MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

You do what makes you fell good bro, that’s what this is all about………


This… Right here.
Do what makes you happy, it will be even better.
That’s how it is with LSD too.


Enjoy yourself, brother Mo! I’m fixing to go offline now myself. I’ll cya tomorrow and hear how things went for you the rest of the night. have fun and enjoy!


I’m loving the ride though and don’t want to just veg. But I’ll take my cue from how I feel. And right now, this bluegrass is amazing on levels deeper than I ever heard before. I just want to explore the shit out of it!


Have at it bro……

Yessir man music is so much more deep and meaningful

I’ll be back after the music lets go of my soul long enough. lollololooll


This was a mild ride, it can get pretty intense.

I imagine playing will be an awesome experience for you also

I see you “got off”. Lol
I glad for that. It will get much better probly, until you PEAK.

I’m tuning up right now.


Ok brother!! Enjoy the shit out of that!! I know you will… let it take you places… it’s such a great time!!!

Update us when you get back I love your descriptions!

You bet. :slight_smile:

Gotta say, brother. I’m kinda jealous right now.

Last time I played drums while tripping it was like someone else was doing it… amazing stuff!! I should have recorded it all

Oh shit! this dang taylor rings to high heaven!!! OMG!!!

Lololol. Lmao

Sounds like Pink Floyd time, mind music :musical_score: to trip by! :joy::joy::joy:

You’re right down the street from where you’re trying to be! :slightly_smiling_face: @MoBilly You may very well have a SoulGasm this evening. :crazy_face: Don’t forget your towel.

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BigMike’s absolute favorite album of all time.