The quest for unicorn gold!

Unfiltered live hash rosin is what you should call the fresh whipped stuff. It is just rosin without any filtration, correct?

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The process makes sense…you are able to work it so that when it is frozen, I’d assume, it shatters into tiny pieces as the water expands… eventually it dries out leaving the finished powder.

Have you noticed different results depending on the moisture level when frozen?


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Definitely looks like rosin! I just call it whipped bubble though.


I actually shatter it with my hand, by giving it a wack. The more moisture left in there, the longer it takes to dry out. The water ice sublimes, leaving a pile of trichomes that used to be trapped in the ice. Smashing it into bits gives you smaller pieces which dry faster. Additionally the hash that is gooey can be dried like this, where as before I couldn’t cut it into bits to dry out.

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Have you tried mixing different hashes?


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Definitely! That last meat breath batch I made is actually 50% big bud. I like mixing them better as rosin, the flavors are more pronounced!


ok I have some photos from the current hash. I’m gathering observations, right? The more times you look at it, the more familiar you are with it. Until it merges with your mind.

Meat breath, big bud combo pack. Made by a thin layer of hash with the water sublimed out of it.

Big bud hash, which is basically dust at this point, except for the green. That shit sticks together!

PCK, still in progress! Lots of water ice left here. I’ll be glad when I’ve streamlined the process, fucking takes forever to dry.


Meat breath and big bud combo pack, heated to 60C and whipped with a pin.

Same shit, different pile of hash. I like to take a photo of that thin string of hash. It would have the least structure, except it seems solid. Big bud whipped hash.


I’m amazed how different they appear.
Same process but different strain?



That’s great that they mix so homogeneously, exciting possibilities mixing strains! So both strains have the color loss…have you tried working with a more colorful hash than “amber”? It would be interesting to see how much color is lost.


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Same process, but half of that one batch is meat breath and the other is just plain big bud.

Are you talking about their white-ish color? Each strain has it’s own color, and none of them are exactly the same.

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Sure am…I thought you had said that the hash turned white by the end of the process.


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Oh yah some of them do look really white! If you sprinkle a few trichome caps on there it’s really white. If you start making piles…and get loads of them, then you can see they are sort of off-white. Subtle in their color difference. So I just call it white, not that it really is…per se :wink: when you whip them though, there is a radical difference in the color and consistency. amazeballs.


Loving the progress updates. Can’t wait for an informative YouTube how to video from you when you’ve got it all figured out.

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mixed bag hash, ready for ingestion! I’m using the spoon nowadays, instead of the dab scoop. I can get more on there heh heh.


27 days later!


momma mia! The unicorn has been repaired so we’ll see what it looks like tomorrow.


Well, there you go! The unicorn has been transformed into something more like a bottle. Ahhh I forgot how good a hit it delivers through the custom glass. Those artists know how to really make a good rig. The stupid red eye one works, but it’s just cheap junk glass.


Can we see the writing?

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He didn’t re-sand or resurface the words, even though I can get him to do it if I want. Because he offered to. The letters are there but they are just raised bumps with no sanding.