Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

You can do it! Haha.


LOL! Possibly, but I’m thinkin’ I don’t have that much time! I didn’t do SIPs, but I did put a few tomatoes outside this weekend… they are in dirt, if that counts!

So, after going away and fucking up, about 2 weeks ago I thought this girl needed a little Mg boost, so I scratched in a few TBS of Epsoms. She didn’t seem to greening up like usual, so I figured maybe she was running low on Fe. I’ve had that happen with Megacrop before, so I dosed her. Next day…
Lookin’ good, right?

Up closer was different story.:frowning:

Fook me! I think I scratched in some Epsoms the night before, and the combo made her a bit sicky… or just pissed off?

I gave her the standard resucitation treatment, a good flush… it always helps me, and she stopped all that nonsense. Didn’t get better, but stopped getting worse.

I’ve been a bit out of it lately, and hadn’t really given her much attention, but she is like no other SSDD I’ve grown, at least morphology-wise…and she’s a clone of my keeper.

She’s stout, and upright, with a different style of branching. She a reveg from the timer brain fart, and I’ve never had to reveg this cut before. It is possible I mixed her up with another of the SSDD seedlings, but they are seemingly accounted for, and that’s one thing I’m usually pretty good at… my kid’s names, nah, but the plants, hey!

The bitch is, if she’s one of the seedlings, and what I’m looking for, I’ve no idea which one. Nothing looks like her, so I’ll have to try a reveg. I’ve had about 40/60 luck with a finished plant. I’ll try a cut tomorrow, but I’ve about the same luck with that.

The alleged mom at 69 DFF.

Those are pretty crappy pics of her, but she is viney, and floppy, always has been. She’s coming down tomorrow, so I just cleaned out all her big leaves. I’m hoping there’s more to her than there looks, especially that there’s a seed or two. I’m not seeing any.

I was wondering if she coud be sterile, but remembered DJSF sent out some SSDD x Banana Cream Pies from this cut… we’ll see.

Since I’ve been on this killing spree, it’s looking like I could be coming up short soon on the geezers supplies. I had a SSDD #1 seedling hanging around waiting for it’s cuts to root. She is going to have to fill in. She’s another reveg. Just upcanned her. I’ll let her roots fill in some, and give her the flip.

She’ll be blooming while we’re gone for a week, so I’m faffing with the watering system.

The ear muffs are to muffle the screams!

Thanks fer pokin’ yer nuts in!


They look fine to me. Those spots on the leaves, what can you do? It happens. But the plants themselves look like they’re gonna grow some fucking rails.


With specs on or off, lol? It’s not how I wanted them to look, but yeah can’t do much now. I really don’t like the extra trimming from little brown tips, much less cutting out chlorotic stuff, cuts into my nap time!

I know it’s weird, but once I got a plant to grow without a blemish from start to finish, I wanted more… a silly dream chaser :slight_smile:


Haha! You’re funny.


Been slacking on the updates, and they are one way I keep track, no wonder I’m off the rails! So, this will pretty much be photo dump.

A little tune to keep the boredom at bay :slight_smile:

I’ve got 4 different lady SSDD F1’s going. They all revegged, and I’ve been trying to get cuts to strike. Be gone for a week, in two weeks, so I’d rather not have a bunch of big veggers to deal with.

#7 just showed enough roots to stick in coco.

There’s 2x SSDD Keepers, and #1, and #4 in pots. Still waiting on #5 to get a few more roots.

@minitiger check out those brand new clean flats!!! And they are triple thick plastic that’ll hold up a cinder block… heeeeaveee duty!

All the cuts rooted in vermiculite filled ice tubes, sitting in well water. I still can’t believe our well water was the missing link… it’s off the charts hard, but I’m not arguing!

Upcanned a SSDD K into a 1 gallon root maker, so I have something to flower in July.

Got new tent, too. The old one was held together with Gorilla tape, and binder clips. I think I got it in 2012, so I can’t complain. It was only 4’ tall, and this new one is 5’… huge difference.

Just fits under the duct work, and was fun exercise setting up down there.

I’d put 2 rooted cuts of the SSDD F1 #3 male into one yogurt cup. I split them up the other day. I want to flower one out to see if the female parts show back up. I hope not, because pop was a frosty mofo. I’ll use the other cut for more clones if he’s a real he, at least that’s that plan.

SSDD F1 #1 is 30 days in. She should be the only one blooming when we’re gone.

I am liking her structure. I waited a little too long to clean out her suckers, so she is a little thin, but those nugs are filling in nicely. She’s a 5-7 leafer, a few double serrations and krinkles, and has a spicy, sex like smell on the rub… I don’t know if I just turn her on, or what, but it’s quite a nice smell!

SSDD K3 is at 65 days. I’m going to let her go to 70 so she is hanging for two weeks before I get back to trim her. She has been packing it on this past week.

Got a 17G res for the bloomer, and a 12G for the veggers to sip from while I’m gone.

Also got another pump/timer to run run the veggers differently than the bloomer. Testing to see how long it takes for the bucket to get sucked dry. The pumps don’t shut off if there’s nothing to suck!

Got a few seeds from the PCK I hit with some SSDD F1 #6 splooge. I was mostly seeing if the pollen would take. It did, but looks like I could have run them for longer than 30 days after knocking boots.

Harvested the SSDD K1 at 80 days. I was worried because I couldn’t see any seeds where I’d dusted. There’s plenty!

The seeds on the left were in the calyxes at the stem/bud junction on the branches I didn’t purposefully dust. the seeds on the right were hidden in a bud about the size of a nickle… there’s about an oz and a half left to go thru. No idea if they’ll be intersex coming from the boyo/lassie, but I figure it might be fun to check out.

Thanks for stoopin’ in, hope y’all had a great weekend! :slight_smile:


Is that tent a 2x4, or the slightly smaller one?

Plants are looking nice, curious what’s in the well water that’s helping them strike.

Im hoping you have success with those pumps so I can learn from your efforts haha.


It’s a true 2’ deep x 4’ wide x 5’ high. The old one was 22" D x 50" W x 50" tall. It was tight fit running the 3x 2’ T-5’s the deep way. This new one is a Vivosun, price was right, and it’s okay. No light leaks, but the zippers are a little sketchy, but so am I :slight_smile:

I think it may more of what’s not in the RO water I was using, this well water has a lot of everything, but I don’t see how any of it’s available to to a plant with no bacteria to break it down… just one more mystery I’ll probably never solve!

Man, I really do hope these pump gizmos do it. My geezzer plant sitters have gotten way to geezy to be reliable for a whole week!


Yes, the vivosun zippers are scary haha. I found a sweet spot on mine where both zippers start and stop smooth, so I always park them there. I also try to not stop zipping until I’m all the way open or closed haha.


Yeah, but they’re big! This one has some bumpy, wrinkled places, like me, but one of the advantages of being a geezer is it’s a lot harder for me to force stuff. It is funny though that the bumps only seem to effect the glide in one direction? After 10 years of velcroing and binder clipping and laying stuff against the flaps to block the light, I’m taking this tent as a win :slight_smile:


I 100% understand haha.


Yeah, those look right up my alley, nice and clean. And sterile… haha. I like those heavy-duty trays, bought ten of them a couple years ago after the ones I was using cracked and broke just from putting like six half-gallons in them a few times. The new ones really are “heavy duty” haha, not worried about them cracking at all.

The plants look okay, too… haha!

I’ve probably asked you this before, can’t remember, but is heat not an issue for you down there in the crawl space? Seems like it could be in the summertime. And cold in the winter, too, now that I think about it.


SSDD K3 is a chunky lady! Looking great man, hope you got a good person to care for them on your vacation bro. Lot of important work taking place down there :+1:


For about a minute, lol! I never even knew these existed… I’ve been cracking those thin ones and taping them up forever… I’m gonna save a lot on tape.

It does get hot, especially if we have a week or two above 90°. I dropped one of the HVAC duct lines to the 1st floor, and stuck a fan in front of it, so there is a little cooling and heating. I’ve also got other fans everywhere. Still gets in the high 80’s regularly.

Gets cold, too, sometimes down to 50°.

I’ll get some extra foxtailling in the summer, and some of the bigger plants in the smaller pots dry out faster, but neither the heat or cold seem to bother the plants… they could be mailmen, lol!

The big open space (about 1000sq’), and all the air movement seems to keep us all comfy most of the time!

Thanks @Gonzo. I tried to fuck K3 up with the Mg and Fe cocktail, but she bounced back. She revegged before that, too. I’ve never revegged this cut, but that has seemed to make her a bit stouter, and chunkier… if that’s even possible?

It’s all gonna be on Moistenland… sounds like a Japanese porno band! Can’t be worse than last year. The human babysitter killed all but one… er, I guess it could be worse… good thing I’m such a positive fellow :slight_smile:
Coffee Mug - Far Side Just Not Reaching That Guy


Ahhh yea thats right you’ve setup & tested a watering pump system for this time. Dam short term memory :wink: I’m excited for you man, if this works you’ll be able to take vacations again without constant anxiety. That’s huge :+1:


Dude, that’s so funny, my old trays were completely covered in Gorilla tape, too. Layers and layers haha. I’m definitely glad that one day it occurred to me to look into more durable trays, though haha.

Yeah, I’m starting to think that although mid-70’s would be nice, it doesn’t really matter all that much. Obviously I don’t want it to get up to like 100 degrees or anything, but I’m not sure high 80’s is a big deal. I remember reading one of nube’s grow reports where he mentioned that it got up into the high 90’s and everything still turned out fine. And I was like,”Well, shit… Guess I don’t have anything to worry about…”

It’s weed! It’s fine! Haha…


No shit… I even drove back from the coast in the middle of week to check 'em, then drove back again, and I’m not an anxious person!

Seems like this gizmo should keep them alive, maybe not especially happy, but living!

It’s been high 90’s in the crawl plenty of times, just not for long, usually. I don’t know if it’s a thing, or not, but I think that having plenty of air moving in all directions helps the plants transpiration, and if there’s enough water available for it to take up, there’s no problems… but then, I’m just a dumb carpenter!


I agree. I’ve got multiple fans moving air around right now and it just feels “right.” Fuck temps! Haha.


Ht the coast for a week, and now back for a week, and everyone was, and is alive. Actually, better than just alive, and probably better than if I’d been here!

I probably didn’t even have the things dialed in, but the plants looked pretty much like I left them. I waited a week to toast the Moistenlands, because that’s when the plants started croaking after my last time off.

The pans caught any runoff, which wasn’t much, and there was no salt buildup damage from that, or the small pots having some seriously dry areas. I thought about giving them a good flush , but that was as far as that got! I do tend to get a lot of runoff when I water anyway.

I’d calculated 10 gallons of grub for the 8 veggers, so I got a 12g res. There was about a gallon left. Figured 13g for the bloomer, so I got a 17g tote, there was probably 1/2 left. Won’t cut it so close next time, lol!

When I trying to dial the system in, the pH in res’ kept falling. I cleaned everything out, including the mixing buckets, and the pH held around 5.8 for a week… very slightly falling every day. When I got back, the pH in both res’ was about 4.6. The plants didn’t seem to mind, but I have no idea why. Next time probably leave it a 6.2… or go with what worked?

Moistenlands to the rescue… and drying out before their next mission.

The only bloomer going, SSDD F1 #1 at 56 DFF.

She’s got some wizard hattery going on.

Started some Romulan seeds from the Spring Box. I think they were from @Jinglepot , is that right? I have a good friend with Parkinson’s, and some folks have said Romulan can help with the symptoms, plus I’ve never grown it.

They are eager. They were scuffed, and in a shotglass for 24 hrs, then into a bumwad lined dvd case lit up for 16/8. Makes them grow up nice and straight, morphologically-wise, lol!
36 hrs from dipping their toes.

The farm store where I get coco blocks has gone to blocks of chunky stuff. Their old stuff was kind of fine with a fiber. It sort of settles as the grow progresses, and I’d thought chunky might be nice. Less moisture retention, but seemingly more O2 holding capability… we shall see.

After a good soaking in the purple tote with no holes, and then transferred, and repeatedly washed in the orange one, which has drain holes. PPM of well water going in, 123, 73 draining out. I guess the the coco holds some of Ca and Mg carbonates in the well water, there’s lots.

The SSDD F1 reveggers and clones, both male and female are waiting patiently for experimentation. The males are first, stay tuned :slight_smile:


That k1 looks so good. Great amount of frost, calyx to leaf ratio and that wizard hat going on is cool too! I think that has a better calyx to leaf ratio than anything I’ve personally encountered in SSDD F1s so far.