Tonygreens RIL Group Buy Grow Show (Closed)

I found security footage. Look on his belt beside tge butt of the rifle… all the seeds were in there


Damnit why would you go pissing a bear off when you are delivering seeds, he should have been carrying bear spray.


I understand what you were trying to accomplish. Perhaps it’s fortunate that you don’t actually have any money tied up in this group buy. Rather than telling us to “wait this out” or “shut it down”, I hope it’s more productive to remind people about Hugh’s successful efforts with the BOG group buy and the fact that he didn’t abscond with the cash for this group buy. You know, combat the frustration and negativity with logic and hope. As I’ve said, maybe I’m being naive. So be it.


This was the idea behind me pointing out they have good reputations. The fact is that waiting it out is all that can be done and shutting down all the negativity is good for all involved. I totally get peoples frustrations and the fact is the only person who can truly combat the frustration and negativity is Hugh_Glass .


Ha! Or maybe he misunderstood what everyone means when they are described as “fire”, and used them as shot! Easy mistake to make?

We’ll know for sure if this is the mixup if we start getting BB’s in the mail.


Have many people grown out the bog seeds? . Hugh’s rep could be a mirage .


Same here. I m not too far from loki and I m pretty sure Hugh is from the same state as loki


We all need to chill out a bit. Who has ordered seeds from attitude (or out of country)? Yeah the anticipation creates anxiety, by choice. If ya’ll had to wait on this southern boy atm? You’d have your seeds next year sometime, I’ve got way too many family issues atm. Shit Happens (thank ya gump), and We gotta wait this out. In my mind? I’ll give it another 3 months. We are dealing with a person @Hugh_Glass. Not a company. You want seeds? I’ll send ya 20 of the freebies that I just got after 2 months of waiting on customs in chicago :smile: . We’re supposed to be stoners, we need to chill out.


Nothing to chill about, he could of had a bit of courtesy to ease everybody’s minds.
This isn’t customs or overseas were dealing with here.
Supposed to be a brother or a friend.


You do have a point, I would atleast post and tell everyone I was backed up.


And I’m sure at that point everyone would’ve understood


I understand that alot of the folks that took part in this deal are really frustrated at this point, but I urge yall to take it easy. Tony already came on here and said he would make things right if Hugh doesnt come through, so try not to worry too much. It just might take a bit longer for everything to get sorted out. I am fully confident in @Tonygreen and have complete trust in him. Its all gonna be ok ! Sorry to everyone that this delay had a negative impact on. I have plans for these beans too, but really, if we HAD to have them that bad by a certain date why wouldnt we just go buy them from glg or someone else ? I know they cost more through a vendor but jeez ! The point is that we will be compensated one way or another so just take er easy for a bit longer.


Please link where he said this. I must have missed it.


I did say if it broke bad I’d obviously do something… im obviously not run off to Costa Rica. I’ve got 4 kids and two businesses I run.
I did everything im supposed to do here.
Im waiting around until there is resolution like anyone else.

Anyone thinking im in on some scam is off base.
Banks would have grabbed ALL those packs no problem.

You can do the math yourself on 400+ packs.
With all the labor and time and reduced rate I took a major loss on this project justified by expected return good will from the growers.

People talking about you want his address? You gonna roll up over 50? Wow… Who’s next me??? I see some of yall are taking your little side shots at me. It’s all good though. God don’t like ugly. Thats crazy talk. So don’t wonder why if I don’t fuck with you after this.

I see why no other breeders generally do shit like this tho and the true colors comin out is why I stay off the forums these days. Could have used the goodwill, this bullshit threats and conspiracy not so much.

If anybody sent their last 50 bucks and are now out on the streets at skid row and life ruined you can crash at my place until you get on your feet.

In the end yall will get beans or your money back.
If thats not good enough well thats all I can do so…


I wouldn’t think anyone would be wanting any money back from you man. You did everything you were suppose to do.

Even just being here dealing with our BS still after the fact shows your a stand up guy.


This is also the perfect example of why I dont do mail myself. You never know what type of person you’re really dealing with. Show up at my house we are all making national news at 9…

Anyone else making threats to people should be put the fuck out. What are we a bunch of animals?


@Tonygreen please my man, don’t let the bad responses derail the respect we all have for you as a business man and a damn good breeder. Lots of us here value your presence on OG! I can plainly see you are tired of the bashing of your rep, totally understandable. But there are more of us supporting your stance on this. If everything goes left you will be the one losing out, so positive vibes in all directions folks. Respect the players that work hard to share with you these tight genetics to fulfill your gardens with. Tony Green is a solid dude, who took a loss to get this run done. Show the man some OG respect and not toss his name about.


Oh brother, as a member of the OG community I really feel for the position you are in. I for one an thrilled folks like you are here and willing to do all the work you did on this project. I am sorry for all the ill will I am seeing around here. You don’t deserve any of it. :v:


Amen to that my brother and this thread is getting pretty damn ugly

No way this is your problem and I don’t feel anything is going on HG is a good dude and just hope all is well