MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

That is very funny :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:, my mother in laws sewing 🪡/ crafting group. Makes sitting :chair: ponchos for the elderly with snaps on the side out of extra large beach :beach_umbrella: towels and is always getting requests for people who want winter :cold_face: jackets :coat: for their fur babies. You know they never turn anyone away with a request. :joy::joy::joy: sweet little old ladies that they are! :clap::clap::clap::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


What would we do without them!? lol
Mom was a seamstress. She worked for H.D. Lee for many years but still did side jobs for anyone in need pro bono. A lot of people where we lived were hurting financially so she made shirts and jackets… for whoever needed them.
Sweet little old ladies are the salt of the Earth. I’ve met some sour little old ladies though. They got that sour down to an art! I’ve seen little old ladies reduce big men to jellyfish when they decide to show that sour side.


Bet your ass my wife’s mom definitely has a spicy :hot_pepper: side as well and can be very mean if provoked! She has one of them big old lady :older_woman: wooden spoons :spoon: and has a mean swing! :wink: :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:


This is one of my favorite threads 🪡 I look :eyes: forward to seeing every morning. The topics are always vast, informative, and down right funny. :joy::wink::clap::clap::clap::tophat::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:

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Mom would have broken a wooden spoon on my butt as hard as she could swing a stick. I’m sure that she would then switch my butt extra propper for breaking her spoon!


My mom broke her wooden spoon :spoon: on me, not to mention other various items :joy::joy::joy: and made me buy her a new one. :flushed::roll_eyes:

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Of course she did! It was your fault, after all, for having such a hard butt!


Now I am out of likes :slightly_frowning_face:, rats :rat:. How can that be possible this early in the morning?

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There should be a counter on the page. “You only have ____ likes left so be stingy”.


HEY the MAN himself is here!!!
Sup @Hemp ?!


I remember the first pair of blue jeans I got to wear. My dad whooped me on them thick pants, I just hollered Yee Hawww! He laughed so hard he quit whooping me


Good morning @MoBilly and the rest of you, SPRING is finally officially here in Niagara! Woohoo :raised_hands:t3:


Grandpa used to hand me his pocket knife when I went too far with whatever mischievousness I was up to. Then I had to take the slow, slow walk to the hickory tree out back.
I made the mistake, once, of bringing him a switch that I knew would break right quick. He looked at it and went out back himself. That old man braided three flimsy switches from the Willow down by the creek into a dang whip. I never tried to pull one over on him again after that.


Good morning my friend! I really wish I could see those falls once in my life! Even just once would be so very cool.

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Oh man, I hope so too :crossed_fingers:t3: next time I’m down I’m gonna get you some special footage. Promise
It really is pretty awe inspiring


That would be awesome bro. :slight_smile:
There’s so much in this country I would love to see. If I were wealthy I’d spend my life doing just that. Seeing all of the USA and taking in festivals everywhere.


This would be the life…. I’d love to own an rv and do similar tbch . My wife too it’s a dream of ours too


I have an old school bus that runs great. Help me put breaks and tires on her and we’re off and running! lol


Oh boy! There we go! I’m in

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Mornin @MoBilly and OG.

Sounds like you are back in the saddle man! I envy you brother, I am so slow to rebound…