I was born in 70, I have great memories of the CB scene in the 70’s. My parents, namely Dad was into it hardcore.
I can remember him utilizing “Skip” which enabled him to listen to guys from Australia talking back and forth.
We’d travel to area lakes for weekend events known as CB Jamborees, imagine shitloads of families with live music and flea market set ups for trading gear and just general hanging out all done on a really redneck scale.
He had tons of friends who he’s still in contact with to this day and they still use their “handles”. Dad was Jellyworm, mom was Babe and I was White Rabbit. I recall some of the names, Lightning Rod, 1 Ton, Fred Fudpucker and Mallard Duck.
That’s awesome man. I was born in 71 and my dad was hardcore into the CB as well. Had a huge antenna and base set up and I remember him always talking to folks all over the world. Remember QSL cards? He had thousands of them. I still remember hearing him signing off all the time. XM4280225, SOB 51, we’re clear. He was the Toes Up Base
I LOVE those anti-weed smoking ads from the old days! Never understood how they were supposed to be deterrents. “Wait, so if I smoke a joint, I get to sit naked on top of a naked chick and blow a French horn into her ass? Sign me up!”
Oh, I gotta come back to this thread. I was 16 in ‘71 when I first started smoking. Remember Strawberry rolling papers, and American Flag papers? I gotta eat now… man, the 70’s were the stuff. I hitchhiked everywhere. I met so many cool people. It was really cool times in so many ways but also sort of divided like we are now. But the music, the drugs, the whole culture… I think I may actually have a few old pics with me. I found the box I think they’re in. Everybody grew long hair. ha, later!
Hitchhiking! Yes! THAT to me is the most quintessential “70s thing” ever. The 60s, too, I guess. But Jesus Christ it’d be awesome to just stroll on out to the curb and put your thumb out and get a ride…