Mostly SSDD's, and a little Useful, in a lot of Coco

It does, but that’s farmin’!

I’m not sure these are bona fide hermies, or just males re-identifying, lol. I’m going to let them go for a few more days since there’s nothing growing that their splooge could effect, and I’m a bit curious.

I have had some Appy crosses that put out some nanners. Dream Beaver, Blueberry Hill, and Mothers Milk, but nothing that some plucking didn’t take care of. And, the nanners could have come from my slack care, too.

But males showing pistils is a first for me.

I didn’t have any issues with the males I used to make SSDD F2’s &3’s.

I’ll take all I can get :slight_smile:


Perhaps they are monoecious plants that have a single sex. I have “female-leaning” versions of that. Most people would toss them in the garbage, except… somehow, it’s the champion.


Hmmmm, that’s an interesting thought, I didn’t know it could happen. When you say “female-leaning” is that plants that start off showing female bits, then strap on dildos… like hermies, or just put out some nanners?

I’m not tossing anything, just yet. I took all the tops w/pistils off, keeping them under 10/14, and waiting to see which way the wind blows. I don’t think I want to be using them to be making the pain relieving F2’s… but I’ve changed my mind before, lol!

An interesting thing I noticed when I topped them was one plant bled a milky sap… the others were clear. I can’t remember ever seeing milky sap… but I do smoke weed, lol!


I’ve seen it where the plant looks female, but has definite pollen sacks here and there. Sometimes a single seed in the entire crop. Plants that look like yours where they look like males, but have female flowers as well. The thing is that a male plant can be reversed to “female” as well as a female can be reversed to “male”. That means both sexes are capable of expressing the other when the ethylene cycle is disrupted. I wonder if they got light poisoning?


Could have been my banana breath, lol!

If they could get light poisoning from going from 100W of T5 to 315W of CMH, that could be part of it? The CMH was raised pretty high (or maybe that was me!).

I definitely screwed up their light schedule, but I do that all the time and haven’t seen the he/she effect before… always a first time though, right :slight_smile:


The winds of change have moved some things around, and changed a plan or two.

Moved the SSDD he/shes into the 3x3, whacked off the female parts, and have kept them on 10/14. Did I already say that? I’ve been hitting some Elphinstone, Raspberry HP x Chocolate Trip, and Herer HP lately, and have have been told I’ve been repeating myself… but I haven’t really cared!

If one does stop putting out pistils, I may do a little collecting. I’m not worried about stray pollen, only one flowering plant, and she’s down in a few days.

Still have 4 F1 ladies, well 2 proper ladies, one who’s very slow but interesting, and one that just can’t get right.
Proper gals…

She’s revegging from the timer twit’s handiwork.

#7 She’s not revegging, and never did seem to begin flowering. I hope her cuts take.

#1 has been crazy slow. Flushed her 2x before she got going. She’s got little lean going, a bit of a krinkle, and 3 blades with some overlap. Still to small to take cuts though.

Then there’s Can’t Get Right

She’s looked like this since transplant. I flushed her, twice, no change, and to be honest kinda stopped really caring… but I am seeing some perking up leafage in this pic. I’m going with root issues, so maybe some foliars… I want to grow out every SSDD I can, just in case.

Cloneland is still cut land, no roots yet.

Moved the PCK and one of the SSDD mothers into the 4.5x4. Need to upcan them to 2g airpots pronto, then flip. They are both a little taller than 2’, which is usually the max around here. The whip and chair are ready!

Blueberry Diesel is at 62 days. Smells more like grapes than b-berries now. The pink tops have faded. She’s a sticky wench, but feels airy. I don’t mind airy at all, if it’s got some other redeeming qualities, and it was a grow from seeds from passed on buddy. It is a beautiful plant, eh?

So, that’s all the news that fits, thanks for stoopin’ in, and hope your bowls are full :slight_smile:


You should make a few seeds with them to see what happens. My opinion is to always check that sort of thing…I typically won’t throw anything away without testing it first.

I’m wondering if it could be a mutation in the male sex marker…something that causes it to still show female…if so it can easily be fix with an out cross to replace the male sex marker.

Beautiful plants as always. Your BBD is getting me excited about the ones I have going…great looking plants!



I know what happens… they’ll go with these, lol!

Ancient OG 5/13/16
Appalachian Thunder Fuck 9/23/14
ARC 8/28/17
Blueberry Hill 10/27/15
BOO 9/15/19
Dream Beaver
Dream Beaver 10/27/16
Dream Beaver F2 4/8/16
Elfinstone 12/1/20
Goji 5/19/18
Grape OG x CD 1/16/21
Mother’s Milk 19-Apr
Northern Lights #1
OG #18 10/27/15
Pot of Gold 10/27/15
Raspberry HP x Chocolate Trip 1/16/21
Snow Queen :female_sign: Blueberry Hill :male_sign: ? 5/19/16
Space Monkey F2 10/8/18
SSDD #1 & #2 2/25/16
SSDD :female_sign: x Dream Beaver :male_sign: 4/28/16
SSDD B 4/22/18
SSDD Butter Cut 4/5/18
WiFi 5/5/18
WiFi :female_sign: ARC :male_sign: 9/1/17

I am not a collector, but I never throw a seed away!

I’m lost about the marker thing, but that’s not unusual.

And thanks, the BBD is a pretty one… it’s not what you have, at least I don’t think so… I have no idea on the lineage, yours look mighty nice, too :slight_smile:


Dang,Dream Beaver! How did you like that one? That’s one I’ve been searching for a bit now to get my grubby hands on.


What’s all this, Crosses / F2s you made? SSDD B / Butter cut ? I got a few Wifi 43 x SSDD started as you know from my current journal so am also curious about your opinion on the WiFi.


It was great, even though shittily grown in my first attempt using a bed with multiple plants under a scrog screen. It’s not mite resistant :frowning: It was very strong smoke without being a couch locker. Had a too late noticed male poke the harem. If you ever want your grubby little palms greased, I’m a next door neighbor :slight_smile:

Yeah, I made them, or in some cases they made themselves :slight_smile: The SSDD Butter Cut is a bit of a mystery to me now, I kept pretty lousy records, but I think it was a SSDD plant that I sent pics of to B, and he called it that. I’ve never really smelled the “butter.” But I also have a SSDD (Butter Cut) x Wookie 7 that B sent for doing some testing. That wasn’t as impressive as straight SSDD for me, but I only grew out a few.

I loved OG Rascal’s WiFi, especially a WLD pheno that came up. Another very strong smoke, but it would sit me right down, too! I’m sure the SSDD cross is a great one.

I should revisit most of that list, but I get bored easily, I guess, and just love popping new stuff. I’d give them away, but most of those mentioned are untested one offs, and I don’t want to mess up anybody else’s garden… well, except yours, lol!


Yeah I hear you, I’m pretty sure my bubbashine pheno has the butter aroma everyone talks about but it’s still a bit subjective in my opinion. Power of suggestion and all that. Someone who’s tried a lot of SSDD crosses and tested some of my SSDD x Goji’s said the butter smell was there in some of them.

According to this bodhi post the butter comes from the bubbashine


So I assume that to mean the butter cut is a bubbashine pheno you got there? That’s awesome you had his feedback there. May be worth popping!


Looks like I’ve been slacking on the updates, again :slight_smile: Had an unplanned kitchen remuddle, had to refinish the countertops and replace a rotten sink… I’m old, slow, and I hate plumbing!

Finally got some cuts to strike.

Ice tube tray with vemiculite and unfiltered well water. I’d been using RO water, and not having much luck… I hope the well water has changed that permanently!

I had taken some cuts off the SSDD F1’s before they began to reveg from the the timer fuck up. #5 & #7 are females… #3, a male was sporting balls, but hadn’t show pistils at the time.

I am keeping #3 just to see if it was the timer fuck up, or in his/her genes…

The 2x keeper SSDD “mothers” were getting a bit large, so I upcanned 1 into a 2gal Airpot, and put her under a 315 at 10/14. That was 10 days ago. I’m trying to stock up as much of the keeper buds I can just in case my other experiments get out of hand…which is pretty much always a given!

The udder mudder… I’m keeping her until I can get some nice tender cuts.

The female F1’s are #1, 4, 5 & 7. All but #4 are revegging.
#1 has been a can’t get right from the get go. I’m keeping her for a curiosity, for a while anyway.



If non-revegging cuts of those strike, I’m thinking of tossing the reveggers, just to save some space and time. Plus, all the plants I’ve revegged before ended up being tangly challenges, and I’ve got enough of those without trying!

#4 was the runt of the litter. After multiple flushes, she finally took off, albeit slowly, but steadily. And, #4 was so tardy that she missed the timer bs.

A few double serrations, too!

I still need to get some cuts from her.

The other keeper mom was upcanned to a 2g AP, and put into bloom 11 days ago. She’s under a 240QB and a 315. She had her nethers cleared out a couple of days ago.

Out of the 3x male F1’s, #6 was the trichyest and stickiest, so I kept her flowers.

I’ve had them loosely covered on parchment paper for 5 days. Is that enough drying time?..or too much?

I have casually made seeds before, but this is a bit different.

What’s the best way to separate the pollen from the flowers?

Then what do I do with it?

Any guidance will be gratefully accepted!

Almost forgot the PCK from @bunny 's repro.

I’m liking her.

And Ms. H’s orchid garden is in full swing

Happy fucking daylight savings time :frowning:


I’ve never done it, but maybe old school style, like when you’d break up seeded weed on an album cover or a tray, maybe? Or maybe a sifter-type thing?

What?!? You don’t like the first day of daylight savings? This is one of my favorite days of the year. Won’t be long now til summer’s upon us, can’t fucking wait!


Depends on the drying conditions, but usually enough time for me.

Do you have a metal screen, like a window screen or a spare grinder with a screen you can dump the male flowers on and gently roll the around to release the pollen through the screen? Or give them a good shake on the parchment and just pick the male flowers by hand, and the pollen should be left there and you can brush it up, if they’re really dumping.

Looking good over there… Ms. Horse’s orchids are looking great too. Looking forward to flying back to NC at the end of this month. Here’s Ms. Iamyouyouareme’s orchids right now:


That was my first thought. The pollen is dusty, really dusty, just looking at it makes cloud… still an option, though.

Ya know, Summer would still come at the same time without DST… okay an hour earlier, lol! I do like that it’s still light later, but the mornings just mess with me til we go back on standard time:(

I actually have a pollen tumbler, but I use it for kief. It gums up if the weed is not dry dry. I probably don’t want the pollen/flowers to get that dry, or do I? I have window screen, though, but the openings seem a bit large, but I’ll try that first. No way I’m picking all those flowers out by hand, I want to get it done while I’m still alive.

Stop by and sit a spell, iffen your in the neighborhood! Spring has sprung!

Phalenopsis, gotta love 'em, and especially that tiny one.

Thanks for looking in :slight_smile:


I would assume you want both the pollen and flowers to be as dry as possible. With collecting and storing pollen I was always under the impression that any moisture is your enemy.

I’ve been using black construction paper (think I heard in Bodhi’s interview that he uses that, maybe it was someone else on potcast) and manually raking out the male flowers with something resembling a DIY bonsai rake. Then into heat sealed bag or centrifuge vials with absorbing silica desiccant gel. Screening it sounds much better haha.


Would oven drying at 100°F be too much? That’s as low as my oven goes, and what I use to tumble if I don’t decarb. Or just keep air drying until the flower sacs are crunchy?

I’ve got glass I could lay over a black something, and the tumbler has a piece of black formica to catch really fine stuff. I’ve got a paint brush comb that might make a rake… hmmm :thinking:

Will the pollen degrade too fast sitting in the house at 69°F and 30% RH?

I am really prepared for this, eh, LOL!


I’m interested in the answer to that as well. Not sure what the safe temperature ranges are and what level of heat it would actually be exposed to in a consumer grade oven. I have never had issues with air drying in my situation (cool temperatures and low humidity).

Ya that sounds better in some ways than the construction paper. Lots of pollen remains in the fibers of the paper when I do it that way, whereas glass wouldn’t have that issue. I assume to some degree the paper is wicking moisture away from the pollen that is sitting on it but I doubt it’s that substantial.

Sounds similar to the conditions that I’ve collected pollen in without issues (6-12 months storage i fridge). Have only froze pollen a few times for longer storage.


Hey here’s a link to the pollen shaker I use. It’s pretty handy!
4.5” Aluminum Pollen Shaker

Edit: here’s a link to a mini dehumidifier that can be used to dry pollen Eva-dry E-333 Renewable dehumidifier, Pack of 1, White Sand