Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

A piece of flat glass on top of a piece of anything black. I use the black side of panda film, just because it’s always on hand haha. And a credit card to move stuff around. Good visibility, no paper flecks, and easy to collect from.

If it’s making clouds, I would assume it’s dry?


That shaker looks like the ticket, but the reviews are pretty sucky. Do you have trouble with the bottom being too tight, or cracking? Or is that just from putting it in the freezer for kief?
Is it easy enough to get off that it doesn’t suddenly release and spill everything in my lap?

The humidifier is cute… just put it in a closed box with the flowers?


Good to know that works… I’ve got all the glass from my old hoods… somewhere, lol!

Good point!


Might work… maybe a nice little shake in the tumbler would do the trick, be gentle! It looks like you have plenty of male flowers to play with. A little bit goes a long way…

Haha! I’ve used a card, like shifting all the seeds out of brick weed on an album cover, to move the male parts. Or try a statically charged brush to pick up the male flowers and leave the pollen.

Wish I could fit everything in while we’re there. We’re down in Charlotte and then up to Asheville and back to Charlotte, then back to PDX before ya can blink. Next time!

Yup, she does a good job takin’ care of them. We have a couple of other species too, Lady Slipper, Oncidiums, I’ve lost track at this point!

Thanks for the peepshow :eyes:


I think most of the shitty reviews come from people using it to make kief and have put it in the freezer. I haven’t had any troubles with the lids getting them on or off.

You can put the dehumidifier in a small airtight container to extract any moisture from the pollen. Its super handy!


Thanks man, both are ordered :slight_smile:


Got the baby deheuy and the shaker. The dehuey’s in a cooler with the ball sacs, and I’m still trying to get the top lid of the shaker to go off and on easily. That sucker is tight, especially for an old geezer!

Somehow, the cuts keep on rooting! This is very liberating.

SSDD Keeper roots showing.

#4, 5, & 7 of the SSDD females are now in coco, along a male #3, and a SSDD Keeper.

SSDD #1 started to flower, then reveg before I could take cuts, so I’m waiting on her to put out something I can cut.

I upcanned #4 from 1 gal to 2.

She was topped a while back, but grew a wild leader, which has been tamed.

She will be the next to flower. Gotta get 18, 20 maybe 24" then turn her loose.

SSDD K2 (Keeper #2 ex- mother) at 18 DFF. Hoping she stays just under the light!

SSDD K1 just got thinned and trussed. 19 DFF

I’m knocking back the ec on everyone. After I mentioned I don’t have any problem with the Megacrop and N, they decided to prove me wrong, dang kids. The new bag may be hotter? I was running 1.4 for bloomers, and 1.3 for veggers… so now it’s 1.3 and 1.2 respectively. Just started, so we’ll see if the claws relax some.

Finally got around to breaking down the Blueberry Diesel. I let her hang for 3 weeks during the plumbing problems. I still have covid nose, but she broke through that fog! Verry, verry, berry!

And, verry verry larfy. A right pita to trim. Not even 4 zips of larfy buds, and about 12 of larfy larf. By the end I was just stripping the stalks with my hands. A bit disappointing, but the early tasting is quite nice, and has a very mellow stone… I doubt we’ll be seeing any more of her, though!

The PCK is also at 19 days. She’s a stout thing!

Temps have been yo-yoing… probably averaging 65°F… RH 50-60%… no pest sightings… it’s a ball in the crawl :slight_smile:

Hope it’s high weekend, and that someone’s teams are still in tournament :sleepy:


That’s awesome you’ve got the cloning process figured out for your environment. It’s always annoying and stressful when cuttings don’t want to cooperate.

#4,5 and 7 are the untested SSDDS from latest germination of F1s? Excited to see how they compare to your keeper(s)!


That could be putting the cart before the horse, lol!

Almost every cloning method I have tried has worked… for a while…

I used these ice tubes for a good couple of years with zero problems… then nada! Tried them again recently with RO water, and zilch again. This time I’m using our well water, which used to cause all sorts of troubles… I think I’m figuring out to stay flexible!

It was especially so with trying to keep the keeper. I’ve been sad about losing other cuts, but losing her could make me suicidal :frowning:

They are. I was looking for one that was easier to clone than Miss Keepier, but they all want to be kept women now it seems.

I forgot to mention that I did cull the #5 & 7 cut donors. The revegging just made them too hard for me to deal with… and they just look so fuckin’ weird. I’ve got a keeper cut and #1 (of the F1’s) that are also revegging, and soon to pass to the compost pile.

That timer mess up really screwed the pooch!

Thanks for peekin’ in :slight_smile:


Made a bunch of cookies out of SSDD trim… really helps with the flexibility :yum:


Gotta stay limber!!


Ha, no creaky bones here!


Are they buds of the blueberry diesel tight at all? They really do look like pure larf. I would be tempted to just pull the stem between my thumb and index finger and and buck them all off into jars. Could probably just zip them right off haha.

I don’t really mind loose weed, if it has other redeeming qualities.


Not really :frowning: I’m a lousy trimmer compared to the pics of anyone else’s buds, I just trim to the frost, but these were mostly fluff. Lots of sticky frost though, lot of scissor hash.

I ended up doing just that, except for the jar part. Still took forever, I’d left a lot of suckers, and there was probably 3/4 lb of them :frowning:

I don’t mind loose weed, either, but this is looser than goose shit!

I think it will be good smoke, and I got to grow out a Blueberry that smells like a Blueberry, but until she gets a cure, I’m thinking I’ve got better prospects, lol!


I figured 5 days in a cooler with the mini-dehuey was enough for the drying, I hope so. The pollen shaker worked great.

I was planning on dividing it into a bunch of centrifuge tubes, vacuum seal them, then into the freezer. I remember reading about adding flour to the pollen for some reason, but now I can’t remember why?

Should I put a few grains of rice in the tubes, too?

It’s been two weeks since I harvested the flowers, is that too early to use some?

I’ve got 2x SSDD’s ladies 3 weeks into flower, is this a good time for some boot knockin’?


Very nice.


Flower is to cut the pollen so you have more since each hair only needs a single grain of pollen. You have so much pollen though that I wouldn’t worry.

Rice or desiccant in the vials would likely help a bunch in the long-term.


I think so, pretty sure you wanna pollinate about six weeks before the plants would ordinarily finish. @HolyAngel probably knows, not too sure why he ignored your question :joy::joy::joy:


I was mostly worried if I should use gluten free or not :slight_smile: Thanks!

He wanted to give you a chance? :slight_smile: Good, I’ll let them go another week… I run most everything for 10, so should be perfect!


I totally missed the question to be honest :sweat_smile:

You can use the pollen as soon as you collect it. The longer you wait the more of it dies off.

I usually pollinate on day 21 and day 28 and have pulled plants down at day 63 with mostly done seeds.