TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

Haha. It’s noon? I need to get some stuff done. I’ll be checking back in later.


@FattyRoots FATTY! how are you my brother? How’s life treating you, the little princess well? Miss you homie, and our constant interactions etc. Definitely one I consider my true Brother :facepunch:t2: Much respect


I hear you, went to the docs earlier but other than that I’ve done sweet f all lol, have a great day brother :facepunch:t2: @Indicana_Jones

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:joy: the guys around us that we know are growing we have given plants just for the pollen reason. Outdoor is definitely a whole other animal


Excellent idea…. Imagine ALL THOSE PLANTS! And you find SEEDED in fall! OMFG . Very wise brother, very very wise :wink:


It happens even with the farmers. Meet a couple last year that did regular seed. They missed a male. Fully seeded their crop. If it’s to seeded the processor won’t even take it!


I couldn’t imagine on a monster production crop! :scream: never had to worry back in the day, never had an issue once , but we’re also going “Where no man has gone before” lol it’s crazy the lengths I’ve went to, so guerilla growing in essence is gonna be sensi EVERYTIME unless you are pollinating or bringing in a male/males etc. as we always planted clones too. I was just saying that I could only imagine if I had the knowledge and genetics I have access to now back then, especially a few of those epic BUMPER years! Would have been something else for sure, didn’t have this humidity then either.


ghostface would have been bloody face if he talked to me like that back in the day. cant stand ppl who try to prop themselfs up by belittling others. shows insecurness to me


Mornin everybody. Let’s get some morning drink of choice crackin and have a pain free and productive weekend!


That cracked me up! Bloody face, he really was a prick though…. Changed my outlook :100:


Good morning @Indicana_Jones and all of my friends. I like the vibe you are putting down, coffee in hand, feeling pretty good. Hope everyone else is as well. Even have a semi cool spell happening here atm. Bonus


Good Morning brotha and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses:


Some black gas for lunch today, this stuff will stink up your whole place when busting! For hours, sticky, greasy, funky fire. It’s one strain I’ve been smoking for years but have never seen beans/a cut /nothing. And I get it from a buddy who gets it direct from BBCF “beautiful bc flowers” I asked about a cut before and was quoted 1500$ smh if anyone ever comes across this strain please :pray:t3: let me know.


Yoo fam, been a rough go lately with the whole house getting the Covi D, been brutal but we are thankfully starting to get to the other side.

Took my little one out for a surf yesterday, almost killed me haha but she loved it. For a 4 year old she’s ripping already yew :call_me_hand:t4:

Hope you are well ghee

Jah Bless Mi Lion :jamaica:



Looks fire brotha. Ill keep my eyes peeled.
1500$ is wild to me. Must be out of this world.


That’s super cool! You pushing her into the waves or can she already paddle in herself?


She can paddle in on the boog but the 8ft soft top is too big, we ride tandem with me lying down and steering on the tail while she stands on the nose. As much as I’d like to, I’m not trying to be a soccer dad and push her too much. We live 5 minutes from 2 world class warm water waves so she’s blessed, no rush

You a surfer Pat?


That’s awesome @FattyRoots . Kids in the ocean is great. Mine had opportunitiesa, but just had other interests. Now the grandkids are frothy. Weston is almost 6. Grew up with a roommate rock in one hand, a stick in the other. Mouth full of sand. Can’t keep him out of the ocean. Got him a new boogie board recently, he didn’t want a surfboard like his sister. He just mobs it with his boogie in a million ways. My 3 g-kids had had some loss. Dealing with grief. If an overpriced booger that was the “right” colors and made him happy, what’s a few bucks. They aren’t spoiled. Just need some help lately. The ocean heals lots.


Nice!! That’s awesome. I don’t surf much these days, but did it a ton for about 28 years. There was a little kid who could shred at a super young age, but couldn’t paddle in at all on his own. His dad would come out with him, push him into the wave, little kid would go nuts, and then his dad would tow him back out. Always thought it was funny and cool.


Lol “The Dude abides”