Magic Spirit Seed Company Mexican Melon, Bodhi Black Triangle and Lucky Dog Chem Fuego

Unfortunately, happy, healthy humans don’t produce as well as unhappy, unhealthy ones… happy, healthy humans stop trying until they’re shocked out of their complacency, at which point they start trying like hell to solve whatever problems are getting in the way of their happiness. Which leads me to your second paragraph…

My investment practices give me plenty of free time that I can use to sit around browsing forums and just generally chatting. :slight_smile: Your thread just came up with some recent posts this morning as I was browsing the growroom diaries, and figured I’d stop in. I’ve probably been to 17 other growroom threads this morning, though, nothing personal… I did at least remember your name from yesterday, short-term memory isn’t that bad. :stuck_out_tongue:

As far as the global macro/political rants, shit happens. The world sucks sometimes, people get frustrated with it and need to vent. I was doing as much venting as you were yesterday, so don’t worry at all that I’m offended. I don’t like that I support a corrupt system by investing the way I do, but people are people, and we’ve had a corrupt system of some sort in place for the last… uh, forever? So yeah, that’s life, if I fight it effectively enough to cause any harm I’ll get crushed like a bug and if not I’ll get ignored like one. May as well get paid instead. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m gonna have to disagree with you there, dude. Just using myself as an example, I drink. A lot. When I’m drinking, I usually eat like shit, too. And I don’t get anything done. I don’t work out, I never take care of shit that needs taking care of. Even for this past grow, when I got the aphids, I didn’t scrub the grow room down or do anything that needed to be done until I sobered up. Part of that was intentional; I wanted to give the aphids a plant-free environment for a while so that they’d die. But I can say for certain that very little would’ve gotten done either way had I been drinking and feeling shitty. And when I’m not drinking and I’m eating healthy and shit, I work out, I take care of the shit that needs taking care of etc etc etc.

I mean, seriously, you’re gonna say that unhealthy people (or plants) produce more than healthy ones? Look at how fat or scrawny unhealthy people are. Look at the harvest from this grow, specifically. Probably my worst harvest ever. Only two jars for most of the plants. The Mexican Melons produced like two-and-three-quarters jars, but that’s because those buds were slightly “airy.”


I don’t take anything personally haha. We’re all adults here. I think. We’re just talking. That’s a good thing.

I wasn’t worried about that haha.


Right… when you’re happy (drinking and eating whatever junk food you want) your motivation goes way down, you end up unhealthy and things start falling apart and that makes you unhappy. At that point you start working to fix things, sober up, eat right, and fix up your grow room. Eventually you get happy and complacent again once everything’s working, and you start the cycle over again. You start producing after having experienced enough stressors to motivate you. Likewise, the plants produce well after having experienced enough stressors to motivate them to protect themselves from those stressors - one of those protection methods, apparently, is resin production. That’s the theory anyway, like I said I’ve been told this by a buddy who’s getting his degree in biochem. Take this with the usual grain of salt - it is, after all, just something you read on the internet from some dude who said he has a friend who knows. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you read back, you’ll note I said that he swears it’ll “increase resin production.” As far as bud quantity, that’s another story. He’s not advocating keeping the plants stressed all the time, either; he just tells me not to worry about letting them get near drying out, or nutrients running low for a few days, before taking care of them. When I said “the brink of death” it was perhaps an exaggeration. :stuck_out_tongue:


I mean, speak for yourself, dude. For sure, I go through cycles. But those cycles can sometimes be spread out for years.

As far as the plants are concerned, I understand the idea of intentionally stressing your plants, but I wouldn’t advocate doing that. I mean, just from experience, when my plants are happy and not going through any sort of environmental stressors, that’s when they’ve produced the best. Since I never grow anything more than once, I can’t say for certain how much genetics had anything to do with that. Some crosses just produce better than others, both in terms of quality and quantity. But if my choices are,”Fuck with your plants and stress them out,” or,”Keep everything perfect,” I’m gonna choose,”Keep everything perfect.”

Right, I got that. Again, though, when conditions are ideal or close to ideal, I’d say that both yields and “resin production” tend to increase.

For sure. I don’t worry about my plants too much. Cannabis is plenty hardy. I don’t do “nutrients,” so I never worry about those. And I water every-other-day, for the most part, but I’ll skip a day here and there. Never worry about it.


If I do anything else it resembles work too much. I do mix nutes though. I used to loose sleep if I missed a feeding.





I agree with you. I’ve never seen a fucked up plant outdo a happy plant.

Excess stress always negatively impacts yield. If the flowers have 2% more resin but there’s 50% less of them what is the better method? Those plants growing in the Afghanistan desert aren’t gonna outdo what I can do in my basement and that’s a very stressful environment.

DWC hydro plants will outperform whatever stress method, any day.

My drinking habit does not encourage me to do better, either lol. It’s a massive net negative haha.


Exactly! Thank you. If I have to roll an extra quarter-gram in my joints, I’m fine with that. But I usually don’t even have to do that… Seems like the weed turns out pretty good every time, regardless. And if that’s the case, then I’ll take the “No stress/great yields” option.

Pssshhhh…. I know. But I really like drinking, most of the time… I really like drinking and smoking weed and getting lit. And fucking around on OG and playing video games and cooking food and cranking music. I’m like a little kid. A 46-year-old little kid haha. It’s kind of sad haha! At the same time, I’m like,”Yes. That’s right. Fuck you. I’m living the life that all of you assholes wish you were living…” haha!


That’s my instinct too, and that’s exactly what I told him. :stuck_out_tongue: I was probably trying to micromanage though; I’m still fairly new to gardening, so I don’t know just how much or how little attention they need.

I usually top up the nutrients with a compost tea every 2-4 weeks, depending on how worn the soil mix is and just how fast they’re growing. Otherwise, I just give them a gallon of water once or twice a week. That might change once I finish the new grow room, depending on just how much more they want with upgraded lights, better insulation and higher CO2 levels.


Uugghhhh. That drives me nuts. Compost teas are NOT “nutrient teas.” You only need to add a compost tea once, maybe twice max. AACT’s aren’t nutrients. You’re just introducing life into the soil.

They don’t need much. Especially if you’re starting with good genetics. I’m sure you’re familiar with the whole LITFA-style of growing. That’s a thing and probably the best way to grow. If you’re growing organically, anyway. If you’re in coco or growing hydroponically or whatever, where you gotta worry about “feeding” your plants all the time, I can’t give you any advice. But if you’re just growing in soil, organically, with everything your plants need already in your soil mix, water regularly, don’t worry about shit, and your plants will turn out fine.


Maybe it’s not technically a compost tea then? I guess the one I use through most of veg definitely isn’t, it’s a product called Alaskan fish fertilizer that’s 5-1-1 NPK and has some micronutrients as well; after putting them into flower, I have Earth Juice: Grow 8-6-3; and for flower I use Earth Juice: Bloom 2-14-2. There’s mycorrhizae in both the Earth Juice blends, I think, but otherwise it’s pretty much for nutrients.

I haven’t had much in the way of good genetics until now, so maybe it’ll turn out that I’m overdoing it. On previous grows I found that the plants definitely seemed to do better when fed every now and then, with the occasional soil test to make sure they weren’t being overfed.


Read this if you’re interested in compost teas:


So what that seems to be saying is that the compost tea aspect isn’t working in the first place, since I’m not using a powerful enough bubbler; so I’m just adding organic soil amendments with lightly-oxygenated water every now and then. If I get a better bubbler, it might actually be compost tea… and at that point, I’ll be able to stop feeding them? Interesting. I’ve got a bunch of new equipment on my list already, but I’ll have to do more research on this. I just fed the plants this morning, so I’ve got a while to go before the next time; and by then, I might have already realized I have two males. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, apparently the amount of dissolved oxygen matters. My compost tea brewer is LOUD. I’ve got some of those little aquarium bubbler things, too, that I use if I’m just making a neem and kelp tea (I do that maybe once a grow; sometimes I don’t do it at all), but for actual compost teas, I use, like, a 60 GPM aerator thing. Lemme see if I can find it…

Here’s the pump: High-Capacity Air Pump for Efficient Compost Tea Brewing – BuildASoil

I guess it’s an 1110 GPH pump, not a 60 GPM one. And then I use this thing:

Except that specific one is fucking huge. For a fifty gallon bucket or whatever. Mine’s smaller (and cost a lot less; 600 bucks? That’s crazy), but it’s the same thing. You could easily build one for cheaper than they’re asking at BAS. It’s just some pvc, the pump and a tube thing. Four gallons of water, 1.5 cups of EWC/compost and 1/3 cup of molasses, brewed for between 24 and 36 hours, depending on what stage of life the plants are in. I’ll usually do one 36 hour tea in veg and then a 24-30 hour tea when I transplant into their final containers. Does it work? I dunno haha.

Well, it depends. What are you growing in? If you’re growing in coco or rockwool or something, no, you’re gonna have to keep feeding the plants. But if you’re growing in a well-balanced sorta “all-around” soil mix like Coot’s or something, then yeah, you don’t need to “feed” your plants. Or not really, anyway. The compost tea is really just introducing life into the soil; that life (mycorrhizae) attaches itself to the plants’ roots and makes the nutrients in the soil more available to your plant. Basically. I mean, I think haha…


The organisms break down organic materials and trade the plant carbon for everything it needs to live, using a signalling system based on RNA. Symbiosis!


Alright, here’s the smoke report for the Chem Fuego #4.

Looks: Well, it doesn’t appear that washing the Chem Fuegos did anything at all. There’s still a ton of (I’m assuming) dead aphids all over the buds. Check it out:

I dunno if you can see all of those little white specks all over that nug, but they’re there. I blew a few of the pics up (I dunno how to do that on OG) and they definitely look like dead aphids. Again, I’m assuming they’re dead, just because, from everything I’ve read, they need a living plant to survive. Plus, these flowers have been sealed up in jars for like seven weeks or so, can’t believe they’d still be alive. Either way, it’s fucking gross. Guess I’ll just be smoking dead aphids for a while.

Taste: The #4’s been kind of weird, flavor-wise. It’s one of the only strains I can think of offhand that actually tastes better and smokes smoother when blazed through a bong. When I do bong rips, I don’t cough. And it tastes kind of “sweet” and “soft.” Almost marshmallow-y. I mentioned this on the Lucky Dog thread, but it really tastes a lot like the very first “kind bud” I ever smoked, back in 1990, when I was a freshman in high school.

When I blaze it in a joint, though, it really doesn’t taste like much at all. And it’s slightly harsh, too, makes me cough etc etc. I wonder how much the whole “washing the buds” thing had to do with that. I haven’t noticed any of the other stuff smoking like that, so I’m assuming it’s just this one plant. I dunno. I was hoping and expecting it to have a little Sour Diesel/Headband/Chem flavor going on, since those are the genetics haha. Again, probably the washing had something to do with the lack of those kinda flavors.

Effect: I reeeeaallllyyyyy love this one. It’s super-giggly, kind of spacy, very creative. I smoked a joint with my friend Natalie and my girl last Sunday and we really were laughing our asses off for a couple hours. I mean, we always laugh a lot, but the Fuego #4 was definitely enhancing shit. My girl mentioned some scam that she fell for when she was a little kid, some “poetry contest” in the back of a magazine. And my friend asked her, like,“What magazine was it? Cosmo? Glamour? YM?,” and kept progressively rattling off magazines geared towards younger and younger girls. Finally, I just said,“Highlights for Kids, I think that was the magazine,” and then went off on a tangent about, like, scam artists putting ads in Highlights for Kids, all in an effort to rip six-year-olds off. Like,“Congratulations! We really loved your poem ‘Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue’ and we’ll be publishing your poem in our next edition. Please send us twenty dollars to receive your copy!” It was definitely one of those sorta “you had to be there” things, but it was funny as shit at the time.

Also, like I said, it’s spacy. Or maybe “forgetful” is a better word for it. That same day, I found myself going into the kitchen multiple times and forgetting what it was I went in there for. I had to stand there for like four or five seconds, staring at the counter, before I was like,“Oh yeah, that’s right!” Also started to order a pizza until I remembered that I had been marinating a pork tenderloin for hours in the fridge, had already started cooking rice and shit… Having said that, it really does get the mind going in creative and funny ways. Been smoking it a lot in the afternoon and noticing that it also kind of just makes everything seem better, not as big of a deal etc. It’s good weed.

Overall: I’d like to grow this one again, sans aphids haha. I still have like a pack-and-a-half, so I’ll get around to that eventually. Having said that, I’m fairly certain it was one of the Chem Fuegos that hermed. They’re the most-seeded nugs, anyway. So I dunno about that. I’m gonna check the tent and everything for light leaks, but I really don’t think it was my fault, especially since I had the lights on during the day for this grow.

Still, it’s good weed for sure.

Edit: I forgot to mention, the #4 does have that sorta “Chem rush” come-up that every Chem and Chem hybrid I’ve ever smoked has. The rush isn’t quite as intense as a lot of other Chems I’ve smoked, but it’s there. It also only lasts about fifteen minutes before I can settle in and really enjoy the high. Fifteen minutes isn’t bad; most Chems and hybrids I’ve smoked, the rush usually lasts about thirty minutes.


And here’s the Mexican Melon #1 report:


Smell: Honestly, this one smells EXACTLY like the #2. Spearmint/peppermint, maybe a little more earthy, although I really think that could just be me, trying to find any sorta difference between this and the #2. It really is almost exactly the same, though.

Taste: Again, exactly the same as the #2. Just like how it smells, too. Spearminty/pepperminty. Feels like I just brushed my teeth and I still taste this one (and the #2) for hours after blazing.

Efect: Sorry, man, but again, the effects are very similar to the #2. Very laid-back, very positive, relaxing-but-not-sleepy, happy. Very good weed. I love it.

Overall: I think that this is one of those cases where the male in this cross really is one of those ones that breeders always claim they have, but never actually do, when they say,“This male really lets the female shine, while upping yields and improving structure.” That seems to be what happened with the Mexican Melons, anyway. The only real difference I can find between this one and the #2 is the flower structure and the overall yields. The #1’s flowers are definitely chunkier, although not very dense. They’re waaaayyyyy fatter than the #2’s flowers, though. If the #1 hadn’t snapped on day 28, her yields would’ve been spectacular. As it is, she still yielded more than any other plant grown this round. And just as a reminder, here she is the day before she snapped:

And here she is on day 40, about two weeks after she snapped:

Look how much was lost after she snapped. Again, the yields on this plant would’ve been fucking MASSIVE.

Anyway, yeah, I really love both of the Mexican Melons. They really did turn out just exactly how I was hoping, super-glad I still have a lot of these seeds. I don’t ever take clones or keep mothers or anything, but I may have to do a larger run and try to find one or two of these to keep around for the foreseeable (and unforeseeable) future. I bet it’d be a difficult process trying to whittle them down and settle on just one or two plants.


Those things are the exoskeletons of the bug stuck to trichomes. I would definitely process those buds into something without the skeletons. Although… it is on a halloween theme!


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. There’s not enough to get more than probably two grams of hash, if that. Doesn’t seem worth the effort. Maybe I’ll press it…


holly shit it’s covered in bead bugs for real, i didn’t know it was that bad, nice reports man

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Oh yeah, it was that bad. Not sure what I’m gonna do with that Chem Fuego, haven’t smoked any since I took that pic haha. Probably end up pressing it, I guess.

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