MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

I guess “Catfish head biscuits” was just a name granny called them. I looked for a recipe and only find “Cathead”.
Oh well, it’s a family tradition I’ll keep. lol


I love your thinking! lol

As for the biscuits I got it right away :wink: made sense to me


They sound just like the biscuits my Mom grew up on in Cape Breton. We cover them in molasses and eat them warm from the stove.

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Made me think right away about the fish cakes my Dad made when he was around. This is the only way you could get me to eat a Northern Pike. LOL

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I’ve never tried northern pike. It’s one fish I’ve never caught a little one of either. I’ve caught maybe 15 ever , all donkeys. But haven’t hooked one in a decade. I’m realizing I need to get out for some pike! My buddy Paul makes fish biscuits all the time, I think from walleye though. “Biscuits and cheeks “he always says lol says he could live off of them

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I’ve never been a fan of fish cakes. I should say I’ve never been a fan of the ones I’ve eaten. I’ve seen some made by chefs on TV that I would definitely try.

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Some bigger salt water fish, I keep the collars around the head . I also keep the areas around the fins and the carcass. I only throw away the head . I roast it all in a big sheet pan and make cakes with a little panko and egg and parmesan with seasoning .I freeze it in baseball sized balls. I look forward to it in winter.


Those sound great actually @Hashpants


It’s partly about limiting how many I need, but it’s really good as well.I have been out and didn’t get anything, and see others with 2 large Cobia . They take the filets and I took the rest. Fish cakes for a year for one ! From what was going in the dumpster.


I love eating fish. I like it mild. Flakey. Crab cakes, yes. Fish cakes. No. I don’t like any that’s “fishy” tasting. Don’t like greasy, oily fish.
Growing up where there’s commercial fishing, there were a lot a Portuguese. Where I live now, and as a kid. My neighbor Fred loved that stuff. The oilier the better. He liked his fish greasy.

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His cholesterol level is probably great right now too. lol

I respect the hell out of that. People, in general, are a wasteful group. I’ve heard that Americans are the worst. lol
We’ve always tried to make the absolute most out of what we raise.


Some guys I was hunting with didn’t use the front shoulders as some were shot etc. I made 40 # of burger with about 7 of them. Later they were out of meat and started wondering about "our " burger. I said My burger is in the freezer with the rest of my meat,I didn’t notice you having any.


A while back we started making bone marrow broth to use for stews… There’s a lot of healthy goodness in those bones if you boil them out. It adds something special to the flavor as well.


Not being gross but also just smoking the bones and splitting them bone marrow it self is pretty tasty.

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The wife loves her biscuits and can’t get enough of them when she’s down home :house:, :joy::joy::joy: seems like people from the south measure :straight_ruler: everything in the size and quality of the biscuits and that salty ass country ham! :flushed::roll_eyes:



I think it’s so they don’t have to feel bad about going back for seconds. “OH NO! I only need one biscuit thank you. OH and just a single spoonfull of gravy”, as they reach for the giant ladle.
See how my mind works. lol
Now I need some B&G badly!


Good afternoon Green Room. Have a great day


You too @Emeraldgreen ! Caught up with you!

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