Oozle's Indoor

Bad-ass looking sativa man, love the thin blade leaves. I’m excited to see what they do I’m holding a 5 pack of those beans myself.


They both look super-intriguing, but my money’s on the #1 plant. That third pic of her… Hoowee.


agreed. She is my favorite in the tent so far. I said I wasn’t taking clones this run or this year and now I am thinking I should have haha. At least I have another half a pack.

Do you have an idea of when you are planning to run them?

This cross seemed interesting. I have the Hawaiian peaches and Perry’s peach strains also. I’m hoping to see some of those grown on here before I pop 1/2 of one or both packs around spring time.


No I don’t. Tents will be packed for the next 7 weeks and then I’ll be looking to plant more beans. If you’re impressed by it I may just plant all 5 and have my first go at making seeds / f2’s.

Is it true that the E. Banana is lower thc and higher cbd? I’ve read conflicting things. Anxiously awaiting your smoke report…


IDK. I’ve read the same. I grew 3 of the Ethiopian Flames (Ethiopian Banana x Dragon Energy) and didn’t think they were any less potent then anything else I’ve grown.

Maybe I will get these plants tested for THC/CBD, but that costs $$$ and not sure I want to go through the trouble of getting it done.

Ohh that would be awesome. If you do make em, count me in!


Yeah agree man, the smoke test works just fine for me lol. I’m betting there’s still quite a bit about the weed high that has yet to be discovered, more to it than just THC etc.


Zephyr (a member here) has said that the Ethiopian Banana hybrids that he’s been growing for a while now work really amazingly for his very serious medical condition. Whether or not that has anything to do with CBD is anybody’s guess. I mean, you know… CBD… Gimme a break haha. Like you said,

There’s a lot of stuff going on. It ain’t all about “CBD.”

Having said that, zephyr’s also mentioned that the Ethiopian Banana stuff has gotten him super-ripped. Sounds like a sorta “best of both worlds” situation to me, where it gets you high as fuck and also has serious medicinal benefits.

The Banana Soap (Ethiopian Banana x Doc’s A5Thai male) I grew is definitely my favorite of the plants from the last round, but I can’t say if that’s because of the Banana or if it’s because of the A5Thai male; I’ve loved every one of those A5T hybrids I’ve grown. I will say that the Banana Soap completely alleviates my constant urge to drink, so I guess you could say it’s “medicinal.” At the same time, most weed (especially the A5T hybrids) alleviates my urge to drink, which is why I should be smoking a whole helluva lot more haha…

Anyway, yeah, you should plant those seeds. Why wait on other people’s opinions of them?


I do agree with your sentiment there man. What gives me some pause is the fact that I have to dry in the same tent as I flower in so if I run a long flowering sativa ill pretty much have to pause/end everything else Ive been growing/cloning/keeping etc.

Maybe I should give up on the keeper hunt, cloning, mothers etc, and just run all kinds of stuff while making some f2s along the way incase I love it. Ive noticed its all pretty good anyways. I’m starting to lean that way, I’ve bought way too many seeds lol, I have alot to run.


Hm. Yeah, that’s something you gotta think about, I guess. I don’t know why, but I write down every-fucking-thing I do over the course of a grow in my notebook except when I actually chop the plants haha. I never write that down, just had to scroll through the log to see when I chopped the Banana Soap: day 80. She needed it, too, didn’t really start filling out until the last ten days, even though I’d been decreasing lights-on for weeks.

Zephyr said he was chopping his Ethiopian Banana crosses around ten weeks, though, so, you know… Just something to keep in mind. Oozle’s EB x C. Red plants look like they could take a while…

Who knows? That’s the fun with seeds! You never know! Haha.



3 - Electric Mango (EM) (Green Crack x Mango Haze) - High Lonesome
2 - Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red (CR) - Strayfox
1 - Blue Dragongrass (BD) (Magic Bluegrass x Dragon Energy) - Doc D

Plants are starting to smell nicely.
I need to do some tent maintenance today. I plan to clean the fans, raise the lights to their max height, and increase the light intensity to 80%.

I have 1x 260-watt HLG R-Spec on the left and 1x 240-watt HLG LED on the right. The 240-watt light is an older model that I got about 5 years ago. This will be my last year using it before I upgrade to another 260-watt light. The 240-watter still seems to be going strong, but I like the spacing between the LED boards on the new lights and having a knob with markings to adjust the light intensity is a bonus.

Gave them some liquid karma (4ml/gal) yesterday, otherwise only water this week. I’ve been bottom watering some this run. My last couple runs I’ve noticed the bottom of the pots didn’t have much root development and the soil was dry, so I am trying to ensure the whole pot is soaked this time.

Blue Dragongrass

Electric Mango
It’s hard to get in the back of the tent with all these tall plants in the front. I’ll take more pics of these next week.

In the next few days I will start my next batch of seeds. I plan to run half a pack of Black Magic Haze (Cuban Black Haze x A5/Thai bx), half a pack of either Herer HP or Lavender Jack, and a heavier indica… probably another 2 Aliens and Milk.

Have a good one.


Oh, that’s cool. I was actually thinking I may plant some Herer HP seeds to replace whatever stragglers don’t make it from the current grow or any of the males etc. Still haven’t decided, though haha. I’m kind of over the 88G hybrids right now, even though I love them.

You may not need to if you plant the CBH x A5Thai… I’ve read sooooo many conflicting reports on the straight CBH. Some people say it knocks you on your ass, some people say it’s a super-energetic thing… It’s annoying haha. I bought a couple packs of that hybrid when Doc said he was shutting it down and moving to Mexico, asked him what he thought about it. He said it can definitely get “heavy” if you overindulge, which is why I haven’t planted any yet. But I will at some point.

Anyway, yeah, I got the impression that it’s not a real “Hazy”/super-up/energetic-type of smoke. Those A5Thai hybrids, though… Love ‘em. Never done me wrong haha.


A friend who loves Jack likes it because it gives her energy, so I’m leaning towards the Lav Jack. I’m not sure, but I think those hashplant crosses have a higher chance of being heavier.
Some of the Herer HP pictures I’ve seen look like some excellent flower, so I might just close my eyes and pick.

That’s great to hear. I am thinking these Electric Mangos will be my energetic/daytime smoke and with 4 plants, I will have enough to last me a while.

I’ve been a little intimidated to pop the CBH and A5/Thai stuff because of the long flowering time and I am not the best with canopy management, so my stuff get’s a little wild sometimes. But now I wrote it down, I have to commit haha.


I tried some samples of that NobodysNursery cut of Lavender Jack that a lot of people here are growing. It wasn’t energetic haha. I really liked it, very happy/peaceful/content, but it definitely wasn’t any kind of “get up and go” weed. It wasn’t sleepy, either, but it didn’t make me wanna get up and do stuff.

Obviously you’ll find different plants from your seeds haha.

Possibly. nube posted a pretty comprehensive smoke report of like four or five that he grew here on OG. Those are on the first Bodhi Seed Discussion thread, if you wanna take a look. I remember that he said that there was one phenotype that was very, very “up,” made him wanna clean the house etc.

I don’t think I’ve ever grown any of those 88G hybrids that utilized a sort of “Sativa” for the female portion of the cross, but some of the ones I have grown have been pretty “electric.” The Clusterfunk I grew was for sure like that, despite the genetics. But yeah, you may have to grow a few of those Herer HP to find something like that.

Nahhhh, don’t worry about it. I’m sure you’ll be fine. One of the things that Doc’s always said is that that A5Thai male usually shortens flower times. From the few hybrids I’ve grown, I’m inclined to agree. And weed’s weird anyway. I thought those Wat Phos I grew were gonna get massive and they stayed super-short. The Bandaid Hazes I grew got a little tall, but three of the four were done around day 76. The Banana Soap I grew took 80 days but was the shortest plant in the tent.

Etc etc etc… haha. You never know what the fuck is gonna happen. I wouldn’t worry about it, though. The only way to find out is to plant ‘em!


Electric Mango - High Lonesome

F22 in the 3x3.

I’m not completely happy with this tent. I killed the Nuketown so I could spread the Electric Mango out as it was going to hit the roof of the tent, but I didn’t do a great job tying everything down evenly. I mean it looks ok, but I feel like it could be much more… neater and a more efficient use of the space. So I’ll bend more tops and hopefully I don’t snap any branches.

F30 in the 4x4:
The other 3 Electric Mangos.

This ones seems thicker then the other ones. Broader leaf, tighter and seemingly denser nug structure.


EM 4
City Picker plant. I’m going to tie the plant up soon so it isn’t leaning all over the place.

I’m puffing on some Sour Glow today. I wish it were more energizing and uplifting, but the potency’s good and it tastes excellent, so I’m not going to complain too much haha.


Have you ever tried supercropping? I did it on some plants a while back and it worked well. It actually seemed like a better way to keep plants from getting out of control than bending and tying.

It kinda depends on the plant, though. There were a couple others that I also wanted to supercrop that round, but their stems felt really “woody” and not very pliable, so I skipped it. Still… That’s something I really need to remember to do. I liked that method better than bending-and-tying (and usually snapping at least one plant in half haha). Maybe you should try it.

Do it! haha.


I’ve done it before and some of these tops I supercropped, but I didn’t do it to enough of them. I didn’t anticipate how much branching this plant would have.

I just went back in the tent and supercropped the tallest branch haha.


Sweeeeeeeeet haha.

I don’t even know when you’re actually “supposed” to do it, do you? The one grow I super cropped, the Wat Pho one, I didn’t twist and snap until right around where you’re at now, like around week three. Do you know if it’s “better” to do it in veg or maybe the first week of flower or something? Like before the stretch is almost over?

I’d actually totally forgotten that I supercropped some of those plants until I mentioned it to you. Which is why these forums are so awesome haha. “Gotta remember to supercrop, gotta remember to supercrop…” I do wonder, though, if that’s why those Wat Phos stayed so crazy-short.

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