MMJ News and Information

but yes it’s the masses that keep buying the garbage otherwise they’d stop doing it pretty quickly, money is everything after all, people need to stop buying it!!!

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any chemists here?

Perhaps you’ve heard of THC-A Crystalline, which is said to be the world’s most potent pot. With a THC content of 99.9 percent, you would think that no weed product out there could top it. But as it turns out, there’s something much, much stronger. THC-O-acetate is a cannabinoid that is supposedly two to three times more powerful than THC. Michael Starks’ book Marijuana Chemistry: Genetics, Processing, Potency even describes THC-O-acetate as being 300 percent stronger than the THC that we’re used to smoking. While research is sparse at this time, here’s what we do know about this top-secret cannabinoid.

What is THC-O-acetate?
According to D. Gold’s Cannabis Alchemy: Art of Modern Hash Making, THC-O-acetate is a brown oil that is soluble in petroleum ether, as well as ethanol.

Donald Cooper of the United States’ Drug Enforcement Agency noted that the administration first came across this cannabinoid during 1978 in Jacksonville, Florida. And apparently, it was made from THC in a similar way to how heroin is made from morphine. Yikes.

“In this case, a concentrated extract of cannabis had been obtained by a Soxhlet extraction,” reads the account written by Cooper. “The extract had been acetylated with acetic anhydride, and in the final step, the excess acetic anhydride removed by distillation.”

Ever since that finding, DEA labs have yet to encounter another sample of THC-O-acetate, although there were talks about classifying it as a controlled substance. The government decided not to proceed because the incident was isolated.

A similar case came about in 1995 in the UK. As it turns out, a man used D. Gold’s book to formulate his own THC-O-acetate extracts. Police detained the man and the THC acetate was then ruled to be a Class A drug. New Zealand police also reportedly came across THC acetate that same year as well.

Photographer: Rina Castelnuovo/Bloomberg via Getty Images
What are the effects of THC-O-acetate?
Between 1949 and 1975, the U.S. Army Chemical Crops, as part of the Edgewood Arsenal experiments, investigated THC-O-acetate as a potential non-lethal incapacitating agent. After testing it on dogs, researchers found that it had two times the ability to impair muscle coordination as THC, more formally known as “delta-9 THC.”

As for humans, Cooper says that the effects are far more psychedelic and spiritual than your ordinary bud. And unlike a couple puffs of the dank, which can hit us instantly, he says there is a delay of about 30 minutes before the effects are felt.

Is THC-O-acetate legal and where can you find it?
During 1986, the Federal Analogue Act made any chemical similar to that of a Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 controlled substance illegal on a federal level. However, it’s hard to say whether or not that applies to THC-O-acetate being that research on it is so limited.

With that being said, you’re probably not going to find any at your local dispensary anytime soon. As for your bud man, well, he or she likely won’t have any either. And we wouldn’t recommend making it at home….unless you want to set your valuables and potentially even yourself on fire.


Somewhat misleading headline?


See this:

Marijuana might help HIV patients’ mental stamina

And then this:


The first article wasn’t informative just casually stating a bit of info. The second article uses the lack of info to bash it as much as possible. Notice the bashing is directed at the news article, not the study. “Does the news release is repeated” over and over. I think it is a hatchet job for more clicks.


It appears as if Texas is determined to give Florida a real challenge to see which state can bollocks up MMJ more pathetically.
It will be a close contest.
Stay tuned.



More impetus for!



How is it possible that total strangers we have never met, and probably wouldn’t want to, have this much control over other humans and can willfully cause this much suffering.


CBD oil made from industrial hemp is considered a dietary supplement by the FDA, as such it should be legal in all 50 states. not a great answer but it’s something at least.

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Because, unfortunately, most politicians suffer from myopic apathy.
Compassion is not a common trait among contemporary office holders
Their primary concern is to perpetuate their power and keep the money spigots open.

They all appear to not be seriously interested in actually helping people.

Power and control.


This is a pretty good overview of current media reporting on MMJ.


This is an interesting account of a person living in a supposedly free society, simply trying to acquire flower derivatives which will provide relief from excruciating pain.

Not really.

So sad.


It’s all about the money.


F#ck the big corp’s! We don’t need them at all. Look how far we came WITHOUT them. All they are doing is adding confusion and slowing down progress. Bureaucracy at its finest. I think we could do with less.


good to know that by next summer they should be able to head up the NY State Thruway to western Mass. and buy whatever they need.


Excellent article.

Really highlights the profound stupidity of the anti-cannabis crusade!

Using marijuana to fight the opioid crisis



“subsidized myopic apathy”


Score one for common sense and decency.


Why are my tax dollars going to a Federal Judge to say a non toxic herb is ok for a child to take at school. This is so backwards. The medications with horrible side effects are accepted but a native herb used for thousands of years is suspected of being dangerous. How have things gotten so backwards?