The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 2)

Yes agreed. And nobody to fill them.


Yeah, that’s a deep hole try to dig ourselves out of. I got where I am by starting to work in my fathers garage from before I could read. Not to say that children should be in garages, cause they shouldn’t, but I started my career with decade and a half experience more than everyone else my age. And it shows when I work with someone my age who didn’t learn the way I did(rarely happens anyway), its like working with a total new guy.


Schools push STEM but there are other things in the world.


Oh I don’t know. Kid’s need to gain interest when they are young…butno doubt you need to keep an eye on them. In fact, if I could snag a young kid to clean my garage I’d stick him/ her right in there lol.


Part of the problem is most kids are semi-literate & have poor math skills . I’d wager most can’t read a ruler / tape measure & we aint even gonna get into precise measuring . Children are being indoctrinated not educated . Basic equipment hasn’t changed as much as control systems have . If a kid can’t read & / or doesn’t have math skills even a trade school aint gonna help . Another turd in the punchbowl is work ethic or lack thereof .


Yeah, but I meant a working garage, not the one attached to the house haha. He was self employed, if my mother was working, I went there and “helped”. I learned fractions before I could read from him explaining how wrench sizes worked. Learning stuff like that makes your brain work differently, and approach problems differently. You can tell when someone only has book learning experience until they reach adulthood. They’ll stand around and look at a problem, and not even realize they could possibly solve it.

I’m too young to feel this old haha. But seriously, kids these days…


picture (79)


This is so true, has anyone done a “how many grows left” chart?
Somthing like,
Average grower: potential Sativa grows in a calendar year(12mo) = 2 (3) indoor/ outdoor
So if a person is say 50, and he plans to garden till atleast 70, that gives him 20 years left, 20 x 2 (sativa grows) = 40 possible grows left, give or take.
Gets deeper if you add in, how many plants per grow, then take a good look at the seed stock. How many possible grows in your fridge? 1k plus, sorry my over thinking, took a spin, cheers
Hapi growing


Ouch. Was that really necessary? :joy:


That made me think big time.


True Confession Time @ Seedwhoresareus ?


ever notice how school amounts to a 6hr shift with a 10 minute break and a 30 minute lunch? It’s designed to take the most creative, energetic, and open minded human beings in the world, and get them into the cycle of working a day job until they’re too exhausted to do anything significant (like change this godawful system), sleep, and repeat for the rest of their lives. Works like a charm :joy:


I had to take a test to make sure I could read in order to pass high school. Rather than write the test I wrote a short essay on the back on how the test is stupid and if I could make it through high school without reading it’s a you problem not a me problem. I hope this little diatribe proves to you that I can read. :joy:

Yes the cycle of being a good quiet tax paying unit :+1:


Red snake towers with 95 silver haze in the foreground also red snake x sowahh turning out to be a skyscraper. 57 days in

The closet


I love it! Beautiful


@SkunkHunt101 It’s cool to see you still running the Silver Haze. Are those from your clones or seed?


Cool yes. It’s from The Nature Farm he does a 95 SH line he made from his fathers original sensi seed increase. He makes a set every few years. One of my favorite buds. Spicy woodsy insence. Lots of bud lots of stretch in the sun. Really good plant yes I keep one around for show off weed.
Weird dome multi top flat cola.

this pheno is really leafy but like the big sativas you can smoke the smallerish leaves with the bud just as good. Weird plant but for sure get these in you’re garden when he drops again.

See my little mystery volunteer in photo 2. The silver haze grows these huge buds you can see. Really special plant. Yea the lil plant. I cut the blueberry down but keeping the little plant going trying to get a seed from it. Ha ha good fun


Love that last picture. It’s just drawing me in. So is there a trick to growing Haze? Some member was rambling about how its so hard to grow if you don’t know what you’re doing you’ll mess up the entire grow. Is there any truth to that from your experience brother? I haven’t grown a haze yet but they’re in the line up


I think they’re easy to grow, but patience is needed because it goes so slow and there is no need to over feed or water. You just have to plan for them to need space for up to 6 months.

I grow them outside and bring the pot in before freeze. It’s a good way to get bugs in the house, too, so that is tricky. They don’t seem to be too bad on sativa though.


Thanks @GMan, that doesn’t sound all that bad at all. I’ve got plenty of patience and even some space outside for them.

Yeah, I’ve accidentally brought in some leaf hoppers that did a number on my small mom plants I was trying to keep but lost several to them.