Seed Run Co-Op Rare or Discontinued Preservation Project In-house Special

Edit: Dioxide created Timewreck, Odie found the male he used for Dr. Who. So where’s Dioxide these days?


I’d like to understand the process by which someone “legally owns” strains right now. Anybody got any ideas? :thinking:


If I got a response like that I’d make a bunch of seeds and set up a booth next to hers! No one owns a strain. Does she give credit to where it came from? People act like they found the holy grail and they own it. I thought that’s why we were here to live outside the laws that people try to place on our lives. Seed run and overgrow!


The physical seeds in stock.


Not reproducing seeds and distributing them is at best an ethical courtesy. IMO even that is up for debate.

But generally if someone has proven that they don’t show others the same courtesy, then I personally feel no moral obligation to listen to that person’s opinions about what I can and can’t do with it after I’ve given them my money in a fair exchange for their product.

But usually, I just prefer not to deal with them or their products in any capacity. This is an age of abundant choice, and my dollars are a vote of confidence for people I trust.


I think it’s simply a matter of assets being divided as a result of divorce and nothing more.


Agreed. It has to do with who has the rights to commercially market the name Timewreck and derivative seeds of the same name.
It’s more about making sure Subcool doesn’t try selling them.


It’s this exactly. So he can’t cash in on ‘her work’


From mizjill:

We really can’t set rules on seeds. I don’t know where he got F2, I don’t even know if it’s really time wreck and neither does he.
But I can’t dictate to him what he can or can’t do. Federally none of us can own any of it so there’s nothing we can do.
All we can do is rely on people to do the right thing and not step on other peoples toes.
No I do not want this guy that I don’t know to take my strain and rework it. That’s not much different than Sub taking other breeders strains and making F2’s.
In a growers circle it would be considered theft if they are used for anything other than personal.
But there’s nothing I can do about it.
I will come over there and be part of the community if you think that it would be beneficial.
I’m not really good at the whole social media thing, that was the one thing a Sub did better than me.
Thank you for reaching out and I hope that you have a good day and a fantastic weekend!

I personally think it would be beneficial to have her voice here.
It’s sounding a lot like the seeds need grown out before we can even start to determine if they’re legit. I’d do a grow log and decide after they’re in flower if they’re the original Timewreck.


Ohh yeh bring her over, she is going to love chatting with me.


She doesn’t know where he got F2 LOL, she needs reminding of how hard it isn’t to make seeds.


I really won’t take anyone seriously that objects to “their stains” being worked.

Furthermore has anyone looked on her site to see what she will be selling? Anyone for G13? G13 fems? Sour diesel 2? Sour diesel fems? Headband 2 ? Headband fems? The rest are chucks.

So this hypocrite works and sells genetics she doesn’t own or have anything to do with but objects to you working seeds you bought or received as f2s. Also I’m sure the number 2 on the end of strains she doesn’t own will be for her to register and copy right names she never came up with on genetics she never produced but feel like she in entitled too.

Lovely …
End rant


Just rename them T1M3WR34K and register and copyright it then hand them out.


On a different and unrelated note, I might call one of my F1s ‘Line Bread’ and start selling them hahahaha


Exactly this… so because somebody crossed a and b, it’s all good… but when somebody crosses AB and AB it’s ‘reworking’ a line? Is TW ibl? Does it breed consistent? Oh you hit a male w some cs therefore it’s ok? But using 2 different plants is ‘theft’? The absolute state of ‘breeding’ today… but everyone will claim it’s for ‘the love or the plant’ and it’s all ‘for the patients’… laughable


I talk with someone on another forum who is obviously close w a known breeder. Also is close w said breeders son. I asked buddy about son’s gear if it is worked or just chucked. His response was basically the days of worked lines are all but over IN GENERAL (yes some but very few will work lines). Today’s ‘market’ is cross hype x hype, strike while iron is hot then on to next hype x hype


Hey now, I do it for my love of my community, you folks, and compassion for patients. I’m not normal though, and I make my values speak for me through action. I absolutely forbid anyone from taking me at just my word. Let my work speak for me, good or bad, it’s who I am. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“For the love of the plant” usually means “I hope my hype works and I can charge double for these pollen chuck accidents.”

I would so buy that. Maybe lambs bread x dread bread? Would the flavors work together?


As an aspiring breeder I’ll say the breeding code of ethics is a fascinating topic and something I have spent lots of time dwelling on. I think for personal chucks and projects anything goes, where is the harm? Selling seeds is a whole other story though.

While I agree with respect and I agree with accrediting the previous breeders for their work in building the foundations but I do not agree with permissions on purchased seeds in any scenario. If you want to lock your genetics down and restrict breeding access with male pollen then be like GHS and don’t release regular seeds to the public. It’s simple as that. That being said, there are certain practices that I think are kind of whack and you probably shouldn’t do unless you want to get some heat… like only releasing fems so noone can truly breed with your shit. :stuck_out_tongue: among many other things.


she doesn’t even give a time line for releasing the seeds thats odd to me. if you have people that want your genetics and you are saying I don’t want you to make f2s or what ever F because I will be releasing seeds in the future. like one month or 10 years. anyways grow the seeds if you have no intentions on ever working with her under your name here its just one bridge


The plants don’t have ethics.
Unless under some sort of contract or caveat, when you buy seeds they are owned by you to do what you please.
If people truly don’t want the genetics they made spread, copied, cloned, bred with or hybridised they simply will not share or sell them.