TopShelfs trees (Part 1)

There’s nothing scarier than seeing a wall come towards you


Yea haha some injuries will get the best of you. I know I ruined my hips from falling off a quarter pipe to flat on my hip over shooting a bs lipslide and all the other times too. :joy:

There is an art to falling up to a point. I always think of the gnarly coral reefs surfers have to keep in mind. or if your riding those massive waves, just the shear force of the water landing on you guys is wild too.


10+ stair handrails is where it started getting gnarly. Was filming my buddy on a 12-stair kink handrail doing a crooked grind and tried to heel flip out, but slid on the heel flip out, landed on the edge of the rail, severed his urethra, and blood started pouring out like pee from his penis. After that, I pulled back on skating as much and as hard. Stuck more to minis and bowls. Haha Reefs will definitely get your ass too. Nothing scarier than dropping in on a reef break that has pulled all of the water off of the reef below you, so two or so inches of coral are straight up exposed out of the water. Soup Bowls…


Jeez, had me sitting here watching The Decline on my phone feeling like a 16 year old again. Haha

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Honestly I’m all jacked up now too! Just going for breakfast with pops, be back shortly fam! Carry on


Oof! That will do it. I always loved watching clips but never throwing down on the big sets or attempting rails lol.

Oh yea really any handrail or big set of stairs can break you apart. I never got into handrail or stairs.
Mini ramps, launch ramps, some bowls later on when I lived in California for a brief time but not much as they weren’t around growing up over here.

I’ve always been a transition skater. Fun session ever now and then still. I call them old man runs.

That is intense. Only thing I can possibly relate the feeling is you get hung up on a big transition. Looking straight down to flat, Noooooo, splat!
Every now and then I look up those monster wave riders out in Portugal I think it is. The balls on those riders…
This one :

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Nazarre and McNamara are insane!!! Haha I thought 15’-20’ Mavericks was scary as hell. Those guys are just out of their minds. The speed going down one of those things on a big gun like that must be nuts!!

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Shot out of cannon man. Insane speed.

Only recently learned of the term Mavericks after watching Chasing Mavericks about Jay Moriarity. Then searched him the YT. Found this video about him back then.

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Hope the food is great and coffee is endless brotha. :coffee:

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Yeah man, Mavericks is super sketchy because of all of the kelp/seaweed, seals, and great whites. Then the sound of that wave is something. Kind of creepy. Haha

The first guy to ever surf mavericks talks al about it in riding giants

The stories they relive are amazing


Mini motivation. Loved watching this and then skating a mini with friends.


Thank God for that. With me and mine it’s a walk in deep woods that soothes the soul. I think that unspoiled nature has that effect in general.


We loved fisheye lenses back in the day, huh? Haha

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Wild man, That water must be so cold.

That does sounds like a super sketchy spot. Sharks yup count me out and then all the other stuff going on. The force of waves is something I can only imagine and white noise I bet when you’re in it.

Ill look it up and check it out. Always liked hearing the stories.

What a classic, when I found first saw it. Our minds were blown. Daewon still rips and blows my mind. Im going to watch it now haha.

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Right?? I was in college when it came out and not paying attention to the skate and surf world anymore like I was as a kid. Went over to a buddy’s house, he asked me if I’d seen it, didn’t really want to watch a skate movie, he kept begging me to watch it, finally did, thought it was the best skate movie I’d ever seen, and we ended up building a mini inside of his house. Was sooooo much fun. Daewon is insanely good at skating and still out there killing it. Nuts! Daewon, Mullen, and Koston always did some stuff that just made you have to watch them skate. Not they were my favorites, but probably should’ve been. Haha Shredders for sure. Style is so important though too and they had/have it.

@InTheWoods best to watch that film on big screen ( tv ) than phone , treat it like a good movie

Just don’t get put of with the black n white footage at start , it’s all part of the build up

I’m on my computer with a decent size monitor. I’ll give it the proper treatment. :sunglasses:

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Loved this as a kid. Watched it too many times. Haha