MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

No, but they are still looking :eyes: for them. I was to stoned and was playing my guitars :guitar: till around 3:00 AM didn’t see it till I came in with the dog at 6:30. :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:


2 people have been rescued and they say might be as many as 20 people or as little as 7 on the bridge at time of collapse. :ok_hand:

Here is a live shot of it happening. :eyes:


At least it wasn’t in the morning rush hours!
That coulda really been bad


That exactly what they were saying. The bridge gets a lot of traffic in the morning, that’s the only fast way to that area.

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At least there is a coast guard station rate by the bridge, so there were people rate on the spot pretty fast. 2 people were rescued already. :+1:


Dang! What a thing to read first thing in the morning. I hope more are found alive. That’s hard to picture though.
It’ll be months before things get even close to normal for those who use that bridge every day.

Crap on a cracker.
Morning @JohnnyPotseed and @OhNo555 . And all the rest as well.


Going to be a mess for a long time, especially for the people that used that bridge every day. The new commute would be about 1.5 hours.

Time to call in the USACE.

They are going to need a ferry :ferry:.

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Good morning @MoBilly and crew, you guys over here are up and moving good and early!


Good morning @Hotrods_and_hounds .
That’s usually the case around here. There are several that make me look like a late sleeper but I’m busy for a bit before I get on here normally.


Goodmorning @MoBilly and everyone over here, I didn’t sleep that well but an extra mug of coffee and I’ll be all caught up :sunglasses:


Good morning @MoBilly and the rest of you hoodlums! Hope the morning is going great for all.


Well enough that I’m not complaining a bit. Back atcha bro.

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Morning @Weednerd.Anthony . Coffee will make so many things better…


@MoBilly hell yeah first thing when you get up you take care of the animals?

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Holy crap! Thank god it wasn’t like the silver bridge collapse and packed with traffic, that’s insane though!


We feed and milk the goats and feed the dogs then clean out the stalls if needed. Coffee is normally brewing and ready when we get in.


Actually it’s a pretty quick thing in the morning right now.
A while back we downsized a whole lot. My health got worse. We only milk two nannies right now and won’t be milking them soon because they are bred and near kidding we let them dry up. We have 3 of their kids that are a year old now and ready to have bred. Then we’ll have five milkers, which is what we want to keep.
I missed not having goats for a while and really miss my old bloodline but I’m back to raising them and it makes my day better. lol
You can’t be in a bad mood when you’re watching baby goats play.


No doubt! I love watching them bounce around, they just frolick and play, have fun, butt heads, butt your legs! It’s awesome, I swear my cheeks hurt from smiling everytime we used to go