Share your root porn here!

Looks like an albino caterpillar frech|nullxnull, really impressive … ejem|nullxnull



Next Grow happy roots!


Hey everyone, I was just trying to gather some observations. I know lack of oxygen and exposure to light can cause pathogen growth in water culture. I was trying to determine if there is another way to cause pathogen growth. I have seen people use H2O2 and bleach or whatever else. But I’ve never had to do that personally to make the water culture maintain without pathogens.
So, I know the following: lack of oxygen brought about by temps above…an ideal 18C, but it doesn’t have to be that perfect, I’ve seen 22C work as well. Lack of oxygen due to water flow/not enough bubbles. So that makes Pythium. Pathogen growth like algae and rotifers caused by exposure to light.
I would consider that as being 3 pathogens right? Caused by specific conditions. Anyone know of any more? I mean ones that are triggered like that by the environment, not something like root aphids, which are introduced.

For a minute I thought you were joking. That’s hardcore recycled scrog nets by Joe 100% recycled cannaroots.

I got photos!

The ivy geranium has a different root structure. Looks like a few leaves fell in there :slight_smile:

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Some fresh seedlings after splashdown.

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Spent 14 weeks in a 16oz container for the challenge. I had to up pot to bloom.


I love me some root porn! :heart_eyes:

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From my Phototrons, SWC/TRON

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Hey I got some questions. If anyone cares to inject some data! I was wondering if there is any way to kill your plants besides low oxygen and light exposure to the roots. I’m talking about creating some kind of root zone environment that is pathogenic. Not like killing them with crazy EC or physical damage, but a pathogen response that kills the plant starting at the roots.

Hempy buckets.

Just had to show the last Octopot harvest

The progression of my root zone after adding microbes has been awesome! (2 week period)

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did you do a controlled study?

anyone notice each plant has a unique root structure. Even though all roots perform…the same basic tasks. ish. Roots are an amazingly adaptable structure! I’m gonna image these roots and cannabis roots using the microscope see how different they really are.


Me personally no. Lol!

Moar air moar better.

wtf are those white chunks? perlite?

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They are yes, back from the day when they were in 200ml pots.

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System was down a few days after harvest.