ReikoX's Workshop 2021

your grow setup is amazing! I love the very scientific approach you take also.


Iā€™ve been enjoying the Living Soil Conversations on the Future Cannabis Project YouTube channel lately. On this podcast, Leighton Morrison has repeatedly sung the praises of crop steering to improve both quality and quantity. I did a little bit of investigating and found a couple rather interesting articles that explain a bit more about what crop steering is and how it relates to cannabis. I have also been a fan of Dr. Bruce Bugsbyā€™s nine cardinal parameters for optimum plant health. What I did was apply the crop steering techniques to those nine cardinal parameters in the chart below.

Based on these observations I have :

  1. Switched the light intensity from around 70% intensity (400 PPFD) to 100% intensity (600 PPFD).
  2. Lowered the air temperature from 84F to 81F
  3. Lowered the air humidity from 70% to 59%
  4. The previous three will increase the time the fan is on
  5. Increased the CO2 controller from 600 PPM to 800 PPM
  6. Increased the frequency of teas
  7. Decreased the amount of watering/teas
  8. Increased the dry times in the beds

Notill beds at day 3 flower.


Youā€™re beginning a new flowering cycle while Iā€™m about to chop mine in a few days, Doesnā€™t surprise me we both began the last flowering on the same day, yet with all my ignorance, still tying up loose endsā€¦ difference between knowledge and the lack of it. Never stopped learning! Thanks. :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Hey it happens. I am still feeling the last waves of a string of issues/screw ups that happened with some plants. Live and learn. Everything is getting much more dialed in now thankfully and plant health has been on the up and up.


Ever wrapped the middle of your beds with plastic wrap to help retain a more even moisture level so the sides do not dry out so much faster than the center? The Grassroots 2x4 raised bed was slightly too big for my 2x4 tent/tray so I got a different brand that was not the living soil grassroots style side material and was thinking about wrapping mine when I got it set up. Just curious on your thoughts and experience with any of that.


Iā€™ve heard of it, but when I made these beds, I didnā€™t take it into consideration.

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It seems to me that wrapping your beds in plastic kind of defeats the purpose of growing in fabric. I mean, Iā€™ve heard of people doing that, but I wouldnā€™t. Might as well just grow in huge plastic bins. Youā€™re watering your pots on a regular basis anyway, so why worry?


Well a huge plastic bin is quite a bit different than a fabric raised bed with a strip of thin wrap around a section of the center. Lots of variables between styles and setups, so everyoneā€™s feeding and watering methods and time frame are a bit different and depending on how strict of organic no till living soil the grower sticks to and the base materials used to make the soil blend will highly dictate if they would want to do it or not, along with many other variables of course. Always interesting to see/hear everyoneā€™s style and approach. Much love :evergreen_tree: :heart: :evergreen_tree:



Thatā€™s a nice chart.

Umm guessing generative means flowering .

Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s going to be okay to keep my light intensity UP In VEGā€¦

I could lower the light and decrease intensity.

I want to give them Good quality light in the veg period to help the plant develop itā€™s roots and branchesā€¦


You can grow however you like. I have been upping my intensity in flower to maintain a constant DLI. If you have the same intensity, but cut hours from 18 to 12 hours you lose something like 30% of the photons throughout the day.


Thanks! I think I phollow. lol

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Made me spit my water and scared the shit out of my wife beside me :+1::joy:


@Canofbusjoe :joy: happens to me all the time. Also sometimes right after I say something funny and hit reply I burst out laughing :rofl:


Dibbbbs??? Lol.


Undibs!!! False dibs!! LOL! :scream: :upside_down_face: :crazy_face: :zipper_mouth_face: :hugs:


lol wtf ā€¦man itā€™s 6 am heā€™s on Rocky Mountain time. Itā€™s like 4 am there.

And yeah Dibs! too much of that Ghost Rose going round and me without


8 am here, and my shaky dibbing hand wants some dibbing, LOL! Ok, letā€™s let the boss sleep! Wake up boss! Undibs!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Messing aboutā€¦! Not eligible!!


Lol. I love Reiko man. Heā€™s such a good dude. Iā€™m craving some autos for the next run. Ill tell you what, Iā€™ve grown autos from a bunch of breederā€™s. Reiko has some of the fastest, chunkiest, and always dank strains Iā€™ve grown.

The new workshop is awesome. Heā€™s so clinical with everything. He made me love autos and want to learn more. Those light guages are awesome. They really let you know how the light spread is. Have a good one.Be safe.:v::grin:

10-4 on that @Herbie thatā€™s some sweet smoke. Iā€™m surprised he doesnā€™t have a line out. Heā€™s just a rare breed like Mr. Sebring.:pray:


Iā€™m growing out a Ghost Rose form him right now under 12/12 (long story) and itā€™s chugging along. Some nice long pistils already, seemed like overnight.