Snowhigh Seeds

Yep, in fact first plants I’ve ever grown from Snowhigh. Really incredible smells and looks so far. I’m very eager to see how they produce! I’m sure it will be awesome.

I wondered about germ rates since it seems to be a very rare line. I had extremely fast and vigorous germination. I’d be shocked if you had problems. Mine were sprouting first leaves 3 days from pre-soak if that gives any indication if their vigor to live.


Yeah. I think he occasionally included older stock as freebies in a if they go, they go kind of thing. Not even remotely bothered as he sent me packs of lots of bits I didn’t ask for and am always up for trying new vars to see what’s what.

Nice to hear they look and smell promising. I hope they rock your socks.


That’s how my devils tit f2s are looking :joy: a bit weedy


Looking good Cadizzles! Just curious if you could share anything about the flowering time of the F1s used to make these?

Trying to get an idea for how long my Devil’s Malawi F1 should go for…

Here’s some photos of them as of this morning.

Some blissful smells coming off these. Some of them smell like hybrids and others smell like Malawi. Thank you to every African throughout time who has contributed to this amazing plant (Malawi Gold). You did good, real good. :fire:


Honestly I couldn’t tell you about the f1s, and the f2s this is my first and only pack of them I popped. I have grown blackberry spacewreck and crosses there in and they share a father for lineage. Those took me about 11-12 weeks in flower indoor.


Snow raved about the devils tit, you might want to take clones but you probably already have so don’t mind me l want to see the end result good luck


Any other recollections about the BlackBerry Spacewreck? I have 10-15 seeds of that to grow and F2 but I haven’t researched them much yet


@Sdd420 once they’re big enough I certainly will be, as well as possibly taking them to F3, though, not sure if that might cause something special to be lost.

@Dirt_Wizard the blackberry spacewreck I ended up with mainly males who were stellar and colorful in the fall quite beautiful, but my females I got the ludens cough drop phenos which was about 11-13 weeks to get about 10% amber trichs, I had one meaty and I mean meaty smell and meaty buds, and a couple that had some kind of almost blackberry/stonefruit smell but fermenty like port? Intoxicating Is what it was. And the colour’s that came through late in flower even on in warm weather was something else. Purples and fuchsia that would sometimes permeate from the leaves to the bracts.

I have a few more packs that he sent my way that I need to run; devils Malawi, chocolate perfume pheno of something I can’t spell or prounounce(nangarhar Afghani) , Pablo’s purple gold, rainbow dragon fire, black raspberry haze, abominable snowman, gold digger, high voltage ( old so they haven’t been popping only 5 left), and some more blackberry spacewreck.


That sounds lovely and very much like my kind of buds, I love a meaty or fermented fruit smell, I have a bag of something right now that smells exactly like hard beef salami when I grind it up and it’s delicious! I have a few other things from him, some older stock Abominable Snowman to try germing and some (I think?) newer seeds gifted to me by @vernal that I can’t remember exactly right now but they’re an Afghani of some sort

Edit: this is it:

Snowhigh November Sale.pdf (377.5 KB)


I have a few old lines left as well.

A while back I asked about production dates on some of them so I could prioritize oldest to youngest (of what I have that didn’t have a date on it.

Maybee if anyone else is sitting on them it will inspire you to crack em!

Mexican Standoff - ultimate Chem x (acapulco gold X c99) 2009-2012?

Congolese Red 2015-2016

Durban poison x eastern cape bush sativa x panama red 2016-2017

Acapulco gold purple stem bx 2016-2017

Panama red - the pure line that just says “panama red” not the double panama red / peace corp version labeled 2016-2017

Jamaican blood clot 2015-2016

Also - @Dirt_Wizard @Cadizzles i think I have a few blackberry spacewreck so if either of you go for f2 on those, let me know and I can contribute some to the cause to help increase your numbers.


I received a pack of snowhigh Pablo’s Gold (purple pheno) x Vietnamese (purple pheno). Got them as freebies when I ordered my Colombian Red. I think I will grow the Pablo next. Still haven’t received my Colombian Red, I understand there have been technical difficulties and John’s health isn’t good. Peace be upon him.


Nangarhar Afghani (Choc pheno) x Panama Reds. Should’ve started these earlier really. Just starting to show sex now. One showing pistils. Coffee scent on the stem rub. Been an overcast Summer fairly consistently. These are pretty uniform which is interesting. Hope they get to finish.


Whats the best option to order seeds from SnowHigh? :pray:


at the moment i think whatever seedbanks have left is what youll get quickest. he has been having some troubles and hasnt been responding to email as far as im aware. hopefully we see him back soon!


He hasn’t been able to respond to email in months, my emails bounce back and the ones he sent have been recalled (save your order number if you have one). I hope he is ok.


I received some of these from snowhigh as freebies (present, ahead of my order). I appreciate you posting your grow. Looks like a great cross.


Thanks for the list! I am trying to get to know SnowHigh strains and I would be interested in his own detailed descriptions of each strain. Does anyone, by any chance, have his full list (of over 100 strains)? The one in pdf format?


Seedfinder has more than I thought…176


That’s true, but if you start reading, you’ll notice most of them lack the description…


That was linked at the bottom of that post, I don’t think he has a master list vs the sales lists, that’s the most authoritative listings I know