MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

That is the nature of my injury. It’s so unpredictable. I can put in a decent day’s work one day and turn to the side just standing still and it’ll go out. But with a little rest my back settles into its proper position and feeling starts coming back to my legs. Usually I am down for 2 - 3 days. This one was not as bad as it could have been thankfully.


Good morning everyone. Still sleeping, but animal blankets wooden spoons and little old ladies. Am I missing anything?


The best part about corporal punishment was the hospitalizations. Ever stare back and say take your best shot old man? Ever seen a child beat up a teacher? mm those were the days.

No… I think you got it all. lol

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Did we go to the same high school?

lol! You traumatize them back with an “ooo can I have another, I’m getting hard!”

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Man all the talk about beatings has reminded me of this crazy story from school. I had this bully who would beat me with his belt during lunch time because he felt like it. I was in grade 5 and he was a couple years older. This one time the hall monitor had come back on a quick tour of the school and saw it. Yelled out the kids name and he turned around surprised. That’s when I got my revenge. I kicked his ass so hard the other kids told me he would be tasting my shoes for weeks. He never came around again. One thing about bullies is they never expect their comeuppance.


LOL My high school was pretty rough. We actually had ashtrays in the bathrooms. They couldn’t stop the guys from doing it and they left butts all over the floor so they gave in and put the ashtrays in.


Afternoon folks, @MoBilly what size tires you need for the bus? We have a few rvs at the shop getting ready to get full sets for one of the rv dealerships we work with, may have a nice set of used ones. Think the ones we are getting ready to do are 22.5s?


I’ll look at them next time I get down to moms home. It’s been a while since I looked at them.
:+1:t4: Thanks.

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I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t restart those other strains right off!


Either my local mail carrier reeeealy likes me, or some friggin amazing OG brother (or sister lol) decided that I should fill the entire house with a pot jungle!
Any idea who might have done such a generous thing? … Anyone?.. No? … How about you @JohnnyPotseed ?

This home will reak of ganja if I grew them all out.
My fingers are crossed for two of each. I’m thinking seriously of trying to do a banzai mother of one strain.

Anyway. That’s how it goes on OG. You make plans and someone comes along and ruins it with a better plan!

I’ll just have to live with the aggravation.

So that’s what I have growing on inside the Greenroom.
Thanks again for stopping by.


Nice score @MoBilly


IKR?! I’m stoked!


Now that a haul my brother, happy growing! :facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


That’s awesome brother :fire::fire::fire::fire:


I guess someone thought I was slacking off and remedied the situation!


They certainly did tell you to stop slacking!!!


Aw man, I have no idea who could do such a thing to you!Damn inconsiderate of em, I’d say!
:thinking: :scream: :wink: :crossed_fingers:

:lying_face: :rofl:


I bet his name rhymes with Ronny Notweed lol.


@JohnnyPotseed is your nose growing :joy::joy: