The Canadian Contingent (Part 1)

Health Canada is indeed getting faster with the applications.
26 days from the day I mailed my forms/info to them, and I now have the legal documents in my hands today. Takes about 1-2 weeks to send regular mail from BC to Ontario.
I think I got mine back pretty damn quick! :+1: :grinning:


I JUST renewed over the phone with Lyte clinic this afternoon lol.

They said: “make sure you start your renewal 3 months before your expiry just-in-case” and BOOM! OCD made it happen lol


Congrats brother
Love that peace of mind, got mine last year.
Nice to be able to pheno hunt and keep a bunch of nice moms without having to worry about big brother squashing you like a bug for growing a plant


Fantastic. Still waiting on my renewal. Paid for Registered mail and it’s been out for delivery for weeks. They say in their system it shows delivered but not on their tracking page. Fuckers.


I have to do mine…lol I looked this weekend just procrastinating making the Skype appointment cause I’m at work during the day with no wifi, last year I did it on my holidays


I almost fucked up and had my phone on silent lol


I am lucky this time around though, mine expires on the 21’st and I can chop all my plants but Grape Punch before that point brining me down to below 4, lol. Then they can screw around all they like and still not touch me, lol.


speaking of renewal i been so busy with new job i killed off all my clones and am close to done flowering the moms i have. time to get mine in the mail and be ready for a bad ass winter grow! feels weird not having anything to take care of


I was told 2 renewals back that to carry on as usual if your license expires and you’ve sent in the renewal before the expiration date . Covid back logs and employees working from home they’d misplaced my renewal but I had confirmation that it was delivered . Was told if they couldn’t locate it I’d have to resend they found it at one of there employees homes I guess only took 2.5 months to get it .


It is but I am so looking forward to it for the summer vacation.

Yes, special Covid rules but I don’t know how much longer that will last. Not a big deal, the timing is perfect for me this time.


oh its been a blessing in ways and will allow me to get the enviroment in here dialed better. basement was so muggy and wet from rain there was no way id be able to flower in it had to move to a bedroom to avoid budrot


Yup that’s probably coming to a end I’d think. I’m good for anothe 8 months or so before I need to renew again.


The Fraser River in BC has decided to start growing trees hydroponically.

A friend decided to climb up my leg.

I seen something that had an orange tail sticking out of the water here…
The tail went under water and there was a bit of a splash… I have no idea what the hell it was…it wasn’t a Beaver or a Muskrat or anything.


Ogopogo orange baby ?


It must be. I have never seen anything like it in my life. :laughing:
I didn’t even have a joint lit or a beer cracked yet… literally just sat down on a rock, stared at the river for a bit and it just appeared. :rofl:
Edit: The tail thing also bent into an S shape, so it wasn’t a stick. I have never seen a stick that can bend like that yet.


could have been a fraser river Chub. It’s a coarse fish that i think is in the carp family and in the fraser they get huge but are rarely seen or caught once they get big. They would have brownish orange fins and they swim in and out of the sloughs and backwaters from pretty much from Hope to the fraser river tidal flats. I have seen them in the sloughs swimming in small groups and you really have to do a double take LOL. If it wasn’t a chub or carp, I’d have to guess a sturgeon.


well got punched in the head and robbed for my phone and work bag this morning while in my garage. might be time to move again this area is trouble


Holy moly! I hope you’re alright!

I mean on further reflection, it’s good to know you’re in shape to be posting online. Things could have turned out much worse for a violent robbery.

Take care of yourself


ya im fine broken glasses but pissed off just money wasted i dont have and anger from how shitty ppl are . lol thanks for the kind words though


WTF! What approx area?