MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

Yup. Laugh until my stomach hurt.

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Can someone tell me the difference in experience with LSD versus Mushroom. I have done LSD but not shrooms. From the pics and stuff it seems a lot similar.

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Im enjoying just watching the thread. Should be most interesting thing I read all night.

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Weā€™d laugh so long weā€™d have tears :sob: and forget what we were even laughing aboutā€¦ then laugh about that for a while :laughing:


Having you all kicking around is kinda cool too. lol
Yeah, I can feel something different going on.


Heā€™s going to have conversations with big John and his favorite cat Eva?

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So it begins!!!

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Go outside and look at Johnā€¦. Then go to the ground laughing.

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It is similar but not as racy, lsd seems to make me race like on speed, shrooms do t do that. But the same tracers and colors.


They work for you!!! I know you were worried they wouldnā€™t. Have a great time with them.

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Well saidā€¦ I wonā€™t do lsdā€¦ not anymoreā€¦ but I think I can handle shrooms stillā€¦ shroomsā€¦ you get to measure itā€¦ lsdā€¦ not so much lol


Well. Iā€™m not what I would call tripping but I definitely feelā€¦ different.


Itā€™s coming :grin:

Well I do have about 60 grams leftā€¦,ā€¦ :sunglasses:


Good description of the difference. Couldnt be in public.

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Oh yeah this is just the start itā€™ll ramp up a bit

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Awwww shit!!! Iā€™m game!! Hahahaā€¦ the wife has been just heckling me to find some lol

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When was your last ride @Emeraldgreen ?

We will talkā€¦ā€¦

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I need to get the hell over there!!!