My Bubble hash making tech

it’s just the standardized method I use. I’ve honestly been exposed to many different methods of mixing timings etc. What I noticed is the process doesn’t make much of a difference in the outcome, it’s more the things that go into it that determine the outcome. I mean, there are parameters you probably shouldn’t violate for plant fibers sake. But that’s the only additional fuckup/contamination I could produce with my mixing method. As long as the plant fibers look decent under the scope it’s all good. Additional contamination - not good.

heh heh old socks… I remember trying this oil once, tasted just like old socks…GROSS!!!
Instead I float out the hash which is a mass of trichomes, into a thin layer of water and trichomes, on the parchment. Once it dries like that it’s like fucking glass!!! So gooey and clear. Just float it out into a thin layer on anything that doesn’t absorb water, probably glass would work as well. Then wait for it to dry. I never saw that tech in my life, so I can claim I invented it!


ok I guess I got the data I only lost 2 more points to water. So I’ll just call it 18grams!
697/18=38.7 so 39 to 1! A NEW WINNER!!! defeated king tut which was 47 to 1. A sound victory even with rounding errors and ditched sig-figs. significant figures.


hey, did someone call for sparkles!!!

I got the hash nugget dried out now, you can see it’s true color. I didn’t do the press test on this one, but I’m prepping for the batch I will perform it on next. I am very happy with this hash yield, as you can tell by the numbers.
I hope that I have outlined how a turd like me…or you, can grow 100 plants in a shop and produce :dollar:120,000 worth of hash. Even though it’s not what I am doing right now feel free to crunch the numbers and see what the fuck I’m talking about. If I grow 100 plants under 25 lights with a yield of 125 grams each light and sell it on the legal market for 40$ a gram I make :dollar:125,000 heh heh. There’s industry madness for you, where’s the roof on this shit? I am pretty sure I’ve encapsulated the entire hashish industries production secrets, from here on out it’s just some more research and data gathering. BORING SHIT RIGHT!!! :nerd_face:


You’re making science look way cooler than Bill Nye or Neal DeGrasse Tyson. Your witty repartee is the icing on the cake. Keep it up!


lol, I use the phrase turds in honor of my friend who insisted everyone shits, and clogs the toilet once in a while. Also…well, south park.


oh shit, I forgot to do the science happy dance! Haven’t falsified the theory about trichomes linking to hash yield! dances like a maniac

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To save your energy, I’m going to google “science happy dance” to find a fitting gif. I make no promises but I will report back.

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lol I always imagined it like this:


For those wondering - lots of old Northern Lights has been tested via burning today.


Yup! That works!! :+1: :sunglasses:



I’m smoking the last of my NL flower rosin from my first grow.

I got three bags, one GSC one Trainwreck and one GG#4 in the freezer.

going to have a bunch of trainwreck bubble hash soon…

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heh heh I’m excited to see the results!

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Oh by the way, if you want to grade your bubble hash but you don’t have fancy equipment, here’s what I do:
take a small bit of the dried bubble hash and rub it between your thumb and finger. The feeling you are looking for is flour like smooth texture(great!), sandy texture(ok), or hard like a rock(garbage).
I do this all the time in the field and people lose their minds. like WTF am I even doing rubbing some between my fingers. Oh forgot to mention only the best grade “great!” melts, but not all of it.

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Hey good news, at least my hash passes the feel and melt test! A fancy microscope is still further down my list then a fresh batch of bridgelux strips and a tissue culture kit, I guess I’ll just have to keep assessing it with fire for now! :rofl:


So assuming that remains unpressed and actually survives for a period of months, do you expect it to retain that luscious colour? Or will it still darken up a bit anyhow?

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it’s frozen now, so no change expected for the future. Having said that, you better know I have something brewing on that slide where I’m going to check on it once in a while looking for a change. Observations are worth their weight in goooooooold!

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It means your hash is not contaminated with bits of growing medium(impossible in your grow) and not many plant fibers! congrats - it’s smokable/vapable!!

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I have some stuff that I never properly pressed, but I can’t recall if I gave it a little squeeze in the bag when I ran it. It’s aged about a year folded in parchment, in a small jar with several other chunks like it. In that time I really feel that it has darkened quite a bit, and also taken on some really lovely spicier notes to the aroma and flavor. It only survived this long because it was lost in a box from moving, truth be told.

I have spread my bubble out pretty wet before as well, both on parchment and on silicon sheets, and I agree that I’ve quite liked the results. I have never tried drying it in the freezer before though, I didn’t realize you could get that sparkle just naked on parchment in the freezer. Definitely gonna try that next run.