New Grow Reboot- newb2.0 doing newb things

No space monkey

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I’ll have to see whats left when I get home.


Aaaand they’re off! 6 sundae stallion, 5 SSDD, and 4 Sunshine 4 all in some water til tomorrow morning. 2 of the SSDD sunk right away…

@MrMayhem1134- I’ll start a grow thread for the SSDD seed run once theyre up, going and showing they can sustain. Are we doing an OG giveaway w these or are they a repro for yourself?

Green is sundae stallion, red/orange is the SSDD F1, and blue is the Sunshine 4. Fingers crossed we get good germ rates!


It’s gonna be a seed co-op run type deal for the whole community or as many spots as you think you can fill. Of course I would like some to be put aside for us as well, especially considering the time you’ll be devoting to these in my place🙏. If you would like to do a grow log as well you have my blessing! Whatever you decide just let me know and I’ll stay tuned for the ride and see how these babies do!! So excited for this I feel like SSDD is a staple of Bodhis many people should try. Even if it’s not the most potent, taste and overall effect can be big deciding factors as well on a good pheno.


Planning to do a grow log, but won’t start it til I have plants up and growing. Latest update is 4/5 of the SSDD were open and had tails so they went into the peat plugs this morning. The 5th looked like it had cracked open but didnt see a white shoot emerging. Inside the crack looked brown instead of white so that may be non viable. I left it in a wet paper towel to monitor. The SSDD definitely less vigorous than the other 2 strains I’m popping- the SSDD barely had a tail, whereas all 4 of the SS 4s had 1/4 inch tails, and 5/6 sundae stallions were in various stages of root emergence. We shall see!


My lucky 7’s from GPS are like that too. They were slow to root and are super slow growers! On the other hand I have a couple bagseed strains I could clone multiple times and flower before the lucky 7’s would even be ready to flower. Sometimes some strains take there time and sometimes others just explode. One of the reasons I love to pop multiple strains is to see that difference because I enjoy them all for different reasons, especially space wise it’s sometimes nice to have some you can take your time and train and then some you can get in quickly to replenish the stash🤣. No rush on the grow log I’m glad most of them even popped!! Woot woot!!


4 SS 4s came up, and 1 croaked, 4 of the sundae stallions are up, but not looking good @MrMayhem1134 on the SSDD.

If these are a bust, we’ll have to figure out something I have that you want to do as a reproduction. Feeling terrible I took these beans that are getting very hard to find and am not able to get them to break the soil


Have never had much faith in peat pucks are you checking your ph with these?
Since they are 100% peat

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Ive done pretty good w them- I got all 12 of my spirit train to go and then another batch of seeds I went 100%. This go around, I’m doing fine except for the SSDD. They opened their shells in a wet paper towel, but nothing more than a tiny emergence of the root tip. Whereas the SS4 and Sundae Stallion all grew 1/4 in roots in that time in the paper towels. So vigor kinda lacking w the SSDD seeds

Before this go, I screwed up by planting too deep & not using the heat map on the karma OGs. I’m not blaming that on the peat pucks…

Do you have Black Triangle? Or anything with Blue in the name ? May be interested. If you are still wanting to sell. What else you got?

That id be willing to let go of, of course the discontinued stuff ill want a bit more for.


How many black tri do you have and how much? Or should I try to pm you, if I can figure out how… haha
Blue Lotus too.

Just pm me

Can you PM me? And I will respond. I can’t figure out how to send a PM.

I see you found out how, thats a good thing.

If y’all are trading black triangle in this thread, I’m gonna extract a toll :grin:

Had to post this somewhere bc I’m excited about the purchase. Bought a pack of cannarado krushers on strainly. It’s karma OG x gushers. First time buying on strainly, first time buying some hype and fems too


SS4 and sundae stallion. Been about 10 days in the solo cups, going into 1 gals in the next few days. Been fertilizing heavier than usual just to see what my upper limits can be.


Ya I’ve found that if it’s a new strain start really low on the nutes AMD work UO to find the max it will take! Good luck

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Kept the SS4 & sundae stallions in solos. Took some cuts of them , they’re in the cloner.

Got some space monkeys going, their leaf shape looks quite a bit different than anything else I have going.


Time to start making some more room in the garden, I have a problem w starting new seeds lately. I already have 5 different strains started that I haven’t flowered yet and I also want to pop this whole pack