MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

:100: percent agree, I loved when we still had a small farm and align care of the animals and working fields. Didn’t seem like work, especially when you started running low on meat and needed to go hunting!

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Interesting question…… I’ve lived right at the west edge of the Chicago area for ever……I can go a couple blocks and turn left to see houses until Lake Michigan or my preferred turn, right and then really just corn until the Mississippi…I live in a River town now… retired


So, close enough to the city to be around whatever cities offer but still near an escape hatch.
I can understand that being desirable for a lot of folks. I guess you have figured out that I’m country. Actually country by choice. I was a military brat that lived on bases all over the place and back in the hills when not able to go where Dad was stationed. I got lucky when Dad retired in a hunter and fisherman’s paradise. I had just enough of the hills in me to appreciate the heck out of that.


Motorcycles play a huge role in my location choices !


I am a 100% country boy, and live back in the sticks in a hunting and fishing paradise.
Lived in the same small town my whole life, and I will be 52, this year.
I have owned every kind of critter there is, but the only thing I have on the place at the moment is two dogs. The last flock of chickens I had got wiped out by coyotes last spring.
17 birds gone in one afternoon while I was at work.
I have a pond that is prone to leak, so I fenced it in with electric 4 years ago and put a couple hogs in there.
They got it sealed up good, so I butchered the hogs and ate them.
The pond is back to leaking, and the wife doesn’t want me to get pigs again, so I am gonna try goats this round.
I got the fence row cleaned out, and am pretty much ready to go. A buddy of mine is gonna loan me a small herd, so as soon as I get the fence buttoned up, he is gonna bring ‘em over.
I used to train horses some, and have many times stuck a chair out in the middle of the pasture, like you mentioned you did with the goats, and let a allowed a new horse the opportunity to get to know me.
Works wonders.


Welcome to the Greenroom @Flower . More than happy to have another goat roper hanging around. :+1:t5:


Afternoon @MoBilly . Don’t think I’ve checked in much lately. Hope all’s well. Hanging in there. Frigging wind has been just howling the last few days. Not very pleasant out.


Yeah @crownpoodle , I just got in from watering and haying. It would have been smarter to have worn some gloves. The wind has died down finally but Winter is letting us know he can still bite us in the butt on the way out the door. lol

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Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope you have a great day!


Good morning brother Mo, and all OG!


Good morning @MoBilly, @JohnnyPotseed, @BigMike55, @InTheWoods, @Gumbert amd all the rest of the kool kats checking into the green room on this rainy morning. Hope your coffee :coffee: is hot :hot_face: and your head stays dry! :blush::wink::+1::facepunch::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


Good morning @MoBilly and gang !


good morning @MoBilly and the Green Room and of course everybody else too! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning @InTheWoods @JohnnyPotseed @OhNo555 @Weednerd.Anthony and @m0sirys! Have a great day y’all!
It’s still Winter here it seems. Hope you all have some warmer weather today than here. lol
My arthritic hands are hurting more than normal today and I’m not sure why. But WTH. Things could always be worse than this. :+1:t4:


32 right now, warming into the 50s today


It got down to 27 this morning. My dang goats were fooled by the warmth lately and have shed a lot of their Winter coat. They were shivering cold this morning. I’d hate to have to put a heater out there but I’ve got pregnant nannies out there and one is only ~ ten days from kidding. Deep cold is not a good thing right now.


27 windchill here this morning.
Hope the goats/kidding do ok!


Do I they make coats :coat: for them like for horses :racehorse:?

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I’m sure they do. Eva was saying if they call for another night like last night we’d put an electric heater in the birthing shelter. I could definitely see her making goat blankets for them though.


It’s supposed to get about the same here, again tonight. But after that, warm up into the 60s, 70s, and even lo-mid 80s by Easter and after.