MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

It is going to come on slow Mo, it will slowly creep up.

Outta likes lol again!!!


Dang. Is this stuff supposed to make me tired? I canā€™t quit yawning! lol


Nope but yawning is a sign you are about to rideā€¦.

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You have no idea. My favorite place to go. .
Iā€™m pretty stoned right now on Blue Tara. But I wanna see how my brother does with his first time on shrooms. So here I am.


Yessir !!! Iā€™m here for the same reason!!! This is unprecedented shit happening!!



Iā€™ll definitely be checking back in 26 minutes.:grin: Have fun Mo! :exploding_head:

Me too moā€¦ lol Johnny got mine earlier and yall got the rest of em hahaha :heart:

My speakers were turned up to about 90%! About blew my ears off!

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No Floyd!!! Too much!!! lol


Haha you gotta love foghat man!

Hereā€™s a good 1 for ya mo


Iā€™m still listening to Floyd. lol

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Couple years ago. My buddy gave me a tab since I was talking to him about micro dosing. He told me half was a good micro dose. I thought he might be a little off so I only ate a 1/3 of the tab. A fun filled 8 hours ensued :rofl::rofl::rofl:

The other time u had to go to court for my momā€™s estate. Took what should have been a light dose. Hour later sitting in court staring at my hand wondering if anyone could tell :rofl::grin:


Well. I canā€™t say that I hate this. I getā€¦ like extreme definition on the screenā€¦ colors are enhancedā€¦ shit out to the peripheral vision area seem to be fluidā€¦ kindaā€¦


It is just beginning, not to worry it was a light enough dose that you will do just fine.

Yessir!!! Itā€™s sounds like itā€™s getting fun!! Itā€™ll likely increase slightly still a bitā€¦ youā€™ll notice slightly more ā€¦ and things seem to have more depth etcā€¦