MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Good morning @JohnnyPotseed. Did you finally get some rest this morning?


Always manage to grab bits n pieces at least, brother. Back to bed around 2:30, dozed off for 30 minutes or so, sat up on side of bed around 4, passed out around 5 for a whole 2 hrs! lol You can bet I’ll be laying down a couple times during the day.
This was one of rougher nights in while.


That’s about how it went over here. 20 minute naps over and over with 30 minutes in between. Rough night and not enough coffee in the state to wake me up. Still, it’s gonna be a beautiful day and the work must go on. :slight_smile:


I love your outlook! Sorry you guys had rough nights, way too keep it positive :smiley:


Sounds like you had it rougher than I did, my friend. Hope things go smooth for yas today!


@MoBilly morning, hope you find sometime to find some rest. Those types of nights are :poop:


I have little doubt it’ll be a good one guys. :slight_smile:
I don’t have a boss that’ll tell me I can’t take a nap when I need one. lol


Morning @MoBilly @JohnnyPotseed . Sorry you guys had funky nights. Mine was actually decent. Good thing as the missus is down with Vertigo again this morning.


That made me smile. :slight_smile: You need all the R&R you can get brother.

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Lol, ok, I’m dieing. Reading thru your thread @MoBilly is generating ,any giggles and smiles. Thank you my friend!


We do have fun around here my friend. :slight_smile:


It surely looks like it! Your plants look amazing, but I’m still at the 575 post range! Lotta catch up here!!!

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I really miss the well manufactured products from the '70s and '80s. Nowadays you buy something and it breaks in a year or two and it’s engineered to do so very frustrating.


:joy::joy::joy: that is an understatement! :sunglasses::v:

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Huh, I made this post but then the page refreshed and I was 6 hours behind :sweat_smile: belay my last

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‘Planned Obsolescence’ as it’s called, was coined in the 60s. it’s designed that way (supposedly) to keep the economy going… :thinking: :scream: :rofl:


I remember my first engineering job. One of the lead engineers told me that his research and development team actually designs the product with known flaws, so that next year, they can fix them, as a “cost saving” upgrade. I thought, what a crock of sh!t. Probably all manufacturers do that
Apparently, they really do.


Anything that is really good in tech development, is buried! In 1980 I had cause to work in a couple of Shell refineries South Texas, my crew and me changed clothes in the locker room used by all. There was a big corkboard with notices, etc there. They posted the results of an ‘employee contest’ some guy won for making changes to a standard carburetor that gave around 280MPG!! Naturally, since it was developed on ‘company time’ it belonged to the Shell corp. they patented it, then buried it, of course! Think what that’d do to their bottom line…

That was in 1980!!
They have the where-withall to make things that last forever! But then the profit would be out the window!
Folks would only need to buy something one time…
Naturally, their argument is ‘the economy would go to shit’


I can still remember my grandfather complaining how he had a water heater he bought in the late 60’s which lasted till the 90’s, but then his new water heater died in 10 years :joy: doggone ole planned obsolescence tactics :roll_eyes: Now everything is made even more cheaply in order to maximize stakeholder profits :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Companies give nice bonuses for coming up with ideas that will create a catastrophic failure in a product just past the warranty.
That’s a fact that my buddy who is a mechanical engineer told me.