D26:F4 (-3, goof on the timer for the first days)
They handled that mangling like troopers.
So worried they’ll fill the cab in a wink, hope they aren’t bad stretchers.
They are eating a bucket, 8-10L, of full nutrient every 5 days, 15G 15M 7.5B/10lit, don’t think I`ve ever had plants this healthy. No res changes, its all disappearing anyways, just pour more in and they love it.
They’ve had it a little cold lately 21-22C, and since the LED temperature thread, turns out I am running way too cold for LEDs, my leaf surface temperature (LST) was 20C, should be in the 25-26C range. Gonna have a think on what to do, cant raise room temps too much , unbearable to live in, can do 2 degrees, no more. That would leave me at 22C leaf temps.
Anyways, looks much prettier then last time doesn’t it.