Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

Ooph, that’s a hard one to like.
But yeah, some female plants are sterile. I believe there are actually some folks working on patenting that sterility too…


You should dig at the roots and see WTF is going on down under the coco with those plants that dried up. See if there is root damage!


Ouch, that sucks the PCK couldn’t pull through but at least your SSDD’s are looking like they should make it but you never know what another week will bring. Hope you can get those kinks worked out before your next vacation.


some sad sights there mr horse! you got to get a simple system set up,i used one of the cheap auto watering systems that just hook up to a gravity feed res and has a battery you just set time and duration and ran with some simple hoop drippers made from the cheap irrigation tubes some elbows and a hot pointy thing to melt holes around as needed,mine is for the drobes so a smallish res 25ltr lasts about a week,no good adding links though i dont think uk ebay is the same as us?glad to hear your feeling better,take care,


Yeah I know, it’s unfortunate because I think it’d be a great place to grow outdoors. Maybe the politicians will take a hard look at all the Virginia tax revenue coming from cannabis and change their minds… we can hope anyways.

For sure, I’d love to help out if I was a little closer. Hopefully the next time I’m on the other side of the country!

Boooo! That sucks. I think an autopsy on the deceased may be a good idea to see if you can determine what killed her.

It should! At least, I think you’ll get a couple of viable seeds.

I think the first thing to decide is if you want to go Blumats or something that requires power, similar to this setup:

I think you can grab all the parts you need for the second setup from Lowe’s or Home Depot or similar.

If you want to go Blumats, I’ll do my best to help out, as it is kinda confusing to setup.

First off, I’d recommend Sustainable Village for the Blumat parts… they are on the pricier side. But that have everything you’d need, and they support the Blumat system, so you can call them for help on the setup.

How many rez’s do you think you’d need? One per plant? Or do you have some plants close enough to share the rez?

I pulled out my set to take some pics, might give you a better idea on the sizes. I’m going to setup this again soon for my 2x4, so I’ll try and take more pics once I set it up. But for now…

5 Gallon Bucket Rez w/ Quick Connect Connectors for tubing

Best to have a quick connect on both sides, so that your tubing forms a loop, if it stops draining from one side, the other side will work, plus the loop lets air bubbles out either side.

The tubing gets cut, and a T connector get put in everywhere you need to install a carrot.

I’m using the standard size Tropf carrots. I think these would be fine for 2 GAL coco smart pots. They’re pictured in 1/2 GAL hydro pots.

The whole setup, simulated. I’ve run 8 carrots from one rez, one carrot in each pot. You could use 2 carrots per 2 GAL if you wanted, for better coverage, but don’t think it would be necessary. You can also use the distribution droppers attached to the carrots, which will allow one carrot to have multiple drip points (I may need to dig up a picture).

You’d still need a way to catch run-off either way you do it. Since you’re in the crawl, you may have a sump pump down there somewhere.

lol, I can smell it from here!

Nah, I’m happy to help with any questions that may arise. I’m not sure what’s going to work best for you situation. I will tell you, there is a high learning curve getting the Blumats setup and dialed in, you’ll probably experience a run-off, where the entire 5 gallon rez will empty itself through a messed up carrot, or because of air bubbles, or inconsistent pressure in the rez. If you don’t have a way to handle five gallons of nute water on the ground or running through your pots, you may want to go the other route, and just have a timer that cuts on a pump and drips for however long you have it programmed. Let us know which way you go.


It’s only a few branchs, so I can probably make through without too much whinging, lol! Those seed separators do look perfect for a lazy old coot, though, so if I keep this up, I’m sure one is in my future.

Unfortunately, DJSF was on his 3rd or 4th femming attempt, and I don’t know if the last one worked out. I’d tried 3x before too, with nada. I’m still gutted by his passing.

I’d never even considered that, so much for my keen grasp of the obvious. I just found some the femmed pollen, and I’ll try it on something else… maybe it is good and mommy’s bad?

I did bust up the first croaker, and the outer roots did look ever so slightly brown… but the pot had been sitting outside for a week or so. The inner roots looked good. The PCK may tell a better, or maybe worse, story. I’m looking for my Sherlock hat!

I know. It sucks to go away and worry about the kids while I’m sipping Mai Tai’s :frowning:

Hay, aren’t you the guy who flooded his house, lol! Mrs H is a lot less forgiving than Tina! But really, that sounds interesting, well except for the flooding part! I have all that stuff but the timer thing… and I like playing with hot pointy stuff :slight_smile:

Links are easy. Copy the site you want to link url from your browser, highlite the word or phrase in your text that you want to be linked, click the chain icon at the top of your post (to the left of the quotation marks), paste in the url , and Roberta’s your aunt lol!


It was not obvious to me either haha. I was pretty surprised when I read about it. It can’t be a super common issue, I certainly had no idea until I read the article about it.

If you have more of the pollen you used, that would be a pretty good way to check, but if I had to bet I would bet it is a pollen issue.


Lol uhhh ok

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Whadeye miss? :slight_smile:


Seems like the Blumats may be too finicky to set up and figure out for just a week. @duke 's system sounds more like something I could handle, but I am not seeing any drip timers that can work on a gravity fed system. The one’s I’m seeing either have pumps, or are connected to a pressurized main. Both of those worry me with regards to failure, either pump dying or timer allowing not cutting off.

@duke I don’t mind ordering from UK, so figure out this link stuff, buddy!

I wouldn’t mind a timer with a pump, it would be the easiest, but I’m only seeing stuff that looks gimicky and cheap.

So, if someone can throw me a bone, I’d eat it, lol!


One of my kids is going to bring a timer/pump over. He said it’s worked well for him, so at least I’ve got a starting point :slight_smile:

I chopped the SSDD that was looking janky. She went from maybe I’ll make it to please kill me now, overnight. Same look as the others. I’ll autopsy tomorrow. I thought about pics, but sometimes you just gotta respect the dead.


I would agree, probably best to use them throughout the entire grow.

I’m not sure that there are any.

Looks like it could work, give her a shot and let us know. If it’s only few a few days, it’s not worth setting up some huge irrigation system.

I wondering if they all got some kind root infection? After you pay your respects, let us know what her undercarriage looks like.


That little pump timer is pretty cool looking. I’m so tempted haha. Thanks for posting that!


It is certainly one of the possibilities in my mind. Whatever it is, it whacked them with the ugly stick before it killed them… grisly :frowning: And, we went from overgrown to under in less than two weeks. Took the poor, pitiful PCK down, too.

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this is same as the one i used and found to work and is simple to set up,all bar connection from res to timer which i had to make diy rest is just simple cheap irrigation hose and joiners in the right place,i found the supplied drippers with the kit are crap hence making my own.
good luck


Thanks @duke I’ve seen a few similar ones, but they need pressure. How high is your rez raised up?


Do you have access to a water spigot in your spot? I know you said, no to soil and sips, but Earthbox has a self watering system, but you need to be hooked up to a water spigot. Automatic Watering System for EarthBox Planter Boxes


hi about 4.5ft i guess,on top of the smaller drobe and gravity makes plenty pressure for dripper rings,good thing is no mains water so max problem is 29ltrs,not as in the past 250ltr!messy.


They do look interesting. I have to make RO water, our well water has a off the chart Total Alkalinity, and really messes with the pH, so no pressurized water. But, after watching your EB thread, I’m going to try a few outdoors, with some tomatoes, in DIRT! Maybe get a handle on this mud stuff yet, lol!