Seed Run Co-Op Bodhi S1 Goji OG

That’s beyond my pay grade atm. We’ll all learn about it together!

Best vibes on seeking solutions. Thank you for the hard work!



You can try making a colloidal silver solution. I believe all you need is distilled water, two electric leads (ie cell phone charger), and pure silver (easy to get in small amounts). I’ve never done it myself, but I know a few people on here use it for femming stuff .


Beacher is right that a simple colloidal silver solution will work. It’s usually only successful about 70% of the time, but 70% beats 0%. :wink:

Just in case the STS is not mixed at the right concentrations I’m including instructions below.

Preparation of STS:
First, a stock solution is made. It consists of two parts (A and B) that are initially mixed separately, then blended together. Part A is ALWAYS mixed into part B while stirring rapidly. Use distilled water; tap water may cause precipitates to form.
Wear gloves while mixing and using these chemicals, and mix and use in a properly ventilated area.
A mask will prevent the breathing of any dust, which is caustic. STS is colorless and odorless, and poses minimal health risks if used as described here. Note that silver nitrate and STS can cause brown stains upon drying, so spray over newspaper and avoid spilling.

Part A: 0.8 gram silver nitrate stirred into 500ml distilled water
Part B: 3.16 grams sodium thiosulfate (anhydrous) stirred into 500ml distilled water
The silver nitrate dissolves within 15 seconds. The sodium thiosulfate takes 30-45 seconds to dissolve.

The silver nitrate solution (A) is then mixed into the sodium thiosulfate solution (B) while stirring rapidly. The resulting blend is stock silver thiosulfate solution (STS).This stock solution is then diluted at a ratio of 1:9 to make a working solution. For example, 100ml of stock STS is added to 900ml of distilled water. This is then sprayed on select female plants.Both the stock STS and the working solution should be refrigerated after use, as well as the powdered chemicals, to avoid activity loss. Excess working solution can be safely poured down the drain after use (with ample running water) with negligible environmental impact. Each liter of stock STS will make ten 1-liter batches of working solution of STS. Distilled water must be used or most of the chemicals will precipitate out of solution in less than a day.

Application:The STS working solution is sprayed on select female plants until runoff. Do the spraying over newspaper in a separate area from the flower room. You probably won’t smell anything, but ventilate anyway. I have discovered that using a stronger concentration of STS does not make a plant more likely to produce pollen. It just burns/stresses the plant. To produce a plant that is fully loaded with pollen sacks, but no flowers, start spraying right as you flip the plant to 12/12 light. Spray every 3 days for 14 days, then spray again after waiting 14 days and then wait another 14 days to spray one last time. This application rate counters the ethylene production during it’s build up in early flowering and then provides maintenance applications to maintain the blocking of ethylene build up.For producing just a branch or a small section of a plant with pollen sacks, reduced the number of applications during the first 14 days to once a week, and use newspaper or cardboard to block over spray from hitting unintended areas of the plant.
My conclusion is that STS in any concentration is only effective at inhibiting ethylene for a maximum of 3 weeks; at that point the plant’s natural female metabolism begins to take back control, and even a plant that is covered with male blooms doesn’t always finish the journey to manhood and produce pollen. A second or third spraying allows inhibition to last through week 6, which is more than enough time to release pollen.Response times may vary slightly depending upon the strain. More specific times can be determined by trial with your own individual strains.
In my application it takes around 26 days for the first pollen. 30-35 days seems optimum for planning purposes.
So, assuming that a target plant needs 4 weeks to produce fully mature seeds, a strain that takes 8 weeks to mature should be moved into flower at about the same time as the female>male plant. A target plant that finishes flowering in 6 weeks needs to be moved into flower later (10 days or so) so that it doesn’t finish before the seeds can fully mature.
One trick used by many seed producers is to move pollinated female plants back into an 18/6 light cycle where the seeds will continue to mature to completion, but the plant will halt it’s slow natural death cycle.
A seeded individual branch can be left to mature on a plant for a bit longer, while harvesting the other seedless buds if they finish first. Just leave enough leaves on the plant for it to stay healthy.


Might want to add to a breeder/grower faq? Great post.


I guess I might as well add that to the bucket list. I said I never expected to be doing any breeding type work but his year it’s all I’m interested in. Not my own so much, just in general. But, I did make a cross and have lots of f2s to play with to get it all to sink in better and now, I’m hooked.

So, I better figure out to flip a female… or is it the other way around? heh

Thanks! peace


Don’t fret guys, a plan will be made and I’ll still be passing along some Goji. It’s just a spanner in the works for now.

@Sebring I’ve got major reservations re CS for breeding - I’m going to try a new AgNo3 supplier and if no luck, we’ll have to just make for with my last couple 3 goji beans plus this prize mom.


I’m sure a few of you know of this stuff & I see quite a lot of people use it… I can’t answer what exactly is in it but it’s at the very least legit and seems to work well if used correctly.

Just wanted to put it out there



Is this some tranny goodness I see right here?!


Yeah, it sure looks like it. Is that Goji f2? Hope it’s just an anomaly.



Seems all the gibberellic acid is finally doing something!!! :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada:


Whoa, it looks like a weird sea creature or something lol. Glad she finally turned for ya!


The GA definitely gave it a strange structure. The explosive growth it produced makes me tempted to attempt a low dose during veg.


I think it makes them grow faster but stringy/lanky. Could be useful in some situations…


Ha, I forgot you were trying to get that result, duh! lol. Glad it worked boss! Looks like she/he’s on it’s way!



Have to say glad I was ale to get on the list as this is my #1 Bodhi hunt that I want to try. Never had a chance to smoke it but my mouth waters every time I see a bud pic of this strain. Cant wait to eventually pop, grow, smoke,


if the humidty in the “bucket” remians high enough between floods he should be fine and the growsth will prolly be vigorous from all that O2. i too am curious to see the results. reason i say this is for shits and giggles i ran a psuedo kratky grow with one plant to see if it would finish or get sick. it was a “psuedo kratky” because cleasrly it is impossible to not have to add water to the bucket periodically given the nature of cannabis and it being a “fruit bearing” plant. my main goal was to see how needed airstones really are in DWC. anyways, what i did was fill the bucket about 80% up the roots and just let it sit until about 20% was left then i would add water and repeat the wait. there were times the bucket was completelty empty tho when i went to fill it and the humidity and condensation was enough to keep the plant going. now clearly that state is a short window but i did complete flowering and it was smokeable. this was literally a shwag bagseed i think it was even from city brick weed tbh so the quality was not good. im not sure how much was because of the “strain” or how much was the grow method, but the buds were dense and the leaves healthy and it grew vigorously. so imma assume what he is doing will work fine.


I got a little lazy with this grow, as I was having trouble reversing the girls, they’re all really sticky and smell really loud. Buds look decent too

Saw my first ripe seed pop out this morning! Very exciting. Not sure if I’ll have enough for the whole squad, but I picked up a 1.2x1.2 tent yesterday and will be picking up a bigger tray to run a similar system in.


Congrats! on your new baby! heh. Best vibes, bro, You may be surprised at the number of seeds that hide inside. Hope all works well for you.



I don’t know how the people can pay such a crazy price for 500 ml of that… I respect the buddy but come on mate!that is so friking expensive.
with a investment of 80 USD you can get the chemicals by your own and provide for your and your fellows with litres and litres of STS for years .eventually it will be have to be throw because the compound have a expired date

If is by colloidal silver even cheaper…

Anyway ,i wish you the best with the goji s1.Im not a huge fan of fem stuff, but those will be really helpful for the growers that can just growth couple of plants

Thanks :green_heart:


I’m definitely wanting to try this strain. I’ll be investing in a new setup soon to start some more plants before these finish.