The quest for unicorn gold!

Here’s some hash porn to tide everyone over. The big bud hash is basically all powder now! It takes about a month, so I’ll have to speed that up.


wow, side by side like that you can actually SEE the color difference in the trichomes from the different strains. Can’t wait to get the PCK chilling in there so I can see what it’s color is like!

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we’re lookin’ at red swamp water this time! Noice.


It was like a murder scene in there once I dumped the bucket! Even though I fed in almost a kilo the chunk that came out was probably only 18 grams. Not good returns! Ohhh well, I remembered that as the case from the first time around. I was ever hopeful though, that I could magically extract more this time lol!
Ok now down to the physical aspects of said hash. Super gooey. So I poured water and attacked the chunks. I got them mostly broken up and then vibrated the hell out of it and got them into small lumps. I’m not sure that’s going to cut the mustard, but I’ll give it a go. Also, I am going to whip some goodness up right away so I can sample it as some hard ass dabs.


did someone say murder?

I think I know a way of getting most of the moisture out, and I’ll try it next time!


Just cooking off the moisture while I whip it.


I think it might be dab worthy already!


Once spewtube is done…whatever it’s doing… the video will appear! I have no idea what takes gootube so long… some kind of video checking?


Next Level Shite fur shur Mr. Crowe!!!

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lol, those are some stiff peaks in the end. It turned out kind of fluffy and not sticky this time. It didn’t harden up like the meat breath one.
I think that once you can whip the hash like that it’s reached unreasonable purity. I think I’ll have to try and whip some big bud hash, just to see what happens.


here, we have a photo of mars. I mean some freeze dried PCK hash.

Here’s the main batch, peeled off and stuck into a flap of parchment. It dries faster with both sides exposed. I have to admit, I got fucking high! It does leave quite a blob in the slurper, so… I have yet to determine what that means. Turns fairly white, as well!


huh yah I noticed a pink color on the outer layer of the hash when I dabbed it all heh heh. I should whip up some more, and take a better photo this time. I think you can see it in the photo above!


That stuff I whipped up 10 days ago. Been chilling in the refrigerator and now it’s a waxy crumble when you pick off a chunk.


Looks good, I should have left mine in the fridge to set up. I did it with wet hash so I should try some dry stuff as well.


This is the progress on the big bud one. I heated the glass in the dehumidifier on 60C and then after a few…cough…then I whipped it. I put the lid on and I’ll let it reach room temp, and then put it in the fridge.


And the meatbreath one as well, I did the same thing. I whipped for about 60 seconds! It didn’t take as long as the wet hash to get stiff peaks.


I think the calyx container is contaminated with pink hash around the edges. Other than that, it’s looking great! They were in the fridge overnight.


Always enjoyable to read on your latest discoveries.

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That was the tech I got from marcus “bubbleman” in this crazy info dump he gave me. So I do my thing where I feast on the info and come up with a method of achieving what he said. In that way I’m not just copying what he said dogmatically, but taking the ideas and exploring them.
Here’s the really strange part as I see it… I’ve actually never heard anyone say to do that before, so I was intrigued. There are a few examples online, but they never tell you how it’s done.


Hahah I showed a grow buddy I haven’t seen in quite a while the hash dust…he was kind of speechless. He’s made a decent amount of bubble hash and just never knew the potential it had. Got the good old “…that’s hash…?”