Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

Day 28 it is then. Do you do it twice just make sure?


I just used all my likes in here catching up :+1:


i do it twice to ensure i get as many beans as possible.


If there are live pistils then go for it. You can always come back later and hit them again as well. When pollinating early I like to mark the branch / bud that I’m pollinating with something like a strip plant tag, twist tie or just a cable tie. If pollinating multiple different mothers it helps to identify them early on as well so there’s no chance of confusion post harvest.


I defolliate and then pollinate on day 21 also. I will also pollinate on day 22 and 23 just to make sure nothing was missed


Example of the plant strip / tags.
These would get hung on branches that would manually get pollinated (or whole plant if OP). Once seeds are ready to be removed from buds you can cut the tag and just stick the label in whatever container is holding the seeds.

If you go the twist tie / colored cable tie or similar route make sure you write down what everything means somewhere. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve convinced myself “Oh, I’ll DEFINITELY remember what this pile of seeds is” or similar scenarios only to have no clue 2 months later haha.


Got some dust on some lower branches on an SSDD and the PCK. I marked 'em, too! They are both at 23 days, so I can get them again in a few more.

So, I’ve got a lot of pollen. I was planning on freezing some, but then I have to use it immediately after thawing… correct? Will it keep in the fridge for a while, too?


LOL… with me, more like 2 hours… :rofl: :vulcan_salute:
I go with Notes and coloured tie wraps…



Yeah, if you freeze it, it’ll store longer, but each time you thaw it, you’ll lose viability. If you’re going to freeze some, best to separate into smaller containers, so you can pull out one at a time, thaw it, and use it up completely, leaving your other stash still frozen. You can toss in the fridge for a while too, probably few weeks, maybe a couple of months… I’ll let you know, I have some Baba Kush pollen in the fridge, I’ll try using in about 2 months or so… it will be over six months old at that point.


I was thinking of trying everything, it will be nice to see what works for someone else who probably knows what they are doing!

There was a bit of pistil withering yesterday, so I at least think this splooge is viable :slight_smile:


Not much interesting to report, mostly just shuffling plants from one all inclusive resort to another, and trying to keep up with their drink orders.

Been able to get cuts from SSDD #5 & #7 to strike, so I culled their revegging mothers. I finally got some off #1, who took forever to reveg and put up something to cut. They haven’t rooted yet.

#4 was so slow at the time, she wasn’t in the chamber with the timing fuck up, so she didn’t have to reveg. Got a rooted cut, and threw mom into flower 5 days ago.

She went in at 20", hoping she grows into her space!

Upcanned a keeper, K#3, to a 2 G airpot. She was also in the on the timer fiasco. Got most of reveg evidence cleared out, and hope to flip her soon.

SSDD K2 is 30 DFF. She’s been hanging around since last July. I didn’t have the heart to cull her, but I did have to put one of her sisters out… just not enough space :frowning:

Another sister, SSDD K1, is 31 DFF. I hit a few of her lowers with splooge from the #6 male. Banged her 3x in a week, and it looks like she’s preggers. Who wouldn’t be? :slight_smile:

I’m trying to get as much of the SSDD keeper stashed away as I can, gotta keep the geezers and me pain free, while I root through these new SSDD’s.

The PCK is also at 31DFF, and has a few knocked up lowers too.

That’s about it for news from the crawl. Outside Spring has sprung. This cool Jack-in-the-Pulpit just came up in our little woodland garden. I love them.

Thanks for looking :slight_smile:


Lookin gooood! K2 looks similar to mine :thinking:


Thanks HA! It’s the mother of the F1 keeper cuts I sent you :slight_smile:


Been a while. Would have probably been longer if it wasn’t for a never do this public service announcement :frowning:

Went with the kids and grandkids for a bike ride on he Virginia Creeper Trail, if you ever get a chance, do it! That’s not the announcement!

Had to leave the plants for the weekend, so I stuck the bigger ones in some dishpans with enough grub for a couple of days. They looked ok when we got back, at least I thought so, I was pretty beat and my butt was sore, so I didn’t look real closely. I hadn’t been on a bike for 2 years.

Took them out of the pans and fed them normally… Monday the PCK and the SSDD F1’s looked pretty poopy.

PCK at 49 days caught my eye first.

SSDD F1 #4

I’m thinking it was something with the pH, but IDK, because the SSDD Keeper cuts don’t seem to have been effected? It’s mostly the top tops of the PCK, but the F1 #4 looks like all the budsites are fucked. I don’t know if she’ll pull through, or if it’s even worth trying to nurse her. I’ll give her a moment.

SSDD vegger F1 #1 looks vaguely hit. She got a different feed at a lower ec, but same pH 5.8.

I was only keeping her until her cuts rooted, but if she seems able, she may take #4’s place, but there are some time constraints… we’ll see.

The keeper SSDD’s don’t seem to missed a beat?

K1 at 49 DFF

K2 at 48 DFF

K3 11 DFF she was in a pan with the same grubF1 #1. She looks fine.

The clones survived just fine on the normal feeding I gave before I left.

F1 #3 is the only male left from he/she gang. He finally started to reveg.

F1 #4 is backup for her dying mom.

Not sure where the pics of #5 & #7 are, but I think I still have them!

#1 is still trying to put out roots.

So, in hind site, I probably could have left the big girls with just a regular feed, no bottom feed in pans. After a couple of days, they probably would have been a bit thirsty, but not dying!

It’s always somethin’, innit?

Thanks for looking in, hope the show’s a little better next time!


Hmm interesting… maybe ec was too low? I’m grasping at straws over here but maybe a combo of overall deficiency and overwatered? Got leaf tips going up on some and sad leaves on others :thinking: that’s about all I got. I’d double check the meters but now that you’re back in action I bet they turn around quick :relaxed:


With bottom feed & coco, overwatering is most likely. ec was the same as normal 1.3 for bloomers, 1.2 veggers… it is low, but they’ve all liked that number… til now!

The curious part, at least to me, is how the F1 newbies reacted… love to figure out why, but it’s water under the bridge now :slight_smile:

Maybe it is the meters. I just got a new Apera to replace a 4 year old Blue Lab. They read differently at times, and I’m not overly fond of the Apera. That’s what I used for the vacation grub. May just go back to the Blue Lab for a while. And they were both calibrated, but I probably did the Apera wrongly… the BL is so easy!


What kind of nutrients do you feed exactly?

Bottom feeding with maxibloom+gypsum I need ~1.6-1.9 EC for veg and 2.2-3.0 EC for flower or I get deficiencies.

I love my apera meters but I’ve not ever tried blue lab.


Plants are still looking good even with the slight hiccup. As far as your PCK goes, did you top it the same as your other plants, it just doesn’t create as many side branches as what you are normally working with?


Megacrop and a 10% Ca. But that’s top feeding, maybe it’s different? Haven’t had any problems up til now.

I checked both pens tonight, and they are very close. I’d calibrated both before mixing up the vacation feeds.

It kinda looks like some salt issues I’ve seen some other folks have. After some more sleuthing, the pots do have a good bit of old salt buildup, especially where they were submerged in the pans. That also could have contributed to the pH being off. I should have read what was left in some of the pans, but didn’t notice the problem, and chucked it.

Still doesn’t explain why the keepers weren’t effected, so still gotta do some more figuring, lol!

Yes I did top it, but not like the other plants because it didn’t grow like them. The SSDD’s are all pretty bushy, and I whack them a lot it seems, but like you said, this PCK isn’t. It’s the only female from a pack, so I don’t know if it’s just this pheno, or what.

I’m just trying to keep her alive for three more weeks, she’s seeded :slight_smile:

#4 only looks worse tonight :frowning: But the rest are tickety boo :slight_smile:


Lesson: don’t ever, ever leave your grow… haha.

If I knew anything about coco, I’d try to offer some advice, but I don’t, so… It’s weed, dude, you know that. I’m sure those plants’ll bounce back quickly now that you’re back home haha. I won’t lie, though, I saw that pic of the #4 SSDD and was like,”Whoa!”

Yes indeed.