Magic Spirit Seed Company Mexican Melon, Bodhi Black Triangle and Lucky Dog Chem Fuego

Rosin would be a good option. Do you press it through a filter?

I would want to run it through a filter or micron mesh like bubble bags to mechanically filter out the bug corpses.

That is officially the most frightening sentence I have ever heard.

I once had a conversation with a friend who was on acid about “worst case scenario sentences.” basically, if you ever heard that sentence in real life, you would know you’re fucked.

His was “They’re in the trees” because he thought he couldn’t defend against a surprise attack from above.

My worst case scenario sentence is now “The red dots are the eyes of the unborn”

Because I feel like you would only hear that in some kind of Alien / stranger things creature life cycle horror movie scenario.


@minitiger would you say you would recommend chem fuego to others? i was thinking of crossing it to a fire og bx but that’s only 1 of my 2 ideas.


I usually don’t, but I have some. I was definitely planning on using them when/if I press the Fuego. I may not even press it, though, haven’t decided yet. Might just smoke the flowers, exoskeletons and all haha…

That’s some funny shit. Definitely sounds like some freak alien/mutant Devil baby scenario.


Yeah, I’d for sure recommend the Fuegos. Love the way it smokes. The flavors didn’t turn out the way I was hoping, but I suspect that the washing and the weird drying process had something to do with that. If I’d have hung and dried like I normally do, it probably would’ve tasted more like I was anticipating, just because they smelled really good the whole time they were growing. And LOUD, too.

Sounds like a plan. Or you could, you know, just grow the Fuegos out and skip the crossing.


Lmfao! Omg, thank you for making my morning! Haven’t even had coffee yet! It does sound like something they would say in an alien movie! You should have seen the look on peoples’ faces when I told them at work! Can I just go back to the days when ‘the bad bugs’ meant you had spider mites? :laughing:

@minitiger I have four more phenos of chem fuegos going into flower very soon. I don’t see that one leaving my garden again… ever. It is seriously my favorite everyday smoke. :+1:


Oh, nice! I wanna revisit those seeds, too, at some point, sans aphids haha. I’ve got a lot of Lucky Dog gear, though, probably gonna try at least one more cross before I get back to the Fuego. Are you posting pics/logging yours anywhere? I wanna follow along if you are.

What happened with that NL5 seed run, btw?


I have a lot of lucky dog gear as well, and I should grow something else lol. So far I have only tried the Chem Fuego, Guerilla Fume and Silver Chem. I’m going to be starting seeds soon, and there will most likely be a new lucky dog cultivar included. I’ll probably post up a few pictures in my random picture thread.

The NL5’s have been sent off to the freakers. I’ve packaged up 75 packs with 12+ seeds each to go to Sebring for the coop. I’m hoping to get those sent out today. :v:


Yeah, everybody seems to like that Guerilla Fume. I don’t even have that one, just because everybody’s description of it made it sound like something I wouldn’t dig. I wanna run the Twin Peaks next, but I only have one pack of those, so I’ll probably do something else, one of the ones that I have two packs of.

Oh, shit, I didn’t even realize it was that far along. Did you post that it was finished? Did I see the posts and like them? Haha. Fuck, my memory’s a little shot. Either that or I was drunk when I saw the posts haha!


Meant to write this when the MM smoke report went up, and it took ages to remember. Thanks for the awesome reports and post mortem. Dude, between the herm and the exoskeletons, those hits just kept on coming. Great work!

Your reports makes the MM sound like its good a unique high and appealing. Lucky dog now on the list as well.

I’ve had conversations like this and i realize i’m a nerd then realize Its like somebody saying they love food but only eat fast food. If it helps i’d definitely be excited for that mexican melon. I tend to think about weed in an epicurean way, so how could you not be excited to try a new experience if you love weed.

Oh and hope things are better after the loss of your pup.


Yeah, both Mexican Melons are awesome. The Chem Fuegos are, as well. I’m gonna write the Black Triangle reports really soon, I just don’t like either of them haha. At all. Tried it for a few days, didn’t really like it, didn’t smoke any for a while, tried it again for a few more days, still don’t like it haha. Other people love it, though.

Thanks. We actually got a little boxer puppy a while back, but we had to return it to the breeder after ten days. Our other boxer’s ten years old and he was not having it haha. You could tell he was just like,”What the fuck is this?” and he seemed really annoyed and even a little depressed about having this puppy up in his face 24/7. She was super-cute, too, but a serious pain in the ass. Even if our other dog was cool with her, I dunno for certain that we could’ve kept her. It was like having a child. And I don’t ever wanna have a child haha.

We’re going to the boxer rescue this weekend to see about a five-year-old girl they have there. That might be more Bowie’s speed. And ours, too haha.


Lame, thats no good. Where the phenos you had distinct? Or very similar? I’ll not ask more until the report.

Yeah introducing puppies and adults more than 7-8 is hard. Plus boxers are not low energy puppies. Its like a 70 year old being given a newborn haha . Good luck with the adoption. Ive had some great success with that.

I think i saw somewhere that the imperial majesties didnt make it. Is the next grow all sativa side now?


They were both really similar, you can kind of see it in the pics, if you wanna scroll waaaaaaayyyyy up to the last time any pics were posted haha.

I planted four seeds, one didn’t sprout and one stalled out after a couple weeks. Two left, both are female (I think), transplanting them into seven-gallon pots today, flipping in two weeks. I’ll start a log end of December, after they’ve been flowering for a few weeks.

Pretty much. I’ve got two Skycuddler Kush f3’s and the two Imperial Majesties, those’ll be my “Indicas” for this run. And the Bandaid Hazes, Soar and Colombian Gold x Dragon Energies will obviously be more Sativa-ish.

Yeah, my girl has always adopted. The only time she hasn’t is with the boxer we have now, the ten-year-old boy. After that, she said she’d never deal with a puppy again, but I convinced her to,”Let’s just get one more…” She was right haha. No more puppies. We’ll only be adopting from here on out. I’m looking forward to this Saturday, my girl follows the boxer rescue on IG and has been keeping an eye on the girl we’re meeting. Sounds like a really sweet dog, hopefully our boy gets along with her.


My old dog said she wasn’t coming downstairs as long as the new dog was here. Took her three weeks!


Yeah thats why i couldn’t resist asking. Interested to know the good and bad, but a big jar of weed you don’t like is never great.

Good luck! I’ll be hoping you get good chemistry. Adoption is a great route, wish people did it more with older dogs.

Sounds like a good mix. You’d seemed so unimpressed with the sky cuddlers i’d assumed you’d chucked them too. Looking forward to all of these especially as I can finally order magic spirit.


Yeah, it’s a bummer. One of my friends really likes it, so I’ve been giving it to her. She’s getting ready to move to fucking Georgia in a couple weeks, so I’m just gonna give it all to her, that way she’ll at least have some decent weed for a little bit before she has to find somebody who has it in Georgia. I wish her luck haha! CA to GA is gonna be a big-time culture shock.

Nah, I’d never toss a plant, as long as it’s growing. I did toss one of the Skycuddlers that just totally stalled out, along with one of the Imperial Majesties and the one Lemon Thai I had. They’d both stopped growing, too. But I kept the other two Skycuddlers. One of those did turn out to be a male, though, didn’t see it until the day I transplanted into seven-gallons, on Tuesday. Glad I double-checked; I was certain it was a female up until that morning. So I only have the one Skycuddler now. Bummer.


Just wanted to make a quick note of this: I’ve had a jar of the Mexican Melon #2 sealed up since September 15, when I jarred up pretty much everything from this grow. Anyway, I opened it just now for the first time since September 15 (I know that’s when I jarred it because I label everything haha) and it smelled EXACTLY like a big vat of caramel. Overwhelmingly caramel, it’s unmistakable. I didn’t mention it to my girl when I opened it, but I put the jar under her nose and was like,”What’s this smell like to you?” and she immediately said,”Caramel.”

Fucking crazy. I didn’t expect that at all. I’m gonna roll a joint when I’m done cooking in a little bit, but I’m suuuuuper-stoked to check that weed out. Never thought a spearmint/wintergreen-smelling herb would cure out to a caramel smell… Pretty cool.


Caramel flavoured cannabis would most likely be the undoing of me. I love both so much :drooling_face: .

Really hope it smokes how its smells for you.

Enjoy man.


Aww, dude, you done been undid already, caramel-smelling herb or not haha.

Just fucking around. Dinner’s gonna be ready in ten minutes, then I’m blazing that shit. I’ll let y’all know.

Because I know everybody’s fascinated haha…


:sweat_smile::sweat_smile: this is true, consistently undone since 82.

Im really hoping the smoke was that good, you still haven’t recovered the ability to type​:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Haha, I did just get outta bed, but that wasn’t because of the Melon…

It was real good, but not any better or different than it was two months ago. Maybe a little more laid-back, but still giggly, still positive. Big-time munchies. My girl’s sister brought over a cake and, after my gigantic bowl of spaghetti and meatballs, I ate half of it. No exaggeration, half of a fucking cake haha. Took a nap, woke up and felt like I was gonna explode haha.