Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

I’m not sure either, lol! I thought I had gotten the bacteria thing from Slow Nickle’s posts… but after this I’ll be back to adding it for upcans!

I’ve used Down to Earth stuff, and liked it til they became part of the Hawthorne/Scott’s/Bayer cartel. I’ll stick with the food grade gypsum and Dissolvine Ca.

If you’re talking gypsum, that’s what I do for outdoor beds… plenty of mineral eating bacteria there :slight_smile:


I just add the crap on top like that. The gnats love it :smiley: I think it’s mostly fungus and gnats that break it down. The gnats feed the spiders, a classic circle of life moment.


Another change in plans, lol!

I fucked up when I upcanned the SSDD’s. Had the light set for 10/14 for at least a week. I was trying to veg them!

Put the girls back on 16/8, and moved the 3 males to another chamber, and kept them flowering.

Since I’m selecting and not preserving, I figure I should just keep the male I like, but whadda I know?

So here’s my choices.


And #3

I’m thinking #3. He was the last to show flowers, is the smallest, and sort of has the leaf traits @HolyAngel favors. I still can’t smell much, but they all smell a similar spiciness.

Probably gonna whack the other 2x tomorrow… unless I hear some protest :slight_smile:


Ah that’s a tough choice. I kinda like #2 better. Does #3 have any double serrations on the leaves? I’m not seeing it in the pics, but #2 definitely does. That’s a blueberry trait. Plus it looks like the leaves are a bit thinner than #3?


lol, I’m all about the trichome count. The more, the merrier.


Especially if you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing, lol!

#2 does have a few double serrations, but no krinkles. #2’s leaves are a bit thinner, but it seems they’re more 7 bladed.

#3 has at least one double serration :wink: And mostly 5 blades.

Do you count the 2 little blades the point the other way? That could really screw up my criteria, lol!

So, #6 is outta here!


Just looking at plant structure I think I like #6 the most. #2 looks nice also. Not a fan of #3 personally. I think if I had 3 males I’d probably flower them out and wait to see if trichomes appear on any of them, is that a possibility?

Disclaimer : not a breeder and am not seeing parental leanings in any cross, just like the way the first 2 look more than the 3rd. Also may change as #3 flowers out more


I do count the 2 little blades that point the other way ^^

It’s really hard not being there in person, but going off structure alone from these pics, I would not choose #6 as I don’t think it has much if any bubbashine traits :face_with_monocle: The choice would definitely be between #2 and #3 for me. I think it’d come down to scents. What the stem rubs/leaf/male flower scents are would be where i’d draw the line. Up to you which male to choose.


Before I took cuttings off of #3, he did look the most similar to my keeper, especially with his shorter stature. They are all flowering, and I’ve seen no trichs, so far.

Well that changes things, lol!

Bodhi had said that he used a extra stretchy Bubbashine male, so I was thinking maybe #6 was showing that trait? But like I’ve said, I’ve never seen a real Bubbashine, nor really put much observational effort into pollen chucking. I’ve always only chucked what ever was at hand.

I don’t have the space to flower all three separately. I’m thinking it wouldn’t be a great idea to have a mash up of all three, either… IDK.

They all smell pretty much the same when I wank 'em, lol!

Looks like I’ve got a few more days before there’s flowers opening… oh the indecision :slight_smile:


Oh I’d definitely only go with one of them. #3 does look closest to my own keeper too :thinking:


So you’re looking for bubbashine leaning phenos? B suggested to look for the stretch-indica phenos as you indicated. Also worth keeping in mind with your #3 that delayed maturity may give you a false read on the structural traits. I guess it depends on what your goals are.

I have a hard time trying to judge plants by leaf traits because there are so many factors and variables that can throw you off.

Here’s an SSDD “bubbashine pheno” mother’s leaves. Mine doesn’t have double serrations as far as I can tell but it definitely has that blueberry stretch indica growth characteristics.

And here are the same mother’s leaves in different soil in a situation where it’s regenerating out of an unhealthy situation.

I agree that it’s hard to really judge these without being there in person and especially so early, but to me #2 does look the most bubbashine of the 3 at this point in time. With cuttings it seems like you have a lot of options available. Do you have any thoughts about what you’re trying to achieve with this project? ie preservation of your keeper, selection towards a specific parent, expanding seed numbers to check out different phenos hidden in the F2s, etc ?


Sooo0, what’s the consensus on he/shes?

Both #3 and #6 are showing pistils.


#2 is still a manly man, and possibly showing some trich… but he could change by tomorrow, lol!

Maybe, lol! I’d like to get seeds that more often than not give what my keeper lady puts out: great nerve pain relief, and great high. Great smell and taste would be a bonus, but not nearly as important to me.

I got the impression from B’s SSDD description, that the stretchy Bubbashine male added that.

I’d like to keep narrowing that down over more generations til I can get mostly great pain relief and buzz from seeds. I don’t like keeping mothers or making clones, but needs must, right?

I change my mind more than my socks :slight_smile:


Personally I’d go with #2 without hesitation with that detail added to the mix.



I thought I’d seen Tom Hill say he liked predominately male plants that threw some pistils, but my head’s a sieve.

I hadn’t taken cuts of #2, and when I was going do that today, I could only find one shoot that’s a possible candidate… and that’s iffy given my rooting track record as of late.

Will a male reveg?


Dj Short has echoed a similar sentiment I believe. He at least said he didn’t think it would increase the probability of intersex traits in the female offspring.

With my luck revegging lately no. Pretty much have given up on my Redeye Jedi female.

Every time I’ve ever initiated flowering on a male also it has continued to flower even under 24/0 lighting. Just a personal anecdote though. ymmv


Those go in the trash. So #2 it is! :joy: That sucks tho :pensive:

You can definitely reveg a male if they’re stable. My starshine male would stay in veg indefinitely. No balls unless flowered. Revegging is one of the ways I test male stability. If you have to take a clone, kinda gotta wait until it roots but from then on just pull the balls off as they show up. After 2-3 weeks of doing that and 24/0 lighting, it should revert to full veg mode. If the male auto flowered under veg lighting originally then I likely wouldn’t keep it anyways.


So much for me thinking I was in charge, lol!

That’s good to know, now I gotta figure out how to do it! Could I let it flower, then cut him way back, trim the rootball and repot… and waaaaaait? I don’t think the cut I took is gonna do much.

And none auto flowered, I forced their hands with the timer screwup.


That’s pretty much spot on exactly.

I’ve only had success rooting a flowering clone once and it took like 6 weeks before she rooted. Another 2-3 weeks for reveg leaves to show.


It’s moot now :frowning: #2 is sprouting hairs. :grimacing:

Since all 3 went to the dark side, I reckon they didn’t care for having the timer go from 10/14 for 2 weeks, then to 16/8 for a day. Sensitive little fellas, lol!

Still have a pack of F1’s that I’ll try to treat better, but that will have to wait until we’re back from the coast in July… don’t want to have any more babysitter induced psychoses!


Aw damn, that really sucks :pensive:
Crazy you’re finding all the herms over there and I haven’t seen any yet from this line. I’ve seen a bunch in other lines, like the goji and mother’s milk but not the SSDD’s. I’m just getting ready to flower out an f2 male so I’ll definitely play with the timer and see what happens. Here’s to better luck next time :confused: