SSDD F2 BX1 Seed Run **Closed**

The hard part would probably be trying to find someone who’s willing to take his position. I mean, being a distributer for the entirety of the U.S. has to be a daunting task for just one person. Has anyone thought about having multiple people for the U.S.? Less work for one person but finding two trusted members willing to do that would be sort of challenging.


From Sebrings last post he is looking for prodogeys to deal with this. The extent of what he is thinking is known only to him but I am sure things will be looked at going forward. Hopefully he will continue his role while enlisting the help needed incase of sudden absences. Really is a huge job for just one person.


Agreed, between family, day job, and your own grow, the schedule must be tight. From the little bit that I know, he’s done an outstanding service for this community for a pretty good amount of time.


You could check with the other distributors. I think @Gaz29 and @Swe-can might be ok with getting them directly from you for UK and EU people.


I would nominate @G-paS as a distributor for the USA :us:.
Maybe another one/two distributors will be cool for the US …?!
Just a thought …?!

Happy growing peeps.


I would send to the :uk: members if you were to send them to me …?!


I think @Sebring should be the one to choose his successor. Nothing against anyone else, but I feel like his experience in the matter would be key in finding a solid candidate.


I would agree @G-paS would be a great candidate. I am really hoping Sebring stays in his role but just expands it to include more people. USA seems to be the main hub and having just one person in that role seems less useful than having multiple people to share the work load.

I am sure all the individual distributors would be happy to take them, that’s what we are here for. It does create a bunch of extra work and expense for the breeder though.


For the distributors too I think. I believe @Swe-can has to pay customs or something for packages. But can’t that be managed with the strain donations? Of course breeders and distributors should not pay money on top of doing all the work for us.


Yet again I agree, there seems to be more USA flags on wikis so that tells me that’s where most of the genetics are being sent. Several hundred people at a time. Not efficient enough for just one person to have to manage.


I am sure it could be worked out to pay the shipping costs from the strain donations, that is what they are for. Would really have to crunch the numbers to see if the purse could handle the large increase on costs. Will have to wait and see which direction the powers that be go in. Staff and Sebring have been at this a while so we really just need to wait and see how they decide to go forward. After all, nobody knows better than Sebring how all this is accomplished and the work involved. Things are weird right now but it will all come together.


The Flux Capacitor finally came in to good use, sometimes Australia being in the future has its advantages.

Big Ups @HolyAngel much appreciated mate (22)

The community will be better off for this, who doesn’t need a bit of day dreaming in the sunshine in their life.


This looks like an absolute banger! Thank you @HolyAngel for making these available for OG! :fire::star_struck::raised_hands:


Thank you @HolyAngel for doing this run!
Got my seat on the bus. TL3#59.
Hopefully things with Sebring sort themselves out, and/or he gets some helpers to lighten the load on him.


So sooo exciting!! Now I have to re arrange my plans… again… lol
Thanks for putting these out there for us @HolyAngel! Your write up has me drooling :drooling_face:


I’ve been reading the discussion about distribution in the USA. Would breaking it up into regions be doable.
@Sebring could package up regional boxes and ship them for further distribution. It would make his job easier and not be such a huge undertaking for whoever steps up.
My .02 cents


Thanks so much for your efforts @HolyAngel !
Great to see more SSDD preservation going on!


Don’t want to sidetrack from your thread @HolyAngel! So happy I got these!


@Gaz29 @Swe-can @DougDawson I can definitely ship to you guys directly for your members, along with any other distributors for other areas, but I’d wanna get a pm going with the proper way to ship them out. Like, however Sebring does it or whatever, I need a guaranteed tested way to ship them out. I’ve shipped smaller packages declared as ‘Exotic Bird Seed’ and those seemed to make it fine but yeah.

For the US, we’ll continue waiting to hear back from Sebring until further notice. If I have to ship them all myself I’ll do that, but definitely gonna give it some more time here first.


@HolyAngel while you’re here, I’d like to thank you for doing this. I have 5 pinched nerves in my back and neck from years of abuse on the football field. This strain would help me more than I can explain.


When it comes to me ! As long as there’s at least a 10 dollar value on the pack you send, they don’t care :sweat_smile:! Put whatever you want as “ beads , souvenirs, etc “ as long as they can take around 15-30 $ from me for customs and taxes :sweat_smile::v:

Ps if you ever get hold of @Sebring please do tell him I need to speak to him :weary::pray: important