Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

Dang, stoned again, lol! That’s not the keeper, my head is a sieve sometimes. It’s actually #1, out of 4x girls from the F1 seeds, d’oh! She is one who revegged after the lighting debacle. She clones okay, and if she’s got the other goods, she could make K status. If she bulks up in the next couple of weeks, she should be a good yielder, too :yum:


All 5x Romulans went into chunky coco solos yesterday. They are all poking their heads up today :slight_smile:
Romulan (1)

Cup o’ Cuts. Gonna try and keep the SSDD male going for a bit.

Put SSDD K4 into bloom yesterday. 315 @ 10/14

Things are starting to fill back up!


lol, I thought the saying was the best fertilizer is the gardener’s shadow… you’re telling me that’s not the case??!

Glad to see your auto watering setup worked like a charm, even if you did cut it close with the water… now you know you need a bigger rez next time.

Are you going to use the auto watering for vacations only, or use them regularly for your next grow?

Everything looking great over there… loving those little wizard hats.

Good luck with the Romulans, that looks like a fun one!

That’s some chunky coco, I’ve never seen it that blocky… hope it works out the same for you though.

K4 looks like she’s ready to 'splode! Nice work!


I’m not too sure about this system for long term, especially with coco in airpots. I don’t mind hand watering, I even like it! Gives me a chance to bond every day, and I really like to get a lot of runoff, so I’d still be vaccing and dumping that. And, I give each plant a 1/4 turn daily, the hoses and spikes kind of complicate that. But for a week away, this is a whole new freedom!

I hope this coco doesn’t dry too quickly or I’ll have to get some finer stuff to cut it, and have to get that at the only grow store around. I really don’t like giving them my money. They are Hawthorne Gardening central :frowning:

Thanks for the comments, we’re trying (very trying, lol!).


The Romulans are all over the place in every way!Romulan (2)

Took cuts from SSDD F1’s #4 & #5
SSDD #4 & #5 Cuts

Put 6x of each in the ice tubes w/ vermiculite.
SSDD #4 & #5 Cuts in Icetubes
I don’t like even numbers, but 5x was too risky on the striking odds, and 7x would have just been crazy tight.

I’d snipped a bunch of cuts from the SSDD male last week. They all started to look like this.
Embolism ?

I noticed the stems were hollow, so maybe from an embolism?
Embolism ? (1)

Stuck the seeded buds from SSDD K x #6 in a cooler with a mini dehuey for a couple of days, til they were crispy.
SSDD K x #6 (1)

Then dumped them into the kief tumbler, which shucked most of the viable seeds.
SSDD K x #6 Seeds

I guess I don’t need to be worried about the keeper being sterile, lol!

I’ll try to germinate some, if that works, I’ll put put some into 10/14 in cups to see if they show any intersex tendencies, and to see how this one will smoke.

Thanks for looking in, and don’t get too fried on Friday. :slight_smile:


So cool you were able to get some seeds out of that! Excited to see how the tests pan out too.


Thanks man, it’s taking a little longer to get to the tests than I’d thought, lol!

The Romulans have been dropping like like horse flies after I’ve been dipped.

1 left from 5. I’ve dropped 5 more, 4 have tails and will go into coco in a minute. I want at least one lady for my buddy. Wouldn’t mind a nice guy, either. I’ve seen where Romulan is a good nerve pain strain, so I could pair it with the SSDD?

Anyway, I want to get the Romulans going before I start into the SSDD F2’s. Not enough spaces for what’s in my mind, lol!

The he/she SSDD is showing balls after 7 days. They are tiny little things. No trichs, pistils, or swagger, yet.

Moved the SSDD K4 to flower under the mover for a bit.

Chopped SSDD F1 #1 after 70 days.

Nice soury incensey good weed smells. The buds are tight, but small, and she’s not nearly as frosty as the keeper. I still have a cut if she turns out to be exceptional.

My new buddy @Puffalo sent some of B’s Indica Lemon Thai Hp, along with some interesting extras. I’m excited by them all, but I’ve been wanting to try that Thai for a while :yum:

Thanks, Puff!

Annnnd, maters just started coming in earnest. Cherokee Purples, Chocolate Cherokee Purples, and Cherokee Purple Cherries… sounds like exotic wed names, eh? BLT’s 3x a day, lol!

That’s it for now, have a good one :slight_smile:


Cherokee purple are delicious. Grew those last yr. Never saw the cherry size :+1: This yr I’m growing black krim.


Never tried the Black Krims, do you like them? They look cool.

We’ve got a tomato mono culture with Cherokee Purps… hoping the cherries go longer than the big boys.

Had help gathering today.

Tomorrow will be 2x as many :yum:


This is my first year growing them, but I’ve heard good things. I’ve got a few things going on my balcony. Sumpter cucumbers, teaspoon tomatoes, lemon drop tomatoes, black krim a few types of hot peppers and cannabis :slight_smile:


Think I’ve said this before, but I love the trellises you make to spread out the canopy.
I’m jealous of the space you’ve got to do that haha.

Is that SSDD fems that you’ve made too?
Will be interesting to see how they go!

Tomato haul looks delicious as well, I’m waiting on mine to ripen up still, but I did start them late this year. Will probably be about mid Aug by time I can make first harvest. Runner beans are only just flowering now, so it’ll be September by time I’m eating those haha.


Thanks @SonsOfAvery,

I wish I could remeber who I stole the trellis idea from… I know it was a Limey, but can’t remember which one, you all look alike.

I haven’t had any luck getting viable pollen from 3x reversal attempts, but I’m persistent, if nothing else. I tried STS, but I’m reading about a couple of other tacks, so they’ll be next.

For the next month, everybody we know that doesn’t grow tomatoes will get loaded up. We’re making gazpacho, tomato juice, quiches, anything we can freeze. The season for these heirlooms is way too short! I also put some rotty ones in the septic tank to keep the turd eating beasties happy, lol!

Haven’t grown beans for ages, just no room… and then we’d have to shuck them! I’ll want to see pics in September :slight_smile:


:smile: :rofl: I genuinely laughed out loud at that, thank you! It is a small island and gene pool gets stagnant :smile:

I havn’t reversed a plant before either, I’ve tried Collodial Silver couple years ago, but the stuff I had then was cheap and turns out only 25ppm. I’ve got a bottle of 100ppm CS that I’m currently trying out on a CSI Durban x Zkittles, fingers crossed.

Did you make your own STS? Is it easy to make?
I’ve looked at buying some, But its not readily available in the UK.

I’ll keep you updated on the veggies garden too.



I make my own it is super easy there is a kit on Amazon that is really cheap colloidal silver is a lot of work everyday spraying I’ve had some strains take up to six or seven weeks before they responded that’s dedication there are easier stuff out there to use like your STS I think are only four or five applications and Amazon sell something now that’s called Elite plant reversal and you only spray the plant once but it is pretty expensive


I’ve found this on amazon, but it says in description tonspraybit daily for up to 2-3 weeks. I thought STS was supposed to be 2 or 3 sprays and done.

I’ve also just watched a couple videos on YouTube making STS, and it looks pretty simple actually. Just need to source the materials and I might give it a shot.



Oh yeah, ez pz… of course none of my mixtures have worked yet, lol! I’ve gotten plenty of balls, but they don’t open. I’ve run those balls through a grinder, and get what looks pollen, but it doesn’t knock the intended up!

Just saw a thread where someone is shooting up silver nitrate (?) into stems with some success. And there’s some different spray schedules, and another chemical, Cobalt something… I’m going to try them all!


If you are having troubles reversing plants, the expensive eliteXelite works great with one single spray.


It’s on my last resort list @JoeCrowe, but if it’s really that easy maybe it should be first resort! Have you used it?


lol! As I hit reply I had this feeling I had typed that in already. I’ve seen many positive reviews where plants that couldn’t be reversed with STS/silver took a while but were reversed by a single spray.


I think I remember someone on Trollitup talking about that years ago. Like hooking your plant up to an STS drip :smile:

That’s too far for me.
I don’t mind the odd bit of alchemy, and the occasional praying to the plant gods though :pray: :laughing:.
