Roots around my blumat cones

Hello good people of OG,

I just returned home after being away for a couple of weeks while I let the blumats do their thing. No problems visible on my girls, but when I took a cone out I found this:

The roots found the source of the water and got alllll up in there. So what do I do? Do I just move it, or revert to handwatering…?
The medium is coco


Media isn’t getting evenly wet.

Those Blumat Jr’s work a little different than their Tropf version. The water is released through the terra cotta membrane making around the cone the better place for the roots to congregate., whereas in the Tropf the membrane is also used as a moisture gauge, and water comes out of a dripper line/emitters.

Just fill in that hole and move the carrot to a new spot, maybe add a second carrot. And it wouldn’t hurt to handwater every few days to ensure the entire media is getting wet.


Alright, that’s what I’ll do then. I’ll do it on my two small clones first, see how they respond. Then I’ll hit my bigger girls with the same treatment. Maybe plug in some extra cones - I bought the starter set so I have a few to spare.

Is the Tropf a superior system? Sounds like it is, for my application anyway.

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For sure. A bit more complicated to set up and dial in, but they are adjustable, modular, and distribute water more evenly. The Jr’s are great too but I think they’re more suited to smaller pots like small houseplants and the likes.