MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

Well, I have slowed down on the yawning… I think messing around with my goat buddies helped. I’m gonna just sit here with my guitar on my lap and Eva beside me or vice versa… I get that mixed up sometimes.


I know a bunch of zeppelin on drums… tons of acdc… easy on drums hard on guitar lol… gnr… pink floyd… I can get into heavier too… like tool… it’s hard as hell on drums… pantera… I like them for the double bass technique


Sounds like you’re having a great time man. I’m heading for bed. Been a long day.

I knew it would !!! See terps knows what’s up!! Haha

Brother… Thanks for keeping me company. :slight_smile:

Well dammit mikey… we gonna jam someday brother… we gotta do it… send me some playlist to work on? Doesn’t have to be tonite lol

I’m tryna learn the lead work on Thunderstruck by ACDC. It ain’t easy.

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Hell no it ain’t! Angus didn’t play around lol

All that’s above this old country boys pay grade. More than four chords in a song and you are just plain showing off. lol


Good night brother.

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Play this video. And good night guys.

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I’ll do that just for you bro. lol


Goodnight gromie… if you learn thunderstruck I can deffo play it on drums… and I mean… to the very T

I’d love to get 2 bass drums beside my head like Chris slade had in the original video to slam on during those parts!

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Hey @BigMike55 & @Terpsnpurps check these two guys videos out. They give very good demonstrations that are easy to follow along with if you want more I have many in a library and can forward anything you like. If we were closer I could teach you these licks in a few hours. :ok_hand::facepunch::musical_score::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

I can actually play a little guitar and bass… but I am a drummer through and through @OhNo555

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Mo this is my influence currently man… check this video out play it all the way through bro it’ll blow your mind!

I have been playing since I was 13 and for 48 years now and have been told that I am a very accomplished musician. I still practice 3 to 5 hours a day. I play a lot at night when everyone in my house is asleep.


That’s awesome man!! Sheesh now we gotta jam!
.we should make an og band ! I keep saying it lol

Yeah right… Asleep lol.
That’s when I do a lot of my picking. But it’s unplugged sooo…
folks can still sleep. lol


I use headphones :headphones::joy::joy::joy: