MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

I’m told that I can hit a lick pretty good at times. After 40+ years… I hope so. If not I’ve wasted a shit ton of time. lol
Well not wasted… It has helped me stay somewhat sane in the membrane.


I love :heart: the dance on the fretboard nothing like it! Has always felt very natural for me. :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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Agreed. There are times when the mechanics of what I’m doing gives way to the thrill of making music. All the mechanics just allows the spirit to flow onto the strings and out to feed others souls.


It comes from the soul

100% right.

Well. This has been a great time and I can tell it ain’t quite over yet but this old boy needs to do a little more picking before I turn in.


Good night my friends and thanks for hanging around while I have fun gus.


My wife and friends say it very memorizing to watch me play. That it seems very effortless to me as walking does to all. I really love :heart: playing. Have had a few bands, but now only play with a few old friends that are very serious musicians and like to have fun :star_struck:! I am heading off to play as well! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

Can’t think of a better time than getting some serious musicians together working to tighten up the sound in prep for a gig.
That’s top drawer stuff.


Good night @OhNo555
Thanks again for sticking around.

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That was the bomb!


Man I’m glad it was a good time buddy I hope the rest of your night is magical brother… see ya in the morning… well later anyway… :laughing:

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Well, the tiredness left after I got my guitar smoking. I played for a while but came back down to Earth a little bit ago. I have to say that I don’t remember ever enjoying a high more than this.
I’m feeling pretty much awesome afterwards too so win, win!

Now I think I will have a bit of sleep before sun up.

I feel like I should write a song about the ride I took on the Shrooms Express!


It’s a unique experience to say the least… no real describing it to someone who hasn’t done it… we can try… but there’s just no way lol… do it bro write a song!


Good night @Terpsnpurps .


Good morning @MoBilly and friends! I hope yall are having a great morning so far! Speaking of shrooms I recently snagged some shroom chocolate bars from a friend and they are no joke. Packaging says 1 bar is 4 grams but I call BS! I’ve tripped for a month straight on shrooms back in the dealing days and I could eat 10 grams easy but damn I ate 1 whole chocolate bar the first time and nothing bur regrets! Lol I was in another dimension with the worst motion sickness! I hope you had a blast tho @MoBilly


Unfortunately what you did back in the day has little bearing on things today. Our bodies change a lot as we age. Also when you were doing it back in the day I am sure your tolerance was up compared to today.
I have done to much before also, was very unpleasant to say the least……


Good morning @MoBilly, good morning OG’s.


it won’t be long before I can hit more likes here! lol but it sounds like ya had an awesome trip, my friend! I’m so happy for ya! I bet you really enjoyed playing, lol Oh yeah… the song about the trip…shoulda been made while you were tripping! :sunglasses: :rofl: just saying… you probably can’t remember the chords that you thought up, right?!


Good morning brother Mo, & all OG! Hey there my friend OJ, I figured you’d be up n at it already too! lol