Pap’s 2022 spring grow

Those are Bad Ass woman!

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I think I am gonna try my hand at snow globes :slight_smile: Edible of course. I wish the isomalt did not turn cloudy, but still fun stuff.


Still too cool looking …


I wonder why it ends up cloudy? Maybe a diff temp will fix? Looks amazing!!! That’s art!!!

Check it out. . Maybe this is it @Gardenartus


Thank you, I think I got it too hot.

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Apparently humidity causes the cloudiness… are you storing it in non humid environment @Gardenartus

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I had a batch I had made up, it was fine, clear as should be, but was not a lot, so I think I overheated it when reheating. I tried the blow torch but it did not work, and that normally does, so not humidity, my goof up of overheating.


For some reason I knew I was a temp thing as my original suggestion of Temps being off lol… but I figured… you’re always helping… and that it would be cool to try to help you for a change @Gardenartus

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Appreciate it :slight_smile:


Stoner moment oh well


I did make my own sugar this time but it didn’t come out like yours at all

Stoner moment
I didn’t purge the tincture in half like I did the last time so it was weak to being with

2 cups of sugar to 2 cups of weak ass Tincture
Did work but you need add more sugar to my coffee lol


Removed stoner moment


Removed by me stoner moment

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I know this sounds like over load on working it but I found that using the already processed cannabis oil is more reliable to make sugar with. You know how much is in there, and also I make it on a double boiler instead of the oven, which makes it much safer. I take 2 grams of oil, that was tested at 800mg per gram, dissolve it in 1/3 cups organic alcohol to 1cup sugar, takes about 30 to 45 minutes on a double boiler. Once it looks like it is completely evaporated, I do it for about 15 minutes more, making sure all alcohol is gone, if I feel it needs more time, I put it in a dehydrator. You have to scrap the bottom and edges of the pan while doing this, and incorporate it into the rest of the sugar.


Oh no!!! We’re not worthy.
Will somebody give the man some sugar.

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So far sex declared
1 female port wine cheese 1 male 1 undeclared
2 Paps punch sadly all males kept the best for pollen collection

The rest are still in a holding pattern
So we shell wait


Damn no PP ladies at all???


Hay @Jetdro

No sadly.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. thrips killed 2 out of 4 this round and the last 2 well they just showed up as boys

I only have maybe 6 seeds left from the original batch
So hopefully the pollen will keep till I run her next round
The one male was a mutant but the one I kept has beautiful structure and is strong and healthy

If I started some seeds now they’ll be way to far behind for the others

Next round oh well

So we have 1 pwc
I need
1 amnesia
1 sou max kids
1 strawberry razzmatazz

Out of 21 seedlings thrips killed 6 and stunted the growth of 2

Almost killed my Frankie

Little F’ers


Damn man that terrible… kill those little bastards!!!