ReikoX's Workshop 2021

I’ve been enjoying the Living Soil Conversations on the Future Cannabis Project YouTube channel lately. On this podcast, Leighton Morrison has repeatedly sung the praises of crop steering to improve both quality and quantity. I did a little bit of investigating and found a couple rather interesting articles that explain a bit more about what crop steering is and how it relates to cannabis. I have also been a fan of Dr. Bruce Bugsby’s nine cardinal parameters for optimum plant health. What I did was apply the crop steering techniques to those nine cardinal parameters in the chart below.

Based on these observations I have :

  1. Switched the light intensity from around 70% intensity (400 PPFD) to 100% intensity (600 PPFD).
  2. Lowered the air temperature from 84F to 81F
  3. Lowered the air humidity from 70% to 59%
  4. The previous three will increase the time the fan is on
  5. Increased the CO2 controller from 600 PPM to 800 PPM
  6. Increased the frequency of teas
  7. Decreased the amount of watering/teas
  8. Increased the dry times in the beds