Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

I know it, but I keep hoping for a different result, lol! Last summer, my babysitter killed all but one of the plants, and now things were just starting to catch up… ahhh the ebb and flo of the subterranean gardener, jeeze!

I’m trying to get everything finished before we go away this summer, but I am such a lousy schedule coordinator :woozy_face:

Coco’s dead easy they said… I got the dead part right!


It looks like extreme conductivity is at play as well. I’d mix a bit of the soil with some distilled water and check the conductivity as well as the ph.


I pulled out some Grape OG x Chocolate Diesel in honor of Useful’s passing. They were the last testers I ran for him, and I don’t know if he ever gave them a real name and released them.

With flash
Grape OG x Chocolate Diesel Flash

I suck at descriptions, so I’ll just say it’s really good weed. Perfect for winding down the end of any day… especially a bad one, lol!

RIP Useful

It’s too late to check now, and I’m not sure I know what you mean, Joe… it’s coco. Whatever it was going on, it fucked her up good!

So fucked up, I couldn’t even get a good pic! FUBAR’d! So she got the bypass shears!

Although I would have liked to sample her wares, I am not a nurse… and she was terminal.

It worked out because I had this SSDD K3 blooming in a veg chamber.

… she’s much more pleasing to look at :slight_smile:

Happy 420 stoners, I loves y’all :slight_smile:


Hurts to lose 'em, but that’s the way it goes.

I’ve had this happen before when I used to run coco, and blumats. Once, the blumats messed up, and one ran constantly while I was away for a few days. The plants got flooded and sat in the nutrient rich water, and they were not used to that. They looked something like some of your’s do when I came back. I guess, in coco you can get away with them sitting in a bit of water for a while, as long as the plants suck it all up within a reasonable amount of time. To me, it looks like this time, they just sat too long. Glad you’re able to save a few though. Hope the rest of the run goes smoothly. You want an extra clone of Giesel to replace that plant?

Happy 420!


Thanks for the very kind offer of the Giesel @iamyou_youareme :slight_smile: I grew out some Elphinstone that I liked it a lot, and would take you up on it if I weren’t already overly packed in tight with plants.

Fortunately, #4 was the only terminal case, and the SSDD keeper was gonna outgrow the 3x3 real soon. I over extended popping all those SSDD’s at the same time. My life is so much easier with fewer plants, which I greedily forgot, lol!

Since it was just the one, well actually 1 1/2, counting the crunchyfied leaves on the PCK, I’ve no real good idea about what didi or didn’t happen… maybe @JoeCrowe will chime in with more on his conductivity comment?

I do need to find a way to leave them alone for a couple of days that won’t result in planticide. They are so spread out it would be hard to do anything other than individual systems, or at least I can conjure! Maybe not so much water/grub in the pans?

Luckily, I have cuts of everything, and I let them ride it out dry. I’ve had smaller vegging plants in
yogurt cups go for a week w/o a drink before they croaked :slight_smile:

Thanks for the comments, and Happy Earth Day… mon the pollinators!


I brain farted and typed in soil. I actually meant coco! Just take a bit of the medium and mix it with a bit of distilled water and see what the EC is. It almost looks to me like a really high conductivity fried the leaves.


Ha! Right! I too went a bit overboard with the Soul Mates, Sour D, Dream Beaver, and Lemon Wookie v2’s.


move to SIPs :slight_smile:

nah, I think you tried organics and they weren’t your thing.

You can try using a blumat system, they do work quite well with coco, you have to make sure they’re setup from the start, you can’t really add them before you go out of town and set them up and hope for the best. You need time to dial them in. They work best with liquid ferts, too.

Since your plants are separated you’d have to do a multiple rez, but they’re just elevated 5 gallon buckets, you could probably hang them from the floor joists.

Other options would be an auto water setup from Netafim or similar. Might make your life easier in coco anyways, but I’m not sure what you do with your run off. You can set those things up to water multiple times a day in coco and get crazy results.

Third option, find cool young neighbors that won’t mess up your plants while you’re away :wink: I know that’s not the best option where you’re at though. I had my neighbors water my stuff while I was away recently, but I still had to type out a full page of text on how to water with H20 and how to water the coco with pre-mixed nute water. Luckily, they knew how to read and follow directions and everything worked out great. Y’all need to go ahead and legalize there, I’d love to see some monsters grown outside there on my home turf.


Almost forever technically but maybe they need started that way? Or it’s veg only? I veg with 24/0 lighting and my plants live in trays that I twice a day top off to 1/2" to 1" inch of water. So the plants in solo cups up to 1gallon fabrics, are almost constantly sitting in that half inch to one inch of water. I NEVER top feed/water my plants. Only time water goes on top is when I put the seedlings into the cup the first time and that’s it.

That being said, I also NEVER flower them out with them sitting in trays of water. The one time I did was on my SSDD F2 #1 girl and she ended up looking kinda like @HorseBadorites. Can see the progression here from when it started and when i just pulled her out:

I’ve not ever tried to flower another plant in a tray of water like that again, but I don’t believe it was from EC content. I believe it was from root rot and something with being in flower… maybe all the dark time with roots in the water and nothing driving photosynthesis caused the roots to fester, would be my best guess :man_shrugging:


I think you’re on to something, in that, the plants are smart and they can get used to their environment. Wet feet is no problem in SIPs and you have no issues with bottom watering. The water with nutes in it does get funky really fast with no aeration, so maybe that’s promoting the root rot, or at least the inability for the roots to thrive?


I’ll give that shot, Joe. I thought I’d dumped the pot in the compost, but see I never got it farther than the outside the crawlspce door, lol! Fried is putting it mildly!

And, on top of that you’ve got a real mouth to feed! I get carried away, it’s such a great feeling seeing those seeds sprout, or cuttings root… but then they grow up and want their own rooms, and the keys to the nute cab, lol!

I so wish that I could have gotten a handle on that. I still have iterations of my many attempts laying around mocking me :frowning: But honestly, as I get more geezerly, I really enjoy the ease of coco, suits my incredible slacking powers… just gotta work on the timing!

I have seen some great coco grows and growers who do not water to run off, so I may try the Blumats with some rez raising gizmos. I can’t even lift a fully loaded 5gal bucket anymore, much less without making a huge mess.

I haven’t really checked out the Netafim stuff, but what I did see looked like much larger scale farming than can fit in the crawl! Do they have stuff for small scales?

Young neighbors are not an option, they smoke too much, and post their lives with no sense of repercussion. Tried a fellow geezer last summer, who had done great before… but geezers can’t keep much in their heads for long it seems. He killed all but one, and I’ve just now recovered!

I would like to grow outside again, but it was always taking a chance. Rippers, cops, mold, and hurricanes got to be too much. I’ve got a poly tunnel hoophouse, but can’t hide it :frowning:

Legalization is light years away here, and I know I would not be willing to jump through the hoops, especially when there really shouldn’t be any.

Love to meet up you if you ever make it back… the turf is getting long, and the mower’s ready :slight_smile: There’s other grass, too :yum:


I just wanna make it clear that I am NOT trying to convince you to switch to soil right now haha. But I will say that soil seems to be incredibly easy. I dunno about SIPS, but just planting some shit in a well-balanced soil mix, whether it’s in an airpot or SIP or whatever, seems like the way to go. All you have to do is water after that. And yeah yeah yeah, I add stuff to my water a lot, but I really don’t think it’s necessary. I do that mostly because I’m bored haha.

Especially if you’re gonna be one of those People Who Insist on Taking Vacations haha and sometimes has to rely on neighbors to take care of your plants, nothing seems easier (to me) than telling them,”Yeah, just dump a half-gallon of water in the pots every-other day and I’ll be back next week,” haha.

Isn’t that crazy? It’s soooooo fucking crazy. This is the result of people growing up with social media and not realizing that it’s not normal to post everything you do everyday all day on extremely public forums. They have no idea that all of this information is going somewhere…


I know, it’s that “seems” part that’s the kicker, lol! I got to where I couldn’t lug 5g buckets around, hunched over in the crawl, and had to scale back to 3’s, now 2’s. I got great weed from soil, but I have a few folks who depend on me to keep them happy, and just couldn’t keep up with soil. Plus, there was a lot of tail chasing, and in soil I couldn’t catch my tail soon enough.

Coco’s been a breeze, except for me wanting to slack at the beach or mountains. Weed is great, the return way better, and I cut my work load by having fewer plants, a lot fewer. And it made me a lot happier as a grower.

I get my hands dirty in our outdoor gardens plenty enough… but you are right about just having someone dump in some water, that was nice.

I never went about things the easy way, so why change now, and I don’t have to drive 4 hours to get some bunk biochar, lol!

I need to quit trying to being such a cheapskate, and thinking I can make my own getaway system for a buck!

@JoeCrowe ec 0.16 pH 6.16… might have possibly been too low an ec, as @HolyAngel suggested? But really over 3 days? Farmin’, lol!


huh with numbers like that and a 3 day time… it boggles the mind. No idea what could have gone down, now. Hard to imagine low EC killing a plant in 3 days.


Mhm, I get that. There are definitely nights where I start clapping my hands, just like,”Okay! Let’s do this, bro!” haha in an effort to get myself pumped up to simply water the plants. Lugging the pots in and out at 9 or 10pm is for sure not the thing I wanna do right before I start getting ready for bed.

Haha! I didn’t have to drive four hours to get that biochar; I just had to spend four hours with the dude because it seemed like he wanted to talk a lot. And I didn’t wanna be rude, so…


Maybe she was just lonely? Another one of my great what the fuck did that farmin’ mysteries…I have quite a collection, lol!

That would definitely put a damper on my growing enthusiasm, jeeze. I only have to lug mine when I transplant or move them from the veg tents to the bloom spots, and that takes me a week to recover from!

I was just messin’ with ya. But when I made biochar, I just dumped a bag of charcoal on the ground, covered it with grass clippings, and took regular leaks on it… maybe that’s why I had troubles? :rofl:

Seriously, I admire all youse who can pull off organic grows indoors, I just can’t. Like Pogo sorta said, “I have met the enemy, and it is me!”


Yeah, dude, I know. It’s fun to joke around! haha. But, uh,

Is this true? Did you really do that? Haha.

Honestly, biochar isn’t even necessary (I don’t think it is, anyway). Maybe in no tills it might be a good thing to add to the soil. I dunno. It really is just another thing that I sometimes add to my soil because I get bored. And “bored” isn’t even really the right word. Maybe “curiosity” would be more accurate.

Seems like it’s just human nature to always be fucking around with everything.

But for real, did you do that? Haha!

The first time I added biochar to my soil, I did something kinda similar. There was for sure a lot of urine involved, anyway haha, and it turned out great. Or rather, the plants I grew with that pee-soaked biochar in the soil mix turned out great. Whether or not the biochar itself had anything to do with it will always be a mystery… haha.


You bet, it was on utoob! I had gotten a sample bag from our only grow shop, and wrote the company about it. After a few emails, I asked if it was just like bagged real charcoal (not the briquets of coal tar :face_vomiting:) that had been innoculated, they quit writing. Real charcoal is way cheaper than growshop biochar, and I had the pee anyway.

But, like you, I’m not sure the biochar did much… was all the rage at the time though :slight_smile:


Never assume, right? I’d assumed the previously dispatched SSDD was the only fatality from the underwater adventure. Fuck me!

PCK at 55 DFF

She’s stone dead :frowning: Stopped any drinking after her last flush, and just started drying up, of course.

I’d dusted a few of her branches with some SSDD F1 splooge about 30 days ago. She has some seeds, but they seem to be right on the verge of being ripe. I hope I’m letting them vine ripen now, but I don’t know if that’s the way it works with weed? She has a really delicious, florally sort of smell.

SSDD K2 is looking a bit squirrelly, too. She’s at 54 DFF, with mostly clear, but some amber trichs.

I flushed her a couple of days ago, and if she keeps getting worse, she’ll be some daytime weed.

K3 is looking fine, but hasn’t stretched as much as I usually see at 17 days. She’s been under a single 315, which could be part of that, but I’m not assuming anything anymore, lol!

I just gave her a little iron boost to help her green back up…unless she’s contemplating croaking too!

SSDD K1 has had a few crispified leaves in her nethers, but still looks like she’ll make it to 70 days. She’s at 55 right now.

I’d dusted some of her lowers at the same time I did the PCK. 3x over a week. It seemed the pistils shrivelled, but now there’s no sign of seeds. I’ve also had the same issue when I tried STS’d splooge on other cuts of this keeper. I’d thought the reversed pollen wasn’t viable, but now I’m wondering if a certain female can be unreceptive, like barren? Anyway, that’s not my immediate problem!

Soooo, in light of the recent vacation murders, I am really looking for a get away watering system. I need to get something set by the last week in June, that works!

@iamyou_youareme I’ve been looking more at the Blumats. I’m a bit confused over the regular carrots and the Tropfs. My plants are pretty spread out, so it would be one rez/plant for a week. Coco, 2 gallon airpots, DTW.

I’ve seen coco grows with no runoff, but never tried it, so I figure I’d better start practicing now!

Do you think the Blumats are worth messing with? And what model should I start with?

Thanks for any help, from anyone… didn’t get much in the Blumat thread? Is it my oat breath?


I pulled a lot of my SSDD x Gojis a bit too early and had a lot of both immature & viable seeds. Germination rate for the most part seemed OK but sorting was annoying (picking out tons of light seeds). Those seed separators people are making on here look really attractive when it comes time to shuck and remove immature seeds haha.

I love the look of the flowers on your k1! Reminds me a lot of my keeper in many ways (frost). Wasn’t DJSF (RIP) able to produce seeds using your cut or was that a different mother?