OleReynards Shanty Bar 2021

Just something to keep in mind. Hope they work for those that take them, and they don’t have this reaction.


I have a major issue with this and tend to just avoid people. My neck shoulder and back are so screwed up , constant pain and burning, numbness tingling, twitching all over especially in the legs I don’t think I would ever let them cut into me as I’ve seen to many doctors mis diagnose and screw people up. They removed a muscle in my dad’s leg when I was a kid because they thought it was a tumor. I hate doctors and hate feeling like this. I smoke so much weed just to feel good enough to go out and do the things I have to do. I used to be a highly productive motivated person and now I have to force myself to do the bare minimum because nothing is enjoyable when it leads to more pain.
Three bad car accidents , that weren’t my falt and rolling a rancher qaud down a mtn. I’m lucky to be alive after the atv wreck it almost landed on top of me and threw me about 50ft down the mtn when it happend.
The worst part is wanting to keep working and having to admit defeat. Also really sucks when somebody older then you asks for help lifting something and you have to respond I’m sorry I’m not capable, I’ve learned to put my foot down and say no , somebody who is not damaged will never understand how much it really steals from your life.


Your productivity is about where I’m at myself.
Desire to do much of anything has left


It’s really hard , I feel bad because I don’t walk the dogs as much as I used to and they sit and stair at me , I can push a wheel barrel half full of dirt on flat ground for a few short trips but will regret it after. The real annoying thing is watching young people with no pain be lazy and do nothing but sit there and stair at there phone. I gave up backpacking, kayaking, snowboarding , golf and many other things I miss dearly. I’ve been thinking about trying golf again lately but somebody stole my clubs when I lived in the city and now I’m back to being a renter if I do try. I’m also pretty sure the first time I try to hit a ball with a driver I’m going to fall over and need to be carried home.


Yep know what and where your at.
Just recently got rid of my big deep lake boat, too much to handle and my pontoon.

Just a bought a new fishing pontoon with capts chairs. Wtf?
Had to hire someone to finish my garage for me, last fall had to hire someone for skid steer work afraid I was gonna get in and not get out.
Dogs, same dealiey-o as you.
Selling my lawn tractor hiring a maintenance crew, would take me better part of a half hour straightening up. Fact

A younger piece of ass would kill me right now.


Yeah I still haven’t let go of my backpacks but have been thinking I should give them to somebody who will use them , I don’t know any younger people who like to camp though let alone hike miles to do it.
Honestly the situation with he dogs brings me down the most but I still try to walk them when I can. The biggest problem is other people not having there dog on a leash, my dogs aren’t nice and if a stray or loose pet comes up to me I’ll have a real problem. I have 60-80 pound pitbulls that were bred for hogs and they could easily pull me down the street like a child.
There is a reason old timers said pits should never be bred to weigh more then 48 pounds and it’s because a 60-80 pound dog with the heart of a lion can not be stopped with out a bullet.
I know I’m supposed to say it’s not the breed it’s the owner but I have been involved with breeding and showing dogs for a long time and will tell you it’s not the breed it’s the bloodline. Most bulldogs now are friendly social pets that have been bred for looks but are a mere shadow of there past. If you somehow get a real game bred dog in your hands esp if it is also human aggressive and you don’t know what your doing somebody is going to get hurt.
I love the apbt more then any other breed but feel that 90% of people who have them shouldn’t.
Sorry for the rant , had a argument again yesterday with somebody about dogs and human aggression vs animal aggression and that they are separate or should be but often aren’t.


I haven’t gotten caught up on the conversation so forgive me if I’m repeating info;

Selfing is guaranteed to crash a line into the ground eventually, and there’s no way to know in advance how many generations it will hold up.
But so is inbreeding.
And to take it a step further, even a polyhybrid is at risk of catastrophic genetic failure when people intentionally keep their mutants, and breed them with other mutants. I think the issues people have when breeding with MAC is a direct carryover from the heavily inbred Starfighter grandparent.

Selfing is a great tool for gaining insight into which traits are dominant in a plants gene pool. In most cases, tho, you’d probably get higher quality progeny with full-sibling feminized seeds than by selfing.
If you’re buying seeds that have been selfed more than once, you should ask yourself how much you trust the breeder to kill weak plants.


I dont usually procure anything but regs…
But I knew this particular plant and she was very worthy of having.
A guy at the CC decided to self her, now I’m trying to have more than clones, I want some beans out of these.


I agree with all of that 100 percent , mutations and Inbreeding always lead to infertility and the combining of negetive recessive traits. The problem is the right amount of line breeding and back crossing can solidify the traits you want to see but it comes with alot if trial and error and some lines breed well while others don’t. When you get into dogs line bred is good and inbred is bad but the difference between the two is a fine line and can quickly get screwey. I have a dog who has the same male for the stud like 5 generations back and she has alot of problems. I dident know untill I got her papers and am rather shocked the adba even allowed it.


This is another damn near extinct specimen.
Can’t find seeds, what can I expect when these plants get bred.

Sorry I’m ignorant when taken off the path of regular seeds.


That shit made my beer come out my nose. Both fuckin nostrils. Thanks a lot buddy. Now my eyes are watering and my nostrils feel like someone set my nose hair on fire and let it burn to my throat.


Glad to oblige


I’d got a chuckle when I read it but if a guys gonna go it would be a great time till it ended .


I do have to say Woodhorse Seeds Herijuana.
Easiest plant I’ve grown so far.
Buds remind me of eggs with sticks sticking out of it…
Buds also have a geode effect going.

Boy I hope this shits stoney.
Need to get more if that same generation but.probably too late.


Man, that all sounds so familiar. I’ve gone to sort of isolating myself to stop feeling certain feelings. Especially when you worked so hard your entire life. Nobody knows if they haven’t walked in your shoes a few minutes. peace

thanks to all of you who are sharing your personal struggles with the same things I am. I sort of have withdrawn a while back, so it’s inspiring to know I’m not alone, but wouldn’t wish it on anybody. I know I did live life to its fullest after the heli crash. I’m a little surprised and alarmed at how similar all of your experiences are to my own over the years. damn. prayers and vides sent out to you all! peace


Yep. We bought the ticket and took the ride. Now we’re old and broken. Onward!




This is the really frustrating bit for me, not being able to do what I want or need to do and can’t because of the pain and muscle tremors. I get so angry I just want to smash like hulk lol.


Shouldve named this thread Retirement Village.

Checking for sex today and uppoting.
I see @Barefrog 8813 pretty much girlie dominant 75%, boy got chucked.

Have sug black rose a coming along.

A couple of Blue Kush x motz cherry crosses I did.

And a lowly Grendel but still got a few to sex yet which are both Grendel and found one more. So four total?
Have three boys in the hood.


They only help my nerve pain a lil. 800mg 3x daily here.


I’ve had two disc replacements. Its not fun! Yes through the front push your throat off to the side and hammer in metal plates. Makes mine hurt talking about it.