OG Forum Guide for Members

Here are a few quick tips to get you started:


To read more, just keep scrolling down!

As new replies or new topics arrive, they will appear automatically – no need to refresh the page.


  • For search, your user page, or the menu, use the icon buttons at upper right.

  • Selecting a topic title will always take you to your next unread reply in the topic. To enter at the top or bottom instead, select the reply count or last reply date.

  • While reading a topic, use the timeline on the right to jump to the top, bottom, or your last read position. On smaller screens, select the progress bar at bottom right to expand it:

    You can also press ? on your keyboard for a list of super-speedy keyboard shortcuts.


To insert a quote, select the text you wish to quote, then press any Reply button to open the editor. Repeat for multiple quotes.

You can always continue reading while you compose your reply, and we automatically save drafts as you write.

To notify someone about your reply, mention their name. Type @ to begin selecting a username.

To use standard Emoji, just type : to match by name, or use the traditional smileys ;)

To generate a summary for a link, paste it on a line by itself:

Your reply can be formatted using simple HTML, BBCode, or Markdown:

This is <b>bold</b>.
This is [b]bold[/b].
This is **bold**.

For more formatting tips, try our fun 10 minute interactive tutorial!


There are action buttons at the bottom of each post:

  • To let someone know that you enjoyed and appreciated their post, use the like button. Share the love!

  • Grab a copy-pasteable link to any reply or topic via the link button.

  • Use the show more button to reveal more actions. Flag to privately let the author, or our staff, know about a problem. Bookmark to find this post later on your profile page.


When someone replies to you, quotes your post, mentions your @username, or even links to your post, a number will immediately appear at the top right of the page. Select it to access your notifications.

Don’t worry about missing a reply – you’ll be emailed any notifications that arrive when you are away.


  • All topics less than two days old are considered new.

  • Any topic you’ve actively participated in (by creating it, replying to it, or reading it for an extended period) will be automatically tracked on your behalf.

You will see the new and unread number indicators next to these topics:

You can change your notifications for any topic via the notification control at the bottom, and right hand side, of each topic.

You can also set notification state per category, if you want to watch or mute every new topic in a specific category.

To change any of these settings, see your user preferences.

Subscribing to categories and topics

Some key definitions to understand are:

  • Watching - You will be notified of every new post in the topic. The count of unread and new posts will also appear next to the topic’s listing.
  • Tracking - You will be notified only if someone mentions your @name or replies to your post. The count of unread and new posts will also appear next to the topic’s listing.
  • Regular - You will be notified only if someone mentions your @name or replies to your post.
  • Muted - You will never be notified of anything about this topic, and it will not appear on your unread tab.

To subscribe to a Category (or forum) go to your preferences (via your Profile page) and scroll to the bottom of the page. You can add Categories by beginning to type and then selecting from the dropdown.

To subscribe to a Topic (or thread) go to the topic in question and scroll to the bottom. Just above the Suggested Topics table is a notifications drop-down, from which you select the appropriate option.

Keyboard navigation

The Keyboard Shortcut menu can be accessed by ?

Known keyboard issues
p and = open the Profile and “Hamburger” menus respectively.

The Profile and “Hamburger” drop-down menus can only be navigated by tabbing; j/k and up/down arrow keys do not work.

j/k navigation does not work on the Categories page, or Profile pages (except for Messages).

Smilies / Emoticons / Emoji

Discourse uses the Emoji set of emoticons Hover over the one you want to see its code. Each begins and ends with a colon, with the name between (no spaces). So, for example, if you want to add a smiley face to your post :smiley: , you can just type :smiley: or use the emoji picker in the composer window(as shown below).

Community Trust

It’s great to meet you! As you participate here, over time we’ll get to know you, and your temporary new user limitations will be lifted. Keep participating, and over time you’ll gain new trust levels that include special abilities to help us manage our community together.

We believe in civilized community behavior at all times.


Following are the tips I’ve gathered when using Overgrow. These may help you get comfortable with the site.

User Profile

:left_speech_bubble: Can I change my username?

Yes, first 7 days after registration you can change your username in your profile (clicking avatar in upper right corner and go to preferences ). To change it later, you need to contact administrator.

:left_speech_bubble: Where can I get my oldschool badge?

Just participate in this topic.

:left_speech_bubble: Where can I get my custom title?

:left_speech_bubble: How can I add my signature to post?

Sorry, you can’t. Discourse (forum software) doesn’t support this. Its philosophy is about plain and clean view of the essentials - and that is the discussion - post content. Signatures doesn’t fit this philosophy.

Sharing photos and knowledge

:left_speech_bubble: How do I attach photos into post?

  • Drag & drop (it even works for multiple images at once )
  • The upload button in the composer toolbar (keyboard shortcut: CTRL+G)
  • A link to the image (URL on a line by itself)
  • Copy & paste (Chrome only)

:left_speech_bubble: Upload guide with screenshots - How to upload photos (from phone, tablet or desktop)
:left_speech_bubble: How to use and participate in GrowFAQ

User Permissions

:left_speech_bubble: I’m not able to upload more photos / send more posts, what is wrong?

If you have registered today, just read few more other topics and your trust level will increase so you can include multiple photos into single post.

:left_speech_bubble: Explanation of Trust Levels and User permissions

Moderation and civil discussion

:left_speech_bubble: How can users participate in moderation?

Read more about flagging posts:


:left_speech_bubble: Where should I post my topic?

:left_speech_bubble: How can I use formatting in my text?

Here is handy guide to markdown

:left_speech_bubble: Tags help better organization of topics. How can I select tags for my topic?

Untill you reach trust level 3 you can choose from selection of tags (or ask mod to create one). Once you reach tl3 you can create your own tags. Here is how to select tag for topic.

:left_speech_bubble: How can I rename a topic?

Click the pencil icon next to a title to rename a topic:


Browsing - Instant notifications

:left_speech_bubble: How can I get notified about new posts and events happening on OG instantly?

If you have browser window with Overgrow open, everything happens and updates in real-time. New posts appear in thread etc. There is no need to refresh browser window.

If you don’t have Overgrow window open, you can still be notified as long as you have your browser open (possibly browsing other sites). Just use allow push notifications in your browser.

iOS platforms

:left_speech_bubble: How to add Overgrow as app icon on iPad/iPhone homescreen

Support Overgrow

:left_speech_bubble: How can I support Overgrow?

  • Donate using PayPal - send me private message if you wish to do so.

Please see subscribing to categories and topics.

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How to add home screen shortcut on Amazon tablet.

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Sorry but I don’t have Amazon Kindle to test, so maybe someone else can help you…

I’ve found this relevant article, it looks like there could be link “Add to home screen” in your browser.


hey joe how do i delete things i have posted ?

1 Like

I am not Joe, but i believe i can help.

Click on the three dots next the the “Reply” button at the bottom of every post and select the little trash can to delete your comments.

Hope to be of assistance.



what about topics posted cheers mate


I can do that for you bro, link the topics you want erased and i’ll delete them.

is there any way i can erase every topic and comment so i can start again i have some great ideas for my page i have a light build and grow soon and wanted to erase everything please help plus alot of the comments was late at night i was pritty drunk its just spam ?


I checked your site statistics. They look very good.You have some good topics and posts. I would contact @LemonadeJoe for help.

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i hope i hit the right forum here-- i was thinking to start a thread “cannabis.sequoia.national.dank” as something like a personal, non-topic-al thread-- is that ok? something like the madscientist’s labratory.



Please do, feel free to make off topic threads in the #smokers-lounge that’s what it’s there for.


MUahahaha! :evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree: :wink:

Is there a way I can split part of the discussion out of my hydro thread into a new thread or do I need someone else to do it? I cant seem to figure out how to do that myself.

I would like to split out the discussion posts about copper in solution to a new topic called “Can copper be safely used in hydroponics to keep roots out of drains?”

The split would start with post 170 and include any of the following ones that are about copper.



It is done … Any Moderator or Leader can split & merge topics.


Thank you sir!!!

1 Like

Sure… There is link from your preferences.

Or to display all topics that are muted for you, just use this link:



@TeamOG Is it possible to “mute” an entire category from my home screen?