ReikoX's Workshop 2021

Slept in today, just woke up and there’s already six notifications from Reiko’s thread. And I realized,”Oh, I guess today’s Friday…” haha. Good luck to those of you who are trying to get the seeds.


Yeah… I’m noticing no churning and a distinct lack of fins in the water… :joy:

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We need time for our bleeding fingers to heal over.

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We gonna need a bigger boat, huh?

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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I do believe I’m eligible again today!

Probably going to sit it out though since I’ve a lot of luck with beans on OG lately. Plus maybe I’ll give @Abbbian a chance to get on the same week as me so we can quickdraw for it :smile:

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dididididididiiddi dibs DIBS “fake dibs!” Sorry everyone, Mr. @ReikoX seems to be out to lunch and dinner, you can all go home now!! LOL! @Slick1, get out, you and I can’t compete, that’s all! :pray: :hugs: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Why then when you eligible again there pardner? :cowboy_hat_face:

think I was banned for life… :shushing_face: kidding, won two weeks ago…! Can we still call dibs!? just to mess with everyone? Mean Abbbian! Just don’t piss the boss off LOL!

They’re all sleeping now… no one here…! I think. go away @Herbie, only chum round here!


hmmmm there chum in here??! I see sharks. fins in the water…


Hey Herbie…Shssss maybe the sharks be sleeping! Maybe Maestro ReikoX be near…


Been a crazy week at work, but I have a quick minute to update. @Crazy1, @Grease_Monkey, and @middleman sorry I haven’t gotten your seeds out yet.

Had a couple returned without the “additional ounce” stamps. I’ll re-send those soon, sorry I don’t know the username on those.

@misterbee, @anon93244739, and @Mr.Sparkle I haven’t forgotten about you guys. I just got new stickers today for the packs. :grin:

And finally… what you all have been waiting on while my avatar is showing…

Free Seed Friday
The way this works is I will post up three packs of seeds. The first three people to comment “dibs” will win a pack. If you have won a pack in the previous four weeks, you are excluded from this giveaway.

This week up for grabs are three packs of Grapey Walker Kush x JLO. These are regular seeds. Half of these seeds should be autoflowering, the rest will be photoperiod.


Dibs please!!


Ooh very nice! Dibs!


Dibs…DibsMaximo—DibsAstronomical! ???


Dibs…DibsMaximo—Dibs ???

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Dibs dibs dibs please. I’ll take

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@Oldtimerunderground, @bassman5420, and @GrouchyOldMan congratulations! DM me with a name and address.


Dibs dibs dibs! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Congrats to the winners!

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World’s slowest dibs coming :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail: :snail:

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Whoots!!! Some JLo Love, Ahhhh.

ReikoX, you are The Man for massive knowledge download and showman genius with these Freakin Friday Seed Gives.

Rawk On Brother.