faces East, so we get great lighting in the morning. I love our house. I just hate where it is haha, deep in the SFV. Wish it was a little closer to LA proper. But if it was, it woulda cost like three times as much haha.


Did you end up getting some seeds of that? I got some f2’s of the MDS from lambchoppedd, is that where you got yours from? I say grow them ASAP. I’d say the Melon #2 was probably extremely MDS-leaning, whereas the #1 (I’ll post that review soon) was probably pretty Dragon Energy-influenced, as far as structure and yields were concerned. The #1 was the one that snapped and I lost like 4/5 of her, but she still yielded more than any of the other plants. I woulda loved to have seen what she did as a whole, complete plant haha.

I’ll review those soon. I actually haven’t even smoked any yet. Just been stuck on the two Mexican Melons. But yeah, I’m eager to try the Fuegos, too. The jars smell reallllyyyyyy fucking good.


Yup, I traded some bodhi beans for his f2s. I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts on the more DE influenced one. I’ve of got a pack Doc’s Goji OG Raz cut x Dragon Energy that I may pop soon as well, but hear the DE male is pretty good. Maybe the structure from the DE male helped your #1 Melon along after she split… funny that sometimes the most stressed plants can yield crazy or get super frosty, like they get beat down and then overcome and turn out better than they may have been otherwise… weird.


I’m thinking the DE male maybe increases yields significantly. I can’t say for certain, as the Mexican Melon is the only DE cross I’ve grown. But the two Melon plants were so different from one another that I have to believe that the #1 was a Dragon Energy-leaner. Just huge buds. I mean, shit, the plant fucking split in half at day 28 haha. Or more than half, really. And she STILL yielded more than anything else. Very impressive.

I planted four of Doc’s Colombian Gold x Dragon Energy a few days ago, we’ll see how those turn out.

I was actually thinking about that when I was washing the flowers. Because they’re just stinky and were very stinky the last few weeks. Almost like the aphid stress sent them into overdrive or something. “Produce, produce, produce! Before we all get eaten by aphids!” haha. Or something…


My theory on this is in the wild a female plant is going to get pollinated and their life cycle is all about protecting the seed so when they get stressed, under watered, hit by pests, wind etc… they produce more resin to resist the pressure, stack more yield and even increase terpenes to smell more and so the seed pods have a ‘coat of armour’ and can mature there for reproduce. I’ve personally seen this especially with under watering in flower, makes sense to me anyway.

‘Treat em’ mean, keep em’ keen’ was how I used to get girls in high school and it worked haha, it’s even easier if you’re naturally an asshole :joy:

Sounds nice, I like that type of high. The Super Silver was like coffee, if you hit it in the evening you’d be lying in bed wide awake till like 3am. Perfect day time herb, I was living in Norway at the time it was perfect for snowboarding. Closest thing to a pure sativa I’ve ever had.


that’s awesome, i really really like wintergreen flavor weed


Yeah, I think that theory has been proven, actually. I could be wrong, but I feel like I’ve read some shit about stressed plants responding in positive ways. It makes sense, like you said. I mean, I’m not gonna make a habit out of getting aphids or underwatering my plants or anything, but the flowers are definitely stinky. It doesn’t seem like the quality suffered, anyway. The only thing is the yields really sucked. I dunno if that had anything to do with the aphids or not, but it probably did. I got realllyyyy shitty yields this round. Only two jars for most of the plants.

No problems there haha!

Yeah, that’s the thing with the Mexican Melons: they’re relaxing, but they’re not sleepy. I definitely would NOT smoke any before bed. I’m certain I’d be up for hours.


Chiming in a little late on this one, but I also don’t buy rooting hormones for cloning. I put a little bit of organic honey on the cut portion of the plant to help it heal, then right into the rooting cubes/dirt it goes. Since raw honey contains the same rooting hormone as the gel that’s sold in tiny $20 packets, a tablespoon of honey should be enough for probably a whole tray of clones, and only costs about 10 cents if you buy in bulk like I do. I also usually have around a 90% success rate, as long as the temperature and humidity are where they need to be.

I haven’t done the research to confirm or deny, but a friend swears that letting the plants get stressed increases their resin production. He’s in the process of getting a biochem degree, so I tend to believe him on that kind of thing unless proven otherwise. I also don’t typically stress my plants as much as he advocates, he likes to get them near the brink of death before watering once it gets to late flower. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m too nervous about knowing where, in fact, the brink of death is so I usually only let them go a few days past where I think they need help.


IDK if honey contains appreciable amounts of IBA or NAA. It might work well for sealing the cut, but $7 Bontone rooting powder works fine and lasts forever. I didn’t used to use it, but it definitely shaves a few days off rooting, plants look better when they start growing.


Well, I haven’t done the chemical analysis myself or sophisticated tests; and reading up a bit, I may have been mistaken and you may be right that it doesn’t contain the actual rooting hormones either, simply stimulates the plants to produce more themselves? I can’t find much on the actual process. Either way, it can be as effective as the actual rooting hormones, depending on the specific plants and environment: Honey as an alternative rooting stimulant for cuttings


Aloe works great. You don’t even have to dip the cutting in it. Just plug your cuttings and mist aloe water on top.


I guess the takeaway is there’s a million ways to make it work, because plants want to stay alive. I don’t have aloe on hand, I do have honey, and I’ve had similar or better results with honey compared to rooting gel so that’s what I’m sticking with… YMMV. :slight_smile:


Yeah, I don’t ever take clones or keep mothers around or anything, so I’m not really worried about it haha. The Mexican Melon is definitely a candidate for starting that practice, though. I typically like variety way too much to be keeping any one cross around more than one grow, but I really like the Melon. It’s for sure a sorta “anytime” kinda weed.


I mean, again, it makes sense. But I’d also posit that happy, healthy plants produce just as well, if not better. That also makes sense to me. Although we’re not the same, I tend to think of my plants in human terms. What do humans like? Consistency. I know I get really annoyed when it’s like 75 degrees one day, 105 degrees the next. When I don’t drink enough water every day, I feel dehydrated and irritable. If I don’t eat healthy, I feel like shit. I’d rather keep my plants happy than intentionally stress them.

Anyway… Wha’d you do, @Cormoran? Were you like,”Who’s this dick calling me out on my investment practices?” and search my posts or something? Haha!