Show your animal

Miss Peta

Ying Yang

Trapis (Gyp)


don’t we know it; years ago my dog ate an entire box of rat poison and I became a debtor, helping ruin the economy. :thumbsup: over 3k$ just for that bit. pet insurance doesn’t cover “pre-existing conditions” either. :unamused:

Yep. When my last dog had to be put down he was rejecting all food, even bacon. Got to the vet & he ate the whole jar of treats before we parted. :cry: Fucker. My guess is after all the pills he’d gotten from me he didn’t trust any food from me. That was easily the hardest moment of my life. :rainbow:

Thanks youz guys



Me and Reverend Willie on the beach in Mexico 2013. He resisted the picture. He thinks we’re hiding in Mexico.


:cactus: LOL :smile: :beach:

was The Rev. a mutt or a purebreed? he could be a distant cousin to my mom’s dog(don’t have a pic)…but i guess lot’s of shaggy little gringos look alike :smile:

:v: Happy New Year @oleskool830

:evergreen_tree: :point_left: shaggy little gringo


I just barely read this but now that you mentioned it… my dog ate half a bag of rat poison (green cubes from HD) a month back that I left on the table in the backyard while cleaning out my garage. I totally forgot about it until the next day when I seen the bag chewed up an empty!! I started panicking an told my wife. Her response was, “WHAT”!!!:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:… but we both mentioned how the dog can eat EVERYTHING an just poop it later… sure enough my wife goes an cleans up the dogs poop while I raked the leaves the following weekend an she yells out, “I found it”! Yep, he ended dumping green poop by the grape vine. AND he didn’t even get sick lol. Shoulda named him tough nuts lol


you and the dog are very lucky. that poison works in a nasty way: thins the blood until it literally seeps out of skin. the old stuff fried the nervous system. the new stuff gives a parent some time to get their kid/pet to the ER. yuck.



We think he is an albino blue healer. Or Blue Healer/Goat. We’re just not sure. He won’t talk about it.


Man I wish I could do that! :cowboy_hat_face:


Do what? Rake the leaves or clean out the garage? Lol jk


Holy Shit @AlwaysLearnin My pitbull licked some antifreeze once, ate a black widow spider and drank megacrop. Didn’t even get diarrhea lol I was freaking the hell out though! Gee, and now I wonder why she has mast cell cancer (doesn’t bother her either). Fucken dogs! Gonna be the death of us, but they will be just fine! lol


Hahaha I know right?


Excrete bad stuff I eat on demand out my butthole intact to the point it’s identifiable. :cowboy_hat_face:


Try eating anything from that place they call Taco Bell. Don’t forget to add some of their hot sauce.


Now, this is not my animal, but a visitor to our back deck last night. Probably waiting for a juicy rat to come out of the ivy.

Neat bird.


The old man took one last trip to the vet today.
Lost use of his hind legs, and fluid started to overtake his lungs.

Ate a whole pound of treats and left this existence peacefully.


I’m glad he went peacefully. Truly sorry for your loss. ((hugs))


Sorry for you loss man i put down my 17 year old jack Russell Hershey not too long ago she was a hand full saw her jump and take a bird out of the air trying to fly away :joy:
Ran laps in the backyard to the point where there was a track where she would run in circles

She slaughtered a nest of bunnies bringing each one to the back door wagging her tail as if she was saying LOOK WHAT I FOUND HUMANS ARE YOU PROUD.

She fell down the stairs a few times because her legs were too weak and wasn’t being her normal hyper jack Russell self so we decided it was time


Sorry for the loss of your dogs guys! I hate goodbyes but this is when they need us the most


:cry: :crying_cat_face: These events & our responses & sympathies…ayayay. My thoughts go out to you Happy, even if my words can’t be profound & refined. :rainbow: :dog2: :stars: :peace:



I lost mine a couple of months back as we all know. She wasn’t an old dog but she got bone cancer and went lame. I did what I had to do to stop her pain. I still miss her massively and find it hard to cope without her around. Sounds daft but sometimes I can still here her on a night time breathing outside the bedroom door as that’s where she slept.